Karl Polanyi Archives (New Classification)

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Documents Overview

Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
56/01 From Mihály Pollacsek to Cecilia Wohl Mihály Pollacsek Correspondence de 1898
56/02, 1-3 From Aline Klatschko to Ervin Szabó Aline Klatschko Correspondence de 1899.05.01
56/02, 4-6 From Aline Klatschko to Ervin Szabó Aline Klatschko Correspondence de 1899.05.08
56/02, 7-9 From Aline Klatschko to Ervin Szabó Aline Klatschko Correspondence de 1899.06.06
56/02, 10-12 From Aline Klatschko to Ervin Szabó Aline Klatschko Correspondence de 1899.06.26
56/02, 13-14 From Aline Klatschko to Ervin Szabó Aline Klatschko Correspondence de 1899.07.10
56/02, 15-16 From Aline Klatschko to Ervin Szabó Aline Klatschko Correspondence de 1899.09.03
56/02, 17-18 From Aline Klatschko to Ervin Szabó Aline Klatschko Correspondence de 1899.09.10
56/02, 19-21 From Aline Klatschko to Ervin Szabó Aline Klatschko Correspondence de 1899.12.18
56/02, 22-115 Correspondence Aline Klatschko – Ervin Szabó Aline Klatschko – Ervin Szabó Correspondence de 1900-1901
56/03 Correspondence Samuel Klatschko – Ervin Szabó Samuel Klatschko – Ervin Szabó Correspondence 1899-1909
56/07 Correspondence György Lukács – Leo Popper György Lukács – Leo Popper Correspondence 1907-1911
01/01 A történelmi materializmus drámája Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1907
56/06, 1-6 From Cecile Polanyi to György Lukács Cecile Polanyi Correspondence de n.d.
56/06, 7-16 From Cecile Polanyi? to György Lukács Cecile Polanyi? Correspondence de n.d.
56/06, 17-18 From Cecile Polanyi to György Lukács Cecile Polanyi Correspondence de n.d.
56/06 Correspondence Karl Polanyi – György Lukács Karl Polanyi – György Lukács Correspondence 1908-1970
56/04 Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Ady Endrének Karl Polanyi - Ady Endrének Correspondence 1909
01/02 A tudomány mödszere Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1909
01/03 Kultura - ákultura Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1909
01/04 Preface Ernst Mach (Bevezetés) Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1910
01/05 Az orthodoxia fontosságáról Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1910
01/06 Nézeteink válsága”, Huszadik Század, vol. 11, 1910, no. 2, pp. 125-127, and Szabadgondolat, vol. 8, no. 3, 1918, pp. 13-15, 1909-1970 Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1910
46/13 Notebook (late Hungary and early Vienna period) Karl Polanyi Notes on Readings en/fr 1910-1920
01/07 Mi nem küzdünk a vallás ellen” -Szabadgondolat Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1911
01/08 A szabadoktatásért Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1911
01/10 Hit és hiszékenység Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1911
01/11 A destruktiv irányról Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1911
56/06, 90-92 To György Lukács Karl Polanyi Correspondence hu 1912.01.31
01/09 A Magyar irodalom válsága Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1912
01/12 Beszéd a meggyözödésröl Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1913
01/13 Tanulság Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1913
01/14 Az esküdtszéki reform Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1913
01/15 Az angol példa Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1913
01/16 Történelemtanitás a láthatáron Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1913
01/17 A Regnum Marianum cserkészei Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1913
01/18 Kétségeim Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1913
01/19 A strohmann Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1913
01/20 Radikális polgári politika Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1913
03/17 Három Március 1911-1912-1913”, no. 11 Oszkár Jászi, László Rubin and Károly Pólányi Published Article de 1913
56/08, 27-28 To Laura Polanyi (1913?) Karl Polanyi Correspondence hu 1913?
56/09 Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Toni Stolper Karl Polanyi - Toni Stolper Correspondence 1913-1959
01/21 Galilei Kör Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1914
01/22 Könyvek Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1914
01/23 Polgári radikálisok, szocialisták és törtenelmi ellenzék Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1914
01/24 A magyar hegemonia és a nemzetiségek Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1914
01/25 A Radikalizmus Programmja és Célja Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1918
01/26 A mai nemzedék hivatása” (The Calling of this Generation) Karl Polanyi Translation in English hu 1918
01/27 A világbéke Dummer August-jai Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1918
01/42 A mai nemzedék hivatása Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1918
01/45 Pártjaink és a béke Karl Polanyi Review Article hu 1918
01/47 A szocializmus próbája Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1918
01/48 Radikális párt és Polgári párt”, Szabadgondolat Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1918
04/07 "A termeszettörvények értelme és értéke" Ernst Mach Published Article hu 1918
03/18 Müveltség és kultura”, Szabadgondolat Ervin Szabó Published Article de 1918
03/16 Der Generalstreik und die Soziale Revolution [1902] Siegfried Nacht Published Article de ??
04/06 Prinzip verteilter Rollen" Author unknown Draft Article de n. d.
30/14 Biographical information on Samuel Klatschko Karl Polanyi Biographical information en 1919-1933?


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
03/19 „Der Weg zum Sozialismus”, Berlin, Freiheit [1919] Otto Bauer de 1919?
01/28 Kézirásos töredék svövege” (nyilván a későbbi Galilei Kór időkből, 1919 elött) (Draft article) – N. t., 1919 Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1919
01/29 Polgárháború”, Szabadgondolat Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1919
01/30 Fizikai és szellemi munka Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1919
01/31 Ovation held at the Obsequies for Endre Ady - Szózat a Galilei Kör ifjuságáhöz Karl Polanyi  Speech hu 1919
01/43 A tudomány autonomiája és az egyetem autonomiája Karl Polanyi Review Article hu 1919
01/44 Jog és erőszak”, Szabadgondolat Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1919
01/46 "Internacionale", Szabadgondolat Karl Polanyi Review Article hu 1919
02/09 Worauf es heute ankommt. Eine Erwiderung Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1919•1920
01/53+02/01 Wissenschaft und Sittlichkeit[1] Karl Polanyi Published Manuscript hu/de 1919•1922
07/08, 157-182 Notebook XVI Karl Polanyi Notes on readings fr/de 1919-1922?
07/08, 183-254 Notebook I (Medicin) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de/fr/en 1919-1922?
02/08 Notes on Medicin (2), etc. Karl Polanyi Draft Article?
Note on readings?
de 1919•1925 (Early 1920s)
02/11 Notes on Medicin (1) (Harvey and Sanctorius, etc.) Karl Polanyi Reading Notes de 1919-1925 (Early 1920s)
03/08 Marxismus und geistige Arbeit Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1919•1933
02/24, 1-24 Notes on Quesnay (1) Karl Polanyi Reading Notes en 1919•1920?
02/24, 25-30 Notes on Quesnay (2) Karl Polanyi Reading Notes en 1919•1920?
02/24, 31-34 Four Pages of Bibliography Karl Polanyi Reading Notes en 1919•1920?
02/24, 35 Sheet of Paper on Quesnay Karl Polanyi Reading Notes en 1919•1920?
05/02, 28-x Notes on readings – Vienna period Karl Polanyi Notes on readings 1919-1933
05/03 Address book - Vienna and United Kingdom 1919-1946


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
02/02 Der Glauben an die Wahrheiten der Wissenschaftslehre von der Soziologie“) Karl Polanyi Draft Manuscript de 1920•1922
02/03+02/04 Die Wissenschaft von der Zukunft Karl Polanyi Draft Articles de 1920•1922
02/05 Unsere Ablehnung der wissenschaftlichen Politik… Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1920•1922
02/06 Unser kleine Schrift… Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1920•1922
02/07 Wissenschaftliche Politik und neue Skepsis Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1920•1922
04/09 Notebook II (Theology, Kommunizmus, Communism and Marxism; B. Friedlaender) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de 1920s (Early)
04/11 Notebook III (Notes on a large book in 8 parts in German) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de 1920s (Early)


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
01/40 Hivö és hitetlen politika Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1921
04/10 Notebook V (Schumpeter (2), French Enlightenment, Weber, Oppenheimer, Kölner V. f. Soz.wissen., Tönnies (1)) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de 1921
02/16+03/03 Ist Sozialismus eine Weltanschauung? Karl Polanyi Lecture / Draft Article de 1921•1922
01/50 Articles - Bécsi Magyar Ujság Karl Polanyi Published Articles hu 1921-1923
01/51 Articles - Bécsi Magyar Ujság Karl Polanyi Published Articles hu 1921-1923
01/52 Articles - Bécsi Magyar Ujság Karl Polanyi Published Articles hu 1921-1923


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
56/05 Correspondence Helene Békássy – Ilona Duczyńska Helene Békássy – Ilona Duczyńska Correspondence 1922
02/13 Sozialistische Rechnungslegung Karl Polanyi Published Article de 1922
02/14 Der Geistgeschichtliche Hintergrund des Moskauer Prozesses Karl Polanyi Published Article de 1922
03/23 Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre [1922] Max Weber Published Book de 1922?
04/05 “Kossuth Lajos emigrációja és az októberi emigráció“ Oszkár Jászi Published Article hu 1922
46/02 “Zum Zerfall der K. P. U.”, Unser Weg Ilona Duczyńska Article de 1922.03.xx
05/01, 137-218 Notebook VI (Tönnies (2), Lederer) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de 1922+
05/01, 1-68 Notebook VII (Das Übersichtsproblem) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de 1922-1925?
58/06 Correspondence and personal documents Edith Lea Szécsi Correspondence 1922-1944
13/09 Hungarian Council in Great Britain Newsletters and newspaper clippings en 1922-1946


