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- Progress and Perspective, 1962
- Is the New Testament anti-Semitic?: A re-examination of the New Testament, 1965
- Man Becoming. God in secular experience, Herder & Herder, 1970
- The Infallibility Debate, 1971
- The Jews, faith and ideology, 1973
- The Church as Institution, 1974
- Religion and Alienation, Paulist Press, 1975 (2nd ed. By Novalis, 2006).
- Christian theology after Auschwitz, 1977
- Truth Beyond Relativity: Karl Mannheim’s Sociology of Knowledge, The Marquette Lecture, Marquette University Press, 1977
- Catholics and Canadian Socialism: Political Thought in the Thirties and Forties, 1980
- The Holocaust and Christian Theology, 1982
- New Religious Movements, 1983
- Ethics and Economics: Canada’s Catholic Bishops on the Economic Crisis, 1984
- The Sexual Revolution, 1984
- Theology and Society, Paulist Press, 1986
- Liberation Theology and Marxism, 1986
- Thomas Berry and the New Cosmology, 1987
- God and Capitalism: A Prophetic Critique of Market Economy, 1991
- Essays in Critical Theology, Sheed and Ward, 1994
- Karl Polanyi on Ethics and Economics, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1996
- The Reconciliation of People: Challenge to the Churches, 1997
- The Twentieth Century: A Theological Overview, 1999
- Nationalism, Religion and Ethics, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001
- The Reconciliation of Peoples: Challenge to the Churches, 2002
- “Reclaiming Democracy: The Social Justice and the Political Economy of Gregory Baum and Kari Polanyi Levitt,” edited by Marguerite Mendell, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005
- Signs of the Times: Religious Pluralism and Economic Injustice, Novalis, 2008
- “Truth and Relevance: Catholic Theology in French Quebec since the Quiet Revolution”, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014
- “Fernand Dumont: A Sociologist Turns to Theology”, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015
- “The Oil Has Not Run Dry: The Story of My Theological Pathway”, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016