Mitrinović, Gurdjieff and other adventurers falsifiers

Partant from Karl Polanyi, je remonte de fil en aiguille and by cercles concentriques, les réseaux autour de lui et dans lesquels il a été pris et j’ai rencontré trois personnages étranges que sont Dimitrije Mitrinović1 – puis aux deuxième et troisième degrés de proximité, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff; or also Piotr Continue Reading

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Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum, a Strange Serie of Polanyi Lectures in 1939

Strange is the archive we can find in KPA 15/06, constituted by the syllabus and notes of a set of six lectures called „Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum” [litterally: “ German Life and Literature”]. Actually, those lectures given by Karl Polanyi between January and February 1939 for the “extended courses” of London Continue Reading

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An encounter between Karl Polanyi and Ludwig von Mises in 1919?

In his Mises, the last Knight of Liberalism [2007], Jörg Guido Hülsmann writes: In the early summer of 1919, [Mises] led negotiations with representatives of the new—and as it turned out, short-lived—Communist government of Hungary, concerning the property rights of Austrian citizens in Hungary. The official leader of the Hungarian delegation Continue Reading

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Karl Polanyi in Hungarian

Gareth Dale published the Hungarian Writings in July, 2016, a collection of texts in which 39 Hungarian texts has been translated in English, by Adam Fabry. Nevertheless, in the Karl Polanyi Archives, there remain however 74 texts in Hungarian that have never been translated. For some of them, this fact Continue Reading

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Felix Schafer

I want to contact the three children of Felix and Adele Schafer. The austrian couple emigrated in New Zealand, in Wellington, in 1939. If you have some information, don’t hesitate to write to me!

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