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
03/22 „Wirtschaftsrechnung und Gemeinwirtschaft", Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, vol. 51, no. 2, 1923, pp. 501-520 Jakob Marschak Published Article de 1923
03/20 „Neue Beiträge zum Problem der sozialistischen Wirtschaftsrechnung” Ludwig von Mises Published Article de 1923
03/05 Zum Begriff Bedürfnisskalen Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1923?
03/10, 1 Sheet of paper on Christianity and Fascism [Typewritten] Karl Polanyi Draft? de 1923•1933
03/10, 2 Sheet of paper, table of contents of reading notes of Carl Menger's 2d edition of Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre [1923] Karl Polanyi Notes of Readings de 1923•1933
22/07 Notes on readings on Carl Menger Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de 1923•1933


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
02/15 Die funktionelle Theorie der Gesellschaft und das Problem der sozialistischen Rechnungslegung Karl Polanyi Published Article de 1924
03/21 „Gildensozialistische Rechnungslegung, Kritische Bemerkungen zu Karl Polányi, ‘Sozialistische Rechnungslegung’”, Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, vol. 52, 1924, pp. 196-217 Felix Weil Published Article de 1924
47/01 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1924
47/02 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1924
47/03 Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Duchy of Lancaster Office Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1924
04/04 “Aufbau, nicht Abbau!”, Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt, n. d., pp. 183-184 Otto Deutsch Published Article de 1924•1934


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
01/32 A társadalomtudomány Karl Polanyi Draft Article hu 1925
02/12 Neue Erwägungen zu unserer Theorie und Praxis Karl Polanyi Published Article de 1925
03/01 Das Übersichtsproblem Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1925?
03/12 Articles - Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt – Vienna period Karl Polanyi Published Articles de 1925•1933
03/13 Articles - Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt – Vienna period Karl Polanyi Published Articles de 1925-1933
03/14 Articles - Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt – Vienna period Karl Polanyi Published Articles de 1925•1933
03/15 Articles - Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt – Vienna period Karl Polanyi Published Articles de 1925•1933
05/02, 1-27 Notebook IV (Notes of Readings by Thematics of a Book in German) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de 1925•1933


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
03/02 Das Übersichtsproblem, ein Hauptproblem des Sozialismus Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1926?
01/33 Review of Sozialistische Monatshefte Karl Polanyi Review Article hu 1926
01/34 Profétikus meglátással írta Keynes (Folyóiratok szemléje) Karl Polanyi Review Article hu 1926
01/4 Book Review of Könyvismertetések és birálotak, vol. 3, 1926 Karl Polanyi Book Reviews and Comments hu 1926
02/17 Wer ist die Linke? Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1926
03/09 …das Wesen der Kaufkraftwirtschaftlichen Betrachtungsweise… Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1926•1933


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
47/04 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1927
01/35 A magyar demokrácia célkitüzéseiröl Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1927
03/07 Auszug aus einem Referat zur Sozialisierungsfrage Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1927
02/22 "Pure Economic Theory Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1927?


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
01/36 Munkanélküliség a szellemi pátyák köréhen Karl Polanyi Review Article hu 1928
01/37 Karl Kraus Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1928
01/38 Matematikai statisztika Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1928
01/41 Az Új Középeurópa Karl Polanyi Review Article hu 1928
02/10 Hans Mayer’s Lösung des Zurechnungsproblems Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1928


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
01/39 "A Galilei Kör mérlege", Korunk Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1929
02/18 Einsteins spezielle Relativitätstheorie Karl Polanyi Published Article de 1929
56/08, 29-33 Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Laura Polanyi (“Mausi”) Karl Polanyi – Laura Polanyi Correspondence 1929-19??
56/13 Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczyńska - Irene Grant Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczyńska - Irene Grant Correspondence 1929-1964
03/06 Über das Wesen der Ost-Europäischen Wirtschaftskrise Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1920s


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
02/23 Pax anglo-americana Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1930
05/01, 69-136 Notebook IX (Economy) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de 1930-1933?
02/19 Europe in Ferment Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1931
02/20 Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre Karl Polanyi Lecture de 1931
18/01 "Austria and Free Trade", The Nation Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1931
04/02 „Grundzüge einer personalistischen Staats- und Gesellschaftsauffassung” and „Zur Soziologie der Gegenrevolution” – Sitzung des politisch-soziologischen Arb Aurel Kolnai Lectures de 1931-1932


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
03/24 "Youth in the Present Day World An Essay in Contemporary History" Walter M. Kotschnig Draft Article en 1932
56/10 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1932
04/03 „Discussion über Demokratie” and „Die Umwälzung in Deutschen Reich” - Sitzung des politisch-soziologischen Arbeitskreises Gregor Sebba Lectures de 1932-1933
05/04 Newspaper clippings Democracy, fascism and national socialism 1932-1933
56/11 Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Joseph Needham Karl Polanyi - Joseph Needham Correspondence 1932-1935


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
03/25 "What is Marxism" N. A. Klepinin Draft Article en 1933
03/26 Otto Bauer, Bereitschaft - aber wofür und wozu. Ein Brief Otto Bauer Published Article de 1933
04/01 Totaler Staat und Zivilization Aurel Kolnai Published Article de 1933
02/21 Die Wirtschaft ist für den Faschismus Karl Polanyi Lecture de 1933
03/11 Der Mechanismus der Weltwirtschaftskrise Karl Polanyi Published Article de 1933
07/07 Notebook X Karl Polanyi Notes on readings de 1933
04/08 “Die Kirche und der Sozialismus im Lichte der ‘Quadragesimo anno’”, C.D.V. Schriften, no. 1 Michael Pfliegler Published Article de 1933
18/02 "Austria and Germany", International Affairs Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1933
13/06 The Essence of Fascism” - Christianity and the Social Revolution, 1933-1934, pp. 359-394 Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1933-1934
13/08 Christianity and communism Joseph Needham Draft Article en 1933-1934
19/14 "The Balance Sheet of Treaty Revision" Karl Polanyi Notes en 1933•1939
28/36 “Russia’s Oil and Hitler’s Needs” Frederick Phillip Hellin en 1933•1945
21/20 "Fascist Economics" Karl Polanyi Notes en 1930s


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
13/05 Christianity and the Social Revolution – Contract with Victor Gollancz Limited Contract en 1934
03/04 Faschismus Karl Polanyi Draft Article de 1934
47/06 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence en 1934
17/11 The Review of Economic Studies, Vol.I, n°2 en 1934
17/12 Central European Problems Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1934
17/13 "Germany To-day" – Wallasey Grammar School Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1934
18/03 "Corporative Austria - A Functional Society?", New Britain Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1934
18/04 Othmar Spann, the Philosopher of Fascism", New Britain Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1934
18/05 "Spann's Fascist Utopia", New Britain Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1934
18/06 "Fascism and Marxian Terminology", New Britain Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1934
18/09 Marxism Re-stated Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1934
18/10 What three-fold State?", New Britain Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1934
18/11 Rudolf Steiner's Economy Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1934
18/12 "Austria - The Key to European Peace", Worker’s Educational Trade Union Council - Oriel College – Oxford Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1934-1935
21/21 Christian Left Group - Draft memoranda and articles with participation of Karl Polanyi Various Authors and Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1936
18/07 Fascism and Socialism Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1934•1940
19/20 "Politics, Psychology and Ethics" Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1946
19/20 "Psychology and Ideology: Actual and Assumed Motives" Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1946
19/20 "Maturity and the Common Man" Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1946
19/20 "Society, Politics and Psychology" Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1946
19/20 Rational and Irrational Factors in Politics Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1946
19/21 "The Structure of Political Science" Karl Polanyi Notes en 1934•1962
14/08 “A Planned Economy” Author unknown Draft memorandum en 1934+
14/09, x “The Nature of Mind” P. I. Painter (Pip) Draft Article en 1934+
14/09, x “The Social Nature of Man - Some Implications” P. I. Painter (Pip) Draft Article en 1934+
14/10 “The Case for Ernst Juenger” Author unknown Draft Article en 1934+
14/02 Austrian anti-fascist material Irene and Donald Grant 1934-1945
28/27 “Socialism”, Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences Oszkár Jászi en 1934•1937
28/28 “Socialist Parties”, Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences Arthur Rosenberg Article en 1934•1937
17/05 Syllabus of a conference in Nottingham, Extramural - Oxford University / Nottingham - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1934•1940
17/06 "Impartiality" - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1934•1940
06/05-07/01 Alphabetical Notebook for The Great Transformation (Notes A-H, I-R and S-Z) Karl Polanyi Notes 1934•1943
07/02 (Alphabetic) Notebook XII Themes for The Great Transformation (A-Z) Karl Polanyi Notes en 1934•1943
07/03 Notebook XIII (mostly on the Early Marx) Karl Polanyi Notes en 1934•1946
08/02, x "Recent Social Factors in Recent European History" Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1934-1946
08/02, x "Outlines of Policy on Jewish Question Arising During the Emergency Period in Central and Middle Eastern Europe Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1934-1946
08/02, x "Xty and Economic Life" Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1934-1946
08/02, x "Christianity and the Modern Forms of State" Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1934-1946
08/02, x "Secular Civilization" Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1934-1946
08/02, x "Fascism, the Common Enemy" Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1934-1946
08/02, x "Conflicting Philosophies in Europe" Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1934-1946
08/02, x "Russia and the British Working Class" Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1934-1946
08/05, x France To-day Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1936
08/05, x The Locarno Powers London Talks Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1936
08/06, x What Reform of the League Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/06, x Hot Spots in Europe Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/06, x The Relationship Between Economic & Political Institutions in Society Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/06, 9-10 Italy's Place in Europe Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/06, 11 The Reconstruction of Europe Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/06, 12-14 Can British Democracy Survive? Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/06, 15-19 Social and Historical Background of the British W. Democracy Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/07, x The Christian and the World Economic Crisis Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/07, x Uj Külpolitikai ABC Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/07, x The Rise and Decline of Market Economy Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/07, x Politics and Psychology Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/08, x The Moscow Agreements Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/08, x Munich and Moscow Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/09, x "Introductory Notes to Karl Marx's ‘Political Economy and Philosophy’" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/09, x "National, Economic and Social Crisis in Our Time" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/09, x "European Minority Issues, Solved and Unsolved" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/09, x "Trade Unions in Central Europe - After the Catastrophe Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/09, x "The Balance Sheet of Treaty Revision" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/09, x "On the Brink of a New Era of Religious Wars" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/10, x "British War Aims and Central Europe" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/10, x "Foreign Policy and Post-war Reconstruction" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/10, x "What Kind of World Order are We Fighting For?" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/10, x Balance of Power in Europe after the War" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/10, x "Post-war Balance of Power Outside Europe" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/10, x "The Political Prerequisites of a Stable and Just World Order" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/11, x "History in Our Days" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/11, x "The Structure of Political Science" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934•1946
08/11, x "The Break-down of the International System" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934-1946
08/11, x "The Democratic Alternative: Is America an Exception?" Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1934-1946
09/02 Notes and outlines (Marx & Marxism) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934•1946
09/03 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934•1946
09/04 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
09/05 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en/de 1934•1946
09/06 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934•1938
09/07 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings 1934•1946
10/01 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934•1946
10/02 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934•1946
10/03 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934•1946
10/04 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
10/05 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
10/06 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
10/07 Notes on readings – A. Toynbee, A Study of History Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
10/08 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
11/01 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
11/02 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
11/03 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
11/04 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
11/05 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
11/06 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
11/07 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
11/08 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
11/09 Notes and outlines Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1934-1946
54/06 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1934-1946
56/12 Agrarian economy in Hungary in the 1930s Karl Polanyi? Draft Manuscript en 1934-1960
15/01 "Marxian Philosophy" – L. B. C. Enfield - Outline Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1934-1935
12/01 Karl Polanyi's Schedule Tour with Institute of International Education - Lecture Tour - December 27, 1934 - April 19, 1935 Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1934-1935
21/19, x "A Christian View of Marxism" Karl Polanyi Notes en 1934•1940
21/19, x "Marxism and Christianity" Karl Polanyi Notes en 1934•1940
21/26 Christian Left Group "Notes on Policy Conference" en 1934•1940
19/07 Notes for "The Great Transformation" Karl Polanyi Notes en 1934-1943
19/10 "European Minority Issues, Solved and Unsolved" Karl Polanyi Notes en 1934•1943
18/37 Can Peaceful Civilizations Be Virile? Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1934•1946
18/39 The Meaning of Peace Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1934•1946
19/03 Memorandum on Industry Karl Polanyi en 1934•1964
20/05, 1-2 The Polarity of Emergency - Normalcy Situations Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1940
20/05, 3 Problems of Institutional Change Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1940
20/05, 5-10 Emergency and Normalcy Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1940
20/05, 11-14 Normalcy and Emergency Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1940
20/05, 15-18 Rationalismus and Irrationalismus? Karl Polanyi Draft en 1934•1940
20/08 The Fascist Transformation (Book Plan) Karl Polanyi Book Plan en 1934-1935


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
07/08, 1-67 Notebook XIV Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1935
12/02 Schedule of Six Lectures - Institute of International Education - Des Moines Public Forum - January 8 - February 15, 1935 Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1935.01-02.15
12/03 United States Lecture Tour 1935 Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1935
28/32 “American Neutrality and Collective Security”, Geneva Special Studies, vol. 6, no. 6 Raymond Leslie Buell Article en 1935
47/07 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1935
28/12 “A Prolegomena to the Study of Athenian Trade” Moses I. Finkelstein Article en 1935
18/13 Reflections on a Visit to Southern College Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1935
21/33 "Christian Left Study Circle" Notes en 1935
42/17 Plans for work in Russia Karl Polanyi en 1935+
13/07 Review articles of Christianity and the Social Revolution, edited by J. Lewis, Karl Polanyi and D. K. Kitchin Review articles en 1935-1936
21/29 Christianity and communism Newspaper clippings en 1935-1936
21/32 "Klages" Notes en 1935-1936
21/32 Compulsion and Defence Notes en 1935-1936
19/16 What Is the Real Character of the Economic Crisis? Karl Polanyi Draft en 1935•1939 (Late 1930s)
12/08 The Institute of International Education - New York City Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1935-1945
12/09 The Institute of International Education - New York City Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1935-1945
59/03 Correspondence Kari Levitt - Ilona Duczynska Kari Levitt - Ilona Duczynska Correspondence 1935-1978


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
21/23 Christian Left Group, Minutes and Agendas of Meetings. File consists of hand-written minutes of the Christian Left meeting. January 18, 1936, 10p John Macmurray and Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1936.01.18
19/11 Marx on Corporatism Karl Polanyi en 1936
12/04 United States Lecture Tour 1936 Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1936
17/27 "The Nature of the Present World Crisis" – Chelsea Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1936
16/08 "The Problem of Central Europe" - Oxford University - Edmonton - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1936
14/06 Royal Institute of International Affairs - Information Department – Memorandum – “The Montreux Straits Convention” ? en 1936
18/14 "Observations on Education for Politics in England and the United States", News Bulletin (MISSING)[2] Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1936
18/15 Is It Old England Still? An Outsider's View Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1936
21/01 "The Paradox of Freedom" Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1936
21/02 "Xty and the Social Order" – Liverpool Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1936
21/03 Three Talks on "Social Values in the Post-war" Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1936
21/04 On The Philosophy and Economics of Fascism" Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1936
21/05 "The Nature of the Present World Crisis" - Colchester, Essex, Adelphi Summer School Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1936
47/08 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1936-1938
20/11 Christian Left Group Bulletin, no. 1 - “Trotzkyism. Earlier Works of Marx” Various Authors and Karl Polanyi Published Articles en 1936-1938
20/10 News Sheet of the Auxiliary Christian Left/Christian Left, nos. 1-19 Various Authors and Karl Polanyi Published Articles en 1936-1940
25/15 Articles and drafts Walter C. Neale Articles en 1936-1964
21/27 Christian Left Group Correspondence Various Authors Correspondence 1936-1940
17/10 Journals and Pamphlets on Adult Education en 1936-1959
17/14 "World Politics To-day" – Stratton Park – Micheldever Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1936
19/27 "Hungarian Agricultural Economy and Reform" Author unknown Draft manuscript en 1936•1940
18/38 The Roots of Pacifism Karl Polanyi Draft Conference en 1936+
17/15 Europe's Peril - The Way Out Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1936-1937
15/04 "Contemporary Problems and Social and Political Theory" - University of London - Morley College Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1936-1940


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
21/22 "Statements from Christian Left Training Week-ends" Christian Left Group - The Auxiliary Movement Draft en 1937
16/09 "Austria and the Problem of Central Europe" Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1937
16/10 Conflicting Philosophies in Europe" Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1937
17/16 "Great Britain's Foreign Policy To-day" – Bedales School Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1937
21/34 Justice, vol. 1, no. 12 Various Authors Publication en 1937
17/17 "What is Fascism? - Its Nature and History" – Gresham's School Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1937
17/18 "Modern Governments - Progress or Regress?" – Thatches, Brasted Chart, Kent Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1937
18/16 Education for Politics - Education for politics in England and the United States Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1937
18/17 Education for Citizenship - in England and the U.S.A. Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1937
18/19 "The Educated Workman - What He Is Contributing to Industry", The Technology Review, vol. 39, no. 5, 1937, pp. 198-210 Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1937
18/21 Europe To-Day”, London Workers’ Educational Trade Union Committee Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1937
19/22, x Christianity and economic Life Karl Polanyi Draft en 1937
19/22, x Bemerkungen (“Christianity and economic Life”) Karl Polanyi Draft de 1937
21/06 The Birth of a New Society - Ealing Church Rev. John Groser Lecture / Notes en 1937
21/07 Christian Left Group - Lancing St. Schools Karl Polanyi en 1937
21/08 "Nationalism in Europe" (Christian Left Group) - Leeds University, Student Christian Movement Group Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1937
21/09 "Church and State on the Continent" – Newark Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1937
21/10 "Community and Society" and "The Christian Approach to Social Reconstruction" – Belfast Karl Polanyi en 1937
21/11 "The Nature of the Present World Crisis" - Fellowship of Wives Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1937
21/12 "The Economic Order" - St. Clement's Barnsbury, London Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1937
16/11 "English Economics, Social and Industrial History from the 16th Century" - Oxford University – Heathfield - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1937-1938
16/12 "Modern European History" (24 lectures) - Oxford University – Bexhill-on-Sea - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1937-1938
15/02 Conflicting Philosophies in Modern Society (6 lectures) – University of London - Eltham London County Council Literary Institute Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1937-1938
16/15 "Modern European History" - Oxford University – Bexhill-on-Sea - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1937-1940
35/01 Newspaper clippings en 1937-1947
14/11 "Intervention and Prices" Victoria Armstrong Outline and examination paper en 1937


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
14/07 Einige Voraussetzungen zum Verständnis der deutschen Entwicklung Dr. Alfred Sohn Rethel Article de 1938
15/03 "Perilous Europe" – University of London - Morley College Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1938
28/08 Social Structure and Anomie Robert K. Merton Article en 1938
20/12 Christian Left Group Bulletin, no. 2 - “Notes of a Week’s Study on The Early Writings of Karl Marx and Summary of Discussions on British Working Class Consciousness” Various Authors and Karl Polanyi Published Articles en 1938
20/13 The Meaning of Peace – “Critique of Pacifism” (for Christian Left Group Bulletin, no. 3) Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1938
17/19 "Versailles and After", “Aims and Methods of the Third Reich", "War and Peace on the Danube" – Stoke-on-Trent Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1938
20/18 Ukrainian Problem (Christian Left Group Draft Manuscript for Bulletin 16, no. 1) Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1938
21/13 "Xty and the Present System of Government" - Wives Fellowship, Oxted Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1938
21/14 The Christian Auxiliary Movement Papers presented at a Conference on the “Christian Answer to Fascism” – Oriel House - St. Asaph, North Wales Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1938
16/16 "International Affairs" - Oxford University - Rochester - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1938-1939
17/01 "Democracy and Culture in England, America and on the European Continent" – Oxford University – Canterbury - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1938-1939
16/13 "Modern European History" - Oxford University – Bexhill-on-Sea - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1938-1939
17/07 Two sketches of Karl Polanyi and his students at Workers' Educational Association Class William Townsend en 1938-1939
17/09, 1-54 Bibliography + Extramural - Oxford University Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1938-1939
17/09, 55-102 Two Blackwell's Annual General Catalogue Lectures en 1938-1939
58/08 Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Adele Schafer Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Adele Schafer Correspondence 1938-1939
20/02 "Tame Empires (Book outline and introduction)" Karl Polanyi Book Plan en 1938-1939
21/24 Christian Left Group Enquiry Committee - Minutes of meetings Various Authors en 1938-1939
16/06 University of London – University Extension Committee List of lecturers en 1938-1941
08/12 Notes and outlines for The Great Transformation Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1938•1944
08/13 Notes and outlines for The Great Transformation Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1938•1944
08/14 Notes and outlines for The Great Transformation Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1938•1944
08/15 Notes and outlines for The Great Transformation Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1938•1944
09/01 Notes and outlines for The Great Transformation Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1938•1944
14/13 Curriculum vitae Hermann Gerhard Leibholz en 1938+


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
20/14 Christian Left Group “Russia in the World” (Bulletins for Socialists, no. 4) Various Authors and Karl Polanyi Published Articles en 1939
20/15 “The Cry of the Chartists 1839-1939”, Bulletins for Socialists, no. 5 (Bulletins for Socialists, no. 5) Various Authors and Karl Polanyi Published Articles en 1939
20/16 “Coercion and Defence” (Bulletins for Socialists, no. 6) Various Authors and Karl Polanyi Published Articles en 1939
21/15 "Central Europe" - Chatham One-day School Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1939
21/16 "The International Situation" - Sutton One-Day School Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1939
17/02 "The Spanish Civil War and its Historical Background" - Belfast Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939
08/04 "Stages of the Russian Revolution,” 1934-1946 Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1939
47/09 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1939
15/05 "European Civilization in Transition” – University of London - East Ham Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939
15/05 "Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum" – University of London - Gresham College Karl Polanyi Lectures de 1939
17/20 "British Characteristics" – Canterbury Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939
17/21 "The Historical Background of the Eastern Situation" – Uttoxeter Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939
17/22 "The U. S. S. R. in World Politics" – High Wycombe Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939
17/23 "The Spanish Civil War and Its Historical Background” – University of Oxford - Balliol College Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939
15/07 "Society, Government and Economic Life under Fascism and Communism" and “Italy’s Place in Europe” – University of London - London County Council Literary Institute – Marylebone Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939-1940
16/14 "Modern European History" - Oxford University – Bexhill-on-Sea - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939-1940
17/03 "Social and Political Theory" – Oxford University - Canterbury - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939-1940
17/08 Tutorial Classes Committee - Report for the Year 1939-1940 – Oxford University – Workers’ Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1939-1940
13/10-14/01 Hungarian Council in Great Britain Draft articles, press
releases, memoranda,
reports and correspondence
en 1939-1945


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
12/05 Itinerary of Dr. Karl Polanyi - United States Lecture Tour 1940 Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940
47/10 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1940
28/06 “Peace Economics”, Social Research Jakob Marschak en 1940
18/22 On Propaganda Karl Polanyi Draft Article? / Conference? en 1940
20/09 English translation of Nézeteink válsága (The Crisis of Ideologies) Karl Polanyi Draft Translation en 1940
59/07 Hand-written and typed letters between Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczynska Correspondence 1940-1942
07/04-07-07/06 Notes on readings (A-G, H-P and R-Z) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings 1940•1944
19/04, 24 Nineteenth Century Politics Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940•1943
19/04, 25-27 Approach to Foreign Affairs Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940•1943
21/25 The Cultural Background of the British Working Class Karl Polanyi Draft 1940•1943
18/08 The Fascist Virus Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1940•1944?
08/03, x “Elements of Foreign Policy“ Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1940-1946
20/06 "Democracy vs. Total Crisis" Karl Polanyi Draft Notes en 1940•1944
08/03, x “Political and economic experiments in post war times” Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1940-1946
08/03, x “Political and economic experiment in our time. USA and New Deal” Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1940-1946
08/03, x “The political and economic root of the present crisis: nationally and internationally” Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1940-1946
57/05 Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”) Karl Polanyi - Michael Polanyi Correspondence 1940-1954
30/13 Karl Polanyi British passports Personal papers en 1940-1960
30/01 Karl Polanyi Biographical information 1940-1984


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
12/07, 1-5 Can Hitlerism Solve the World Problem? Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1941
12/07, 6-8 Essence of Fascism Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1941
47/11 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1941
12/06 Bennington College - Bennington, Vermont Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1941-1942
59/02, 1-56 Correspondence Kari Levitt - Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi - Kari Levitt Correspondence 1941-1963
59/05 Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczyńska Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczyńska Correspondence 1941-1962
57/04 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”) Ilona Duczynska - Michael Polanyi Correspondence 1941-1970
47/12 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1942
20/17 “The Law of Freedom Christian Left Group – Bulletins for Socialists, no. 7 Gerrard Winstanley Published Articles 1942.05
56/08, 1-26 Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Laura Polanyi (“Mausi”) Karl Polanyi – Laura Polanyi Correspondence 1942-1959
47/13 (MISSING) Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1943
20/04 Common Man's Masterplan (Book Plan) Karl Polanyi Book Plan en 1943
46/14 “Economics of Full Employment”, Feb. 13, 1943 Michael Polanyi Published Article 1943.02.13
29/07 The Student’s Contribution to Victory I.U.S COngress - The National Union of Students en 1943
57/08, 1-2+8-9 To Michael Karl Polanyi Correspondence en 1943.10.13
57/08, 3-7 To Michael Karl Polanyi Correspondence en 1943.10.25
18/23 "Why Make Russia Run Amok?" Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1943
18/24 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Or Is a Free Society Possible? Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1943
19/05 Memorandum concerning the Plan of a Book on 'Origins of the Cataclysm' Karl Polanyi Book Plan en 1943
19/06 Notes on The Great Transformation G. D. H. Cole Notes en 1943
18/25 Friends of Democratic Hungary - America 1943 Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1943?
13/04 The Great Transformation - Contract with Farrar & Rinehart Contract en 1943-1944
16/07 International Question Marks - University of London Morley College Karl Polanyi Draft Lecture en 1943-1944
15/08 "Government and Industry" – University of London - High Barnet Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1943-1944
15/08 "Government and Industry" – University of London - High Barnet Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1943-1944
57/08 Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”) Karl Polanyi - Michael Polanyi Correspondence 1943-1961
58/03 Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Adolf Polanyi’s family Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Adolf Polanyi’s family Correspondence 1943-1966
59/08 Hand-written and typed letters between Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczynska Correspondence 1943-1947
57/03 Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”) Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Michael Polanyi Correspondence 1943-1963
30/12 Personal papers Karl Polanyi Personal papers en 1943-1967


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
47/14, 1 From R.W. Seton-Watson R.W. Seton-Watson Correspondence en 1944.01.09
47/14, 2 From J. King Gordon J. King Gordon (Farrar & Rinehart) Correspondence en 1944.01.27
47/14, 3-7 Kurt ? Correspondence Kurt ? en 1944.02.06
47/14, 8-19 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Various Correspondence 1944.02-12.xx
47/14, 10 From Oszkár Jászi Correspondence Oszkár Jászi en 1944.02.15
47/14, 11-21 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Various Correspondence 1944.02-04.xx
47/14, 22-25 From Peter Drucker Correspondence Peter Drucker en 1944.04.16
47/14, 26-36 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Various Correspondence 1944.04-05.xx
47/14, 37-38 From Kenneth Ingram Correspondence Kenneth Ingram en 1944.05.19
47/14, 39-42 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Various Correspondence 1944.05.xx
47/14, 43 From A.D. Lindsay Correspondence A.D. Lindsay en 1944.05.24
47/14, 44-50 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Various Correspondence 1944.05-06.xx
47/14, 51 From ? Correspondence ? en 1944.06.06
47/14, 52-53 From Peter Drucker Correspondence Peter Drucker en 1944.06.12
47/14, 54-55 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Various Correspondence 1944.05-06.xx
47/14, 56-62 To A. D. Lindsay Correspondence Karl Polanyi en 1944.06.12
47/14, 63-105 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Various Correspondence 1944.07-12.xx
17/04 The Danubian Countries” - Oxford University - Workers' Educational Association Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1944
28/33 “Crime in the U. S. S. R.” Ralph Millner Article en 1944
07/09 “Origins of Institutions” Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en/de 1944•1946
58/01 Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Hans and Eva Zeisel Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Hans and Eva Zeisel Correspondence 1944-1964
12/10+12/11 The Great Transformation Various Authors Book Reviews en 1944-1977
12/12-13/02 Draft of a German version of The Great Transformation Karl Polanyi Draft de 1944•1964
38/19 Karl Polanyi Royalty Statements 1944-1977
47/15 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1945
46/15 “Persons”, Chicago, Ill., 1945 Michael Polanyi Lecture 1945
28/35 Articles James L. Halliday en 1945
08/01 The Planned International Organisation. The United Nations Karl Polanyi Draft Article/Lecture en 1945•1946
05/05-05/06 Bibliography Karl Polanyi Bibliography en 1945-1958
48/01 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1946
14/05 “The War and the Road to Serfdom” - Bennington College – Bennington, Vermont Horst Mendershausen Lecture en 1945
14/03 Pamphlets on Labour en 1945-1946
14/04 Whither Civilization?” - Report of a 1946 Conference of the Institute of Sociology - England Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1946
28/04 “The Balance of Power in Society” Frank Tannenbaum Article en 1946
14/14 Notes on Karl Polanyi’s Work Authors Unknown Notes en 1944?
14/15 “Russia and Europe” E. H. Carr Lecture en 1944
14/16 Eulogy for Walter Federn en 1940s (Late)
14/17 Newspaper Clippings 2nd World War 1944-1947
14/18 Radio broadcasts from Europe - Transcripts en 1945
15/09 "Collective Security=Conditions of Peace" – Walhamston Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1944
15/10 "The Study of Human Institutions (Economic and Social)" – University of London – Finchley Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1944
15/11 "Politics, Economics and Society" – University of London – Morley College – Lambeth Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1944-1945
15/12 "International Affairs" - University of London – Barnet Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1944-1945
15/13 "International Affairs" - University of London – Lambeth Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1945-1946
16/01 "International Affairs" - University of London – Morley College Karl Polanyi Lectures / Notes en 1945-1946
16/02 "Europe Today and Tomorrow" - University of London - Morley College Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1945-1946
16/03 The Changing Structure of Society Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1946
16/04 The Theory of Politics" - University of London Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940s
16/05 "America, 1943" - University of London Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940s
17/24 "Rise and Decline of the Profit Motive" – London Co-operative Society Weekend School Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1945
17/25 "The New Nationalism in Europe" – High Leigh Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940s
17/26 "Capitalism in Transition" – Tunbridge Wells Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940s
17/28 "How Can the German People be Reintegrated into European Civilization?" Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940s
17/29 "The Nature of International Understanding" Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940s
17/30 "Culture in a Democratic England of the Future" Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940s
17/31 "Britain and Russia on the Danube" Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940s
17/32 "United Nations Organization" – London Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1946
17/33 "The Problem of the Mediterranean" Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1940s
18/18 Education and Social Reality. Austrian Experience Karl Polanyi Draft Article / Conference en 1940s
18/20 Education and Foreign Policy What Can Education Do to Improve the Foreign Policy of a Country Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1940s
18/26 Towards a New October Revolution in Hungary Karl Polanyi en 1944
18/27 "Yogi and the Commissar" - Letter to The New Statesman and Nation, July 21, 1945, p. 41-42 Karl Polanyi Published Letter en 1945
18/28 Universal Capitalism or Regional Planning? Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1945
18/29 "Count Michael Karolyi" (MISSING)[3] Karl Polanyi en 1946
18/30 Világkapitalizmus vagy regionális tervgazdaságok" - Uj Magyarország, September 17, 1946 Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1946
18/31 What Kind of Adult Education”, The Leeds Weekly Citizen, September 21, 1945 Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1945
18/32 "Adult Education and the Working Class Outlook" Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1946
18/33 Draft articles on Sociallist Education and Socialist Movement Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1945-1946
18/35 Nationalism and Internationalism Karl Polanyi Draft Article? en 1940s
18/36 Western Socialism. A Tract on Values and Power Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1946
18/40 "On political Theory" Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1940s
19/02 Britain's Foreign Policy Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1945•1950
19/04, 1-7 Peace and Policy Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940s?
19/04, 8 Power and Peace Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940s?
19/04, 9-13 Power - Power - Policy Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940s?
19/04, 14 Approach to Foreign Policy Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940s?
19/04, 16-20 Universalism is Regionalism Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940s?
19/04, 21-20 Approach to International Relations Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940s?
19/04, 22-23 Approach to International Relations Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940s?
19/08 The Meaning of Parliamentary Democracy Karl Polanyi Draft en 1945
19/09 "Britain and Poland" Karl Polanyi Notes en 1940s
19/12 Shaw the Poet Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1940s
19/13 File contains the following typed drafts (Crisis of 1920's, Enforced Uniformity, 1820 vs. 1920) Karl Polanyi Draft en 1940s
19/15 "In the Hands of the Vanquished" Karl Polanyi Notes en 1944?
19/17 The Eclipse of Panic and the Outlook for Socialism Karl Polanyi Draft en 1940s
19/18 Interventionism and the Alternative Karl Polanyi Draft en 1940s
19/19 "Individualism and Socialism" Karl Polanyi Draft en 1940s
19/23 Ignoring the Obvious Karl Polanyi Draft en 1940s
19/24 A Crossman ellenzék felvonulása" Karl Polanyi Draft hu 1946
19/25 England Torn between Europe and the Pacific Karl Polanyi Draft en 1940s
19/26 Experiences in Vienna and America Karl Polanyi Draft en 1940s
20/01 A moszkvai konferencia utan Karl Polanyi Draft hu 1940s
20/03 Book outline - Draft Karl Polanyi Book Plan en 1944+
21/17 "Is Human Nature Unchangeable?" Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1945?
22/06, 38-54 Notebook “Bücher” (on Bücher and Rodbertus) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en/de 1946•1955?
34/14 Notices en 1946-1964
58/10 Correspondence Adele and Felix Schafer - Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Adele and Felix Schafer Correspondence 1946-1962
58/13 Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Hilde Neumann Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Hilde Neumann 1946-1968
21/31 Mihály Károlyi Newspaper clipping n. d.
25/06 “Selected Bibliography of Soviet Works on Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, Hurrians and Elam, 1917-1962” I. M. Diakonoff Bibliography en ??


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
18/34 "British Labour and American New Dealers", Lesson of the Westminster Revolt / Letter to Adele Schafer[4] Karl Polanyi Draft Lecture / Correspondence en 1947
31/15 Research Projects Karl Polanyi en 1947-1949
31/10 Five lectures on “The Present Age of Transformation” - Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1947•1957
37/04 Economics and Freedom to Shape Our Social Destiny Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1947•1953?
36/07 "Hamlet" Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1947-1954
21/18 "Wealth" Karl Polanyi Lecture Notes en 1947•1953
19/01 How To Make Use of the Social Sciences Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1947•1957?
21/36 Notes for Egypt Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1947-1960
21/37 Money (Cuneiform) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1947-1957
21/38 Money and Equivalencies Karl Polanyi Notes en 1947-1957
22/01 Money, Price, Trade and Market in Early Societies Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1947-1957
22/02 Economic Anthropology Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1947-1957
22/03 Economic anthropology Karl Polanyi Notes en 1947-1957
22/04 Pochteca problem Anne Chapman Notes en 1947-1957
22/06, 1-19 (x) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1947-1963
25/07 “An Institutional View of the Medieval Usury Laws” Roberto de Oliveira Campos Published Article en 1947•1953
22/08 Notes on Smelser Karl Polanyi Notes en 1947-1960
22/09 Notes on Reading for Hamlet Karl Polanyi Notes en 1947-1954
25/02 Some Aspects of Economic Life in Early Babylonia Giannelli en 1947•1953
22/10 The Role of Market Methods in the Western World up to the High Middle Ages Karl Polanyi Notes en 1947-1960
22/12 Notes on Africa Karl Polanyi Notes en 1947-1960
22/13 Notes on Caravan Routes Author unknown Notes on readings en 1947-1960
22/14 Notes on Greece - Trade and Industry Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1947-1960
22/15-23/01 Notes on Greece Karl Polanyi Notes en 1947-1960
23/06 Various Fragments Karl Polanyi en/de/hu 1947-1960
31/02 General Economic History” - Columbia University, New York – Course list Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1947
31/03 “General Economic History” - Columbia University, New York – Outlines and reading lists Karl Polanyi Lectures and Reading Lists en 1947
31/04 “General Economic History” - Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lectures and Reading lists en 1947
29/03 “Logic without Assumptions” K. R. Popper Published Article en 1947
34/13 Memoranda 1947-1949
31/01 The Tool Box of Institutional Analysis" – Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1947-1953
33/12 Karl Polanyi Study Project - "Plan of Research into the Institutionalization of Economic Behaviour in Several Societies" Outline 1947•1957
42/14 "Market Elements and Economic Planning in Antiquity" – Yale – Notes Lecture en 1947•1957
42/15 "Local Food Markets and Market Trade in the Old World" Draft en 1947•1957
42/16 Operationnal Civilizations Karl Polanyi en 1947•1957
37/02 Methodology – The Methodological Problems Connected with the Question of Capitalism in Antiquity en 1947•1953?
48/02 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1947
06/01+06/02 Bibliography Karl Polanyi Bibliography 1947-1958
06/04 Notebook XI Karl Polanyi Notes en 1947•1953
14/12 Announcements for Journals and Speeches en 1947•1964
59/04 Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Joe Levitt Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Joe Levitt Correspondence 1947-1961
27/16 “Veblen, Prestige, and Subsistence Economy” Jerome Cranmer Published Article en 1948
28/21 “Prestige Economy in Primitive and Archaic Society A Preliminary Study to the Writings of Thorstein Veblen” Jerome Rothenberg Draft article en 1948
31/08 Ancient and Medieval Economies” – Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1948
48/03 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1948
59/09 Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczyńska Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczyńska Correspondence 1948-1950
31/13 Application for a Stipend from Columbia en 1948-1952
57/01 Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Beatrice de Waard Karl Polanyi - Beatrice de Waard Correspondence 1948-1961
48/04 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1949
25/01 Papers Vivian Carlip 1949
58/07 Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Marika Szésci Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Marika Szésci 1949-1977
59/01 Correspondence Kari Levitt - Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska Kari Levitt - Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska Correspondence 1949-1964
48/05 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1950
28/14 “Russia and Asia. Problems of Contemporary Area Studies and International Relations” Karl A. Wittfogel 1950
30/17 Western feudalism” - Columbia University – New York Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1950
30/18 The Contribution of Institutional Analysis to the Social Sciences” – Graduate Economics Society – Columbia University – New York Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1950
31/09 General Economic History Primitive Money” - Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lectures 1950
34/05 Interdisciplinary Project on “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” Lists of project manuscripts en 1950
31/05 “General Economic History” – Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lectures and Reading lists 1950-1952
31/06 “General Economic History” – Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lectures 1950-1952
42/13 The Good Life in an Industrial Society" Karl Polanyi Draft en 1950s
46/27 Review Draft Article of Dr. Göran Nyblén’s Book The Problem of Sublimation Felix Schafer en 1950s
23/05 Notes for the Livelihood of Man Karl Polanyi Notes en 1950s
25/04 Aristotle on Exchange” M. I. Finley Draft Article en 1950s
34/06 Interdisciplinary project Lists of books borrowed for the research project en 1951-1953
30/19, x Consequence of the Industrial Revolution” - Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1951-1952
30/19, x Karl Marx (1859)” - Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lectures en 1951-1952
28/05, x “Some Concepts of Economic History” Terence K. Hopkins Draft Articles en 1952
28/05, x “The Background of the Market System” Terence K. Hopkins Draft Articles en 1952
28/13 “Social and Economic Factors Affecting Markets in Guro Land” Claude Meillassoux Published Article en 1952
29/06 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, vol. 8, no. 7 en 1952
31/07 “General Economic History - A Comparative Study of Economic Institutions, Mainly on Historical Foundations” – Columbia University, New York Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1952
27/04, 1-15 “Dahomean Marriage: A Revaluation”, Africa Laura Bohannan en 1952
27/04, 16-30 “A Genealogical Charter”, Africa Laura Bohannan en 1952.10.__
28/18 “Innis and Economics”, The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, vol. 19, no. 3 W. T. Easterbrook Article en 1953
23/02 Notes on Ancient Rome and capitalism in antiquity Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en 1953
23/03 Notes on Capitalism in Antiquity Karl Polanyi? Notes on readings en 1953
23/04 Notes and papers on Forms of Integration, Prices, etc. Authors unknown[5] Notes en 1953
28/30 “A Galilei-per aktái” József Halmi Article hu n. d.
28/31 Essay Sigmund Diamond en 1950s (Late )
28/34 “Education, Democracy and Christian Principle”, The Austrian Quarterly, Sept. 1929 D. K. Picken en ?
29/08 Bibliographies of Karl Polanyi's Writings en ?
30/15 Seating plan for a Symposium ? Plan for a Symposium en 1950s
33/04 Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Columbia University, New York – Agendas and minutes of meetings Various Authors with Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1953
33/05, 1-11 Karl Polanyi Interdisciplinary Project: “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project Various Authors with Karl Polanyi Agendas and Minutes of Meetings en 1953
31/11 "The Institutionalization of the Economic Process" – Columbia University – New York Karl Polanyi Minutes of meetings en 1953-55
31/12 Equivalencies in the Early Empires and the Slow Development of Money Institutions” – Columbia University – New York Karl Polanyi Notes en 1953-58
22/11 Economy and society Karl Polanyi (and Harry Pearson?) Fragments of texts en 1953-1957
23/07 Articles Murray E. Polakoff Published Article 1953-1958
25/03 Articles M. I. Finley Published Articles 1953-1962
31/14 Council for Research in the Social Sciences 1951-1959[6]-1957
31/18 Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 2 – Interdisciplinary Project, Columbia University en 1953-1955
31/19 Interdisciplinary project - “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication) – Memoranda 5, 10, 18 – Columbia University en 1953-1955
31/22 Interdisciplinary Project - “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Council for Research in the Social Sciences – Columbia University, New York – Bibliography lists 1953-1961
32/01 Interdisciplinary Project 1953-1955 - “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Columbia University, New York Reports and draft articles en 1953-1955
32/03 Interdisciplinary project: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 1 – Columbia University Karl Polanyi en 1953-1955
32/04 Interdisciplinary project: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 1 – Columbia University Karl Polanyi en 1953-1955
32/05 Interdisciplinary project: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 2 – Columbia University Karl Polanyi en 1953-1955
32/06 Interdisciplinary project: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication) – Memoranda 5, 10, 18 – Columbia University Karl Polanyi en 1953-1955
34/04 Interdisciplinary project - Pay orders for Columbia University projects Administrative Texts en 1953-1956
34/07 University of Manchester Simon Fellowships Information en 1953-1954
34/12 Memorandum 1953
34/15 Course outlines and notes on non-Polanyi courses en 1951-1961
34/17 Brochures from Institutes en 1948-1960
35/02 Newspaper clippings en 1950-1959
35/04 Newspaper clippings, n. d. 1948-1964
35/05 Draft memorandum Author unknown 1948
35/06 "Our Obsolete Market Mentality" Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1947
35/07 "Marxist Economic Thought Karl Polanyi Review article en 1947
35/08 On belief in economic determinism Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1947
35/09 Notes on the Future Tasks of the Columbia University Submitted to the Department of Economics Karl Polanyi en 1948
35/10 Economic History and the Problem of Freedom Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1949
38/04 “The Old-Babylonian Merchant. His Business and His Social Position”, Studia et Documenta ad Iura Orientis Antiqui Pertinentia, vol.III, Leiden - E. J. Brill W. F. Leemans Published Article en 1950
35/11 Livelihood of Man Karl Polanyi Draft Manuscript en 1950-1955
36/01+36/02 Livelihood of Man – Part I Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 12. Part II Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, and 17. Karl Polanyi Draft Manuscript en 1950-1955
36/03, x Meeting Your Junior Self" – Annual Conference, Whitbey, Ontario – Women Teachers Association of Southern Ontario Lectures en 1951
36/03, x Child Psychology” – Annual Conference, Whitbey, Ontario – Women Teachers Association of Southern Ontario Lectures en 1951
36/04 Public Opinion and Statemanship Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1951
48/06 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1951
46/16 “Persons”, “The Stability of Beliefs”The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, November 1952, pp. 217 Michael Polanyi Lecture 1952.11.__
48/07 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1952
57/02 Correspondence Tommy (“Tomi”) Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Uncle Misi”) Tommy Polanyi - Michael Polanyi Correspondence 1952-1963
36/05 Draft Review Article of Edith Ennen’s Frühgeschichte der europaischen Stadt Karl Polanyi Draft review article en 1953-1956
36/06 "Die zwei Bedeutungen von ‘wirtschaftlich’” (Zum Begriffssystem der allgemeinen Wirstschaftsgeschichte)" Karl Polanyi Draft article de 1953
47/05 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence en n. d.
49/01 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1953


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
36/08 "Hamlet", The Yale Review, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 336-350 Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1954
28/01 “The Role of the City in Ancient Civilizations A Study in Conflicting Traditions” Stuart Piggott en 1954
27/12 “The Landholders of Pylos” Emmett L. Bennett, Jr Published Article en 1954
28/26 Articles and draft article Franz Baermann Steiner Articles and draft article en 1954
34/10 Plans for journals en 1954
25/09 Articles Conrad M. Arensberg en 1954-1955
27/03 Articles Paul Bohannan Published Articles en 1954-1961
31/20 Karl Polanyi Interdisciplinary project 1953-1955 “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication) en 1955
31/21 Karl Polanyi Interdisciplinary project 1953-1955 “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication) 1955
33/01 Karl Polanyi Interdisciplinary project 1953-1955: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication) en 1955
33/02 Interdisciplinary Project 1953-1955 “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication) Various Authors Draft Articles en 1955
36/09 "Freedom and Technology" - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - Notes Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1955
36/10 Draft Review Article of William L. Westermanns, The Slave System of Greek and Roman Antiquity Karl Polanyi en 1955
28/03 “Remarks on the Archive of the Soldier Ubarum”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 9, no. 4, 1955, pp. 121-131 Benno Landsberger Article en 1955
28/22 [[Wilbert E. Moore, Urbanization and Industrialization of the Labor Force in a Developing Economy. Labor Attitudes Toward Industrialization in Underdeveloped Countries|“Urbanization and Industrialization of the Labor Force in a Developing Economy. Labor Attitudes Toward Industrialization in Underdeveloped Countries”, The American Economic Review, vol. 45, no. 2 Wilbert E. Moore Article 1955
25/14 “Three Armaments Policies for the 1960’s” J[ohnny] C. Polanyi Draft manuscript 1955+
32/02 Listing of contents of “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 1–4 Ilona Duczyńska en 1955-1956
25/10 Articles Sidney W. Mintz Published Article en 1955-1961
36/11 "Leplézett küluralom és szocialista közgazdaság" Karl Polanyi Draft article hu 1956
33/13 Polanyi Study project "Economic Institutions" - Columbia University, New York Outline 1956-1958
25/08 Articles Julius Lewy 1956-1958
37/12 The New West Karl Polanyi 1956-1962
34/02 Economic Institutions, Primarily in Pre-industrial Non-market Societies” - Social Science Research Council Correspondence, applications for grants, and reports en 1956-1962
26/01 Articles and drafts Harry W. Pearson 1956-1962
37/01 "A Hungarian Lesson" Karl Polanyi Draft article en 1957
37/03 Freedom in a Complex Society Karl Polanyi Notes en 1957
37/05 Draft review article of Greatness and Decline of Planned Economy in the Hellenistic World by Luigi Einaudi Karl Polanyi Draft Review Article en 1957
37/06 "The Machine and the Discovery of Society" Karl Polanyi Lecture Notes en 1957
28/11 “The Vital Revolution Reconsidered” Karl F. Helleiner Article 1957
33/03 Notes on the Place occupied by Economies in Society Interdisciplinary Project, “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Memoranda 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 (not for publication) – Columbia University Various Authors with Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1957
33/05, 12-14 Karl Polanyi Interdisciplinary Project: “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project Various Authors with Karl Polanyi Agendas and Minutes of Meetings en 1957
33/17 Research Project “Social and Economic Effects of the Use of Money in Non-Western and Early Societies” en 1957
25/11 “Some Historical Notes on the Study of Action” Paul F. Lazarsfeld Draft manuscript 1957
34/03 Money Institutions in Early Societies from the Comparative and Developmental Angle”, American Council of Learned Societies Application for grant-in-aid for research and correspondence 1957-1958
59/02, 57-58 Sheet of paper with a fragment of „Entchluss“ by Hegel Karl Polanyi Draft hu/de 1957•1962
34/08 Recommendations en 1957-1962
26/05 Articles and drafts Marie Rapp (Maria Szécsi) en 1957-1963
37/07 "Not by Organization Alone" (Draft Book Review) Karl Polanyi / Abraham Rotstein en 1958
37/08 A Galilei Kör otven év távlatából" Karl Polanyi Draft Article hu 1958
37/10 "Egy antimarxista naplójából" Karl Polanyi Draft Article hu 1958
27/08 “Economics as a Study of Process” Thorstein B. Veblen Published Article en 1958 (or 1898)
27/14 Shri Jawahar Lai Nehru, Article Shri Jawahar Lai Nehru Article en 1958
28/07 “The Role of Tribal Markets in Morocco Examples from the Northern Zone” Marvin Mikesell Article en 1958
28/20 “Altertumswissenschaft”, Deutsche Literarzeitung, vol. 79, no. 11 Fritz Moritz Heichelheim Review article de 1958
29/02 “Duczynska Ilona feljegyzései az 1918” Márta Tömöry Article hu 1958
33/07 Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 3 Various Authors with Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1958
33/08 Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 4 Various Authors with Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1958
33/14 Interdisciplinary project "The Economic Aspect of Institutions in Archaic-Type Societies" – Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Project proposal en 1958
33/15 Interdisciplinary project The Economic Aspect of Institutions in Archaic-Type Societies – Wenner-Gren Foundation Administrative Texts en 1958
33/16 Interdisciplinary project "The Economic Aspect of Institutions in Archaic-Type Societies" – Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Correspondence en 1958
28/29 “A Comparative View of Exchange Systems” Neil J. Smelser Article en 1958-1959
29/01 Articles Márta Belényesy 1958-1960
30/02 Polanyi on Polanyi Karl Polanyi 1958-1960
34/16 The Economy as an Instituted Process - Graduate seminar Karl Polanyi and Paul Medow Outlines and notes en 1958-1960
31/16-31/17 Semantics of General Economic History Karl Polanyi 1958-1961
34/11 Lists of names associated with Karl Polanyi 1958-1961
34/01 The Early Development of Trade, Money, and Market Institutions” – American Philosophical Society Correspondence and Report en 1958-1962
06/03 Notebook XVII (Notes on Dahomey and Africa) Karl Polanyi Notes en 1958-1964
25/05 “On Prices, Moneys, and Money Uses in the Old Babylonian Period” Ronald F. G. Sweet 1958
57/08, 31-32 To Michael Karl Polanyi Correspondence en 1958.01.05
26/04 “The Port-Of-Trade in Pre-European India as an Ecological and Evolutionary Type” Anthony Leeds Article en 1958-1962
21/30 Galilei Kör and left intellectuals Newspaper clippings 1958-1963
23/08-23/09 Drafts Paul Meadow Draft Article en 1958-1964
37/09 "Ötven év" - Irodalmi Ujság, May 1, 1959, .p. 4 Karl Polanyi Article hu 1959
37/11 Gailbraith's Farewell to poverty / Aristotle on an Affluent Society Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1959
37/13 "Research into the Substantive Economy" Karl Polanyi Draft article en 1959
37/14 "University Seminar on the Institutionalizing of the Economic Process" Karl Polanyi Lecture en 1959
27/15 “Wanted Economic Realism” E. L. R. Williamson Published Article 1959
28/02 Review article of The Teamsters and Predatory Unionism Charles Abrams en 1959
28/17 Vorwort Gustav (Toni) Stolper Draft Article de 1959
33/06 Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 2 Various Authors with Karl Polanyi Draft Articles en 1959
33/09 Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 5 George Dalton Draft Articles en 1959
33/10 Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 6 Various Authors with Karl Polanyi en 1959
33/11 Karl Polanyi Study Project - "Plan of Research into the Institutionalization of Economic Behaviour in Several Societies" Outline 1959
22/05 Notes and comments to Tiv Trade and Markets by Paul Bohannan Karl Polanyi Notes en 1959
57/08, 34-35 To Michael Karl Polanyi Correspondence en 1959.10.21
37/15, x "Early Economies" Karl Polanyi Drafts en 1959-1960
37/15, x "An Institutional Approach to Early Non-Market Economies" Karl Polanyi Drafts en 1959-1960
45/02 Notes of Weekend I with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein en 1956
37/21 Handwritten Draft of "Leplézett küluralom és szocialista közgazdaság" Karl Polanyi hu 1956?
38/08 Trade and Market in the Early Empires - Economies in History and Theory – Table of contents, preface and introduction 1956-1959
38/09 Trade and Market in the Early Empires Economies in History and Theory – Reviews Various Authors 1957-1965
38/11 Publicity for American edition of The Great Transformation and Trade and Market in the Early Empires 1957
38/12 [Outline for a Revision of The Great Transformation 1954.02.24
38/13 Publisher's Agreement and Contract 1957-1963
38/17 Hungarian Writers’ Association Abroad Rules 1957
39/01-41/05 Greece[7] Karl Polanyi Draft Manuscript en 1954
41/06 Greece – “Aspects of Livelihood in Greece, Israel and Dahomey” - Part III Karl Polanyi en 1954
42/03 Bibliography on Economy and Society in Historic Dahomey Bibliography en 1958•1964
42/09 Carl Menger Two Meanings of 'Economy'" Karl Polanyi Article 1958•1960
42/10 "Kereskedelmi kapuk a korai társadalmakban”, Valósáq, vol. 15, no. 10 Karl Polanyi Article hu 19xx
42/11 Traders and Trade Karl Polanyi Article en 19xx
45/03 Notes of Weekend II with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein en 1956
45/04 Notes of Weekend III with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein en 1956
45/05 Notes of Weekend IV with Karl Polanyi – August 25, 1956 Abraham Rotstein en 1956
45/06 Notes of Weekend IX with Karl Polanyi – April 6, 1957 Abraham Rotstein en 1957
45/07 Notes of Weekend XI with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein en 1957
45/08 Notes of Weekend XII with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein en 1957
45/09 Notes of Weekend XIII with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein en 1957
45/10 Notes of Weekend XIV with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein en 1957
45/11 Notes of Weekend XV with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein en 1957
45/12 Notes of Weekend XVII with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein en 1957
45/13 Notes of Weekend XVIII with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein 1957
45/14 Notes of Weekend XIX with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein 1957
45/15 ’’Notes on Freedom and Technology Abraham Rotstein 1957
45/16 Notes of Weekend XX with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein 1958
45/17 Notes of Weekend XXI with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein 1958
45/18 Notes of Weekend XXII with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein 1958
45/19 Notes of Weekend XXIII with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein 1958
45/20 Notes of Weekend XXIV with Karl Polanyi Abraham Rotstein 1958
46/03 Study of Hungarian Land (MISSING) Ilona Duczyńska Notes 1956
46/05 “Considerazioni sull’Ungheria 1956” Ilona Duczyńska Article 1956
46/17 “Rules of Rightness” – Chicago, Ill., 1954 Michael Polanyi Lecture 1954
46/18 “Knowing Life” – Chicago, Ill., 1954 Michael Polanyi Lecture 1954
46/19 “Words, Conceptions and Science", The Twentieth Century, September, 1955 Michael Polanyi Article 1955
46/20 “The Magic of Marxism” Michael Polanyi Draft Manuscript 1956
46/21 “Problem Solving” Michael Polanyi Draft article en 1955-1960
46/22 “Passion and Controversy in Science” Michael Polanyi Draft article en 1955-1960
49/02 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1954
49/03 Correspondence Karl Polanyis Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1954
49/04 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1955
57/06 Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”) Karl Polanyi - Michael Polanyi Correspondence 1955-1959
49/05 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1956
50/01 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1957
58/09 Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Felix Schafer Karl Polanyi - Felix Schafer Correspondence 1957
50/02 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1958
50/03 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1958
50/04 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1959
51/01 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1959
58/02 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska – Hans Zeisel Ilona Duczynska – Hans Zeisel Correspondence 1959-1969
20/07 "New Frontiers in Economic Thinking" Karl Polanyi Draft en 1950s (Late)
26/07 “Karl Polanyi’s Analysis of Long-Distance Trade And His Wider Paradigm” George Dalton Draft Article en 1959•1964
59/02, 59-63 Correspondence Kari Levitt - Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi - Kari Levitt Correspondence n.d.
59/02, 66 Kari Polanyi-Levitt Correspondence n.d.
59/02, 67 Kari Polanyi-Levitt Correspondence n.d.
59/06 (MISSING)


Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
37/16 "The Early Development of Trade, Money and Market Institutions", 1960, p. 334-33 Karl Polanyi Article/Report en 1960
37/17 "On the Comparative Treatment of Economic Institutions in Antiquity with Illustrations from Athens, Mycenae, and Alalakh" Karl Polanyi en 1960
37/18 Statements on Political Philosophy Karl Polanyi Draft article en 1960
37/19 "Széljegyzetek a szocialista világfordulóhoz" Karl Polanyi Draft article hu 1960
37/20 A Galilei Kör hagyatéka Karl Polanyi hu 1960
27/09 “The Norm of Reciprocity A Preliminary Statement” Alvin W. Gouldner Published Article en 1960
27/10 “Succession, Coöption to Kingship, and Royal Incest among the Inca” Maria Rostworowski de Diez Canseco Published Article en 1960
27/11 “Old Babylonian Temple Loans” Rivkah Harris Published Article en 1960
27/01 Draft articles George Dalton en 1960
24/03 “Conceptual and Methodological Problems in Applying Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development to Non-Market Economies”, Dissertation Abstracts, vol. 21, no. 4 Paul Meadow Abstract 1960
51/02 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1960
51/03 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1960
51/04 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1960
25/12 Articles John V. Murra Articles en 1960-1961
25/16 Articles and Conference Papers John R. Seeley 1960-1962
38/18 Correspondence Publishers' Announcements 1960-1962
28/25 Articles Joseph Needham Published Articles en 1960-1967
57/07 Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”) Karl Polanyi - Michael Polanyi Correspondence 1960-1963
42/01 “Economy and Society in the Negro Kingdom of Dahomey” Karl Polanyi Fragments of draft manuscript and notes 1960-1963
26/08 Articles George Dalton en 1960-1972
27/02 Draft articles George Dalton en 1960-1983
30/08 Assessments of Karl Polanyi's works Various Authors 1960-1981
25/13 Articles Peter F. Drucker Published Articles en 1961
42/02 “Dahomey” Karl Polanyi Notes 1961
38/01 Notes on the Draft Program of the CPSU en 1961
27/13 “Rutebeuf - Persoenlicher Ausdruck und Wirklichkeit”, Saggi e ricerche in memoria di Ettore Li Gotti, vol. II] Ulrich Leo Published Article de 1961
51/05 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1961
52/01 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1961
27/05 “Anthropologic and economic Development” George Dalton and Paul Bohannan Draft Article en 1961
43/01 Co-existence: Publication plans, tentative list of subjects, description and scope of the projected quarterly journal Co-existence, fund-raising efforts, and editorial board suggestions en 1961-1964
54/04 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence n. d.
54/05 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence n. d.
52/02 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1961
24/01, 1-7 The Great Transformation in 1960” Paul Meadow Draft Manuscript en 1961
24/01, 8 Outline for a revision of The Great transformation [1961] Paul Meadow Draft Manuscript en 1961.02.07
26/03 Articles Anthony Leeds Articles en 1961
28/19 “Market Concepts in Political Theory”, The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, vol. 27, no. 4 C. B. Macpherson Article en 1961
29/05 Committee of Correspondence - Newsletter en 1961
38/14 "The Hungarian Populists" Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1961
46/23 “History and Hope. An Analysis of Our Age” Michael Polanyi Draft Manuscript en 1961
24/02 “New West” Paul Meadow Draft Manuscript en 1961-1962
38/02 "Il pensiero sovietica in transizione" - Nuova Presenza, no.5, 1962, p. 39-45 Karl Polanyi Article it 1961-1962
35/03 Newspaper clippings en 1961-1964
58/05 Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Barbara and György Striker Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Barbara and György Striker Correspondence 1961-1966
59/02, 64-65 To Kari (25 January 1962?) Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1962.01.25
52/03 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1962
29/04 “Maximization Theories and the Study of Economic Anthropology”, American Anthropologist, no. 64 Robbins Burling 1962
22/06, 20-37 Notebook “B” (Reading notes on Karl Bücher) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en/de 1962
52/04 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1962
38/03 Review article of Foreign Trade in the Old Babylonian Period as Revealed by Texts from Southern Mesopotamia by W. F. Leemans Karl Polanyi and R. F. G. Sweet en 1962
28/23 “Maximization Theories and the Study of Economic Anthropology”, American Anthropologist, no. 64 Robbins Burling Article en 1962
28/24 “On the Observation of the Pulse in Mesopotamian Medicine” A. L. Oppenheim Article en 1962
38/16 Notices for book reviews Karl Polanyi Notices for book reviews en 1962-1963
38/15 The Plough and the Pen – Review, June 20, 1963 en 1963
38/05 "Bücher, Karl (1847-1931) Karl Polanyi 1963
38/06 "Ports of Trade in Early Societies" Article Published Article en 1963
38/07 Reflection on the article titled “Text of Pope John’s Encyclical ‘Pacem in Terris’, Calling for a World Community”, published in New York Times Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1963
28/09 “The Preparatory Period of the Revolutionary Party Some Observations on Franco Venturis’ Roots of Revolution”, Soviet Studies, vol. 14, no. 4 Rudolf Schlesinger Article en 1963
28/10 American Studies Words or Things John A. Kouwenhoven en 1963
53/01 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1963
53/02 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1963
22/06, 55-67 Notebook “Bibliography” (Reading notes on Karl Bücher) Karl Polanyi Notes on readings en/de 1963
30/04 Transcript of an interview with Karl Polanyi Interview en 1963
28/15 Essay - “A Multilateral Trade Clearing Agency” Ragnar Frisch 1963
28/16 “Pirates or Polities - Arab Societies of the Persian Gulf, 18th Century” L.E. Sweet 1963
30/05 "Gazdaság-szociológia az Egyesült Allamokban" Karl Polanyi Lecture hu 1963
30/06 "Hazánk Kötelessége" - Kortárs Karl Polanyi Published Article hu 1963
30/16 V.i Mihály Draft poems K. McRobbie Draft Poems 1963
30/07 English translation of a Hungarian lecture on Rostow llona Duczyńska en 1963
41/07, x "The Role of Strain in Institutional Change" Karl Polanyi en 1963
41/07, x "Psychology and Ideology in Institutional Change: Actual and Postulated Motives" Karl Polanyi en 1963
41/08 Functions of Money in the Western Slave Trade Karl Polanyi Draft Article en 1963
46/28-32 Draft – “Mens Creatrix” P. I. Painter Draft manuscript en 1963
46/29 Part. I – “The Autobiography of the Tortoise” P. I. Painter Draft manuscript en 1963
46/30 Part. II - “The Human Predicament To-Day” P. I. Painter Draft manuscript en 1963
46/31 Part. III – “A” P. I. Painter Draft manuscript en 1963
46/32 Part. IV – “The Creative Imagination. Poetry” P. I. Painter Draft manuscript en 1963
26/06 Articles and draft K. William Kapp en 1963-1965
43/03 Co-existence Lists of proposed contributors en 1963-1964
43/04 Co-existence - Announcements and advertisements for journal Co-existence en 1963-1964
43/06 Co-existence Invoices 1963-1965
43/07 Co-existence Mailing lists en 1964-1965
43/08 Co-existence Background material en 1962-1964
43/09 Co-existence Page proofs – No. 1 en 1964
43/10 Co-existence Draft articles – No. 1 en 1964
41/09 "Sortings and ‘Ounce Trade’ in the West African Slave Trade" Karl Polanyi Published Article en 1964
53/03 Correspondence Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi Correspondence 1964
53/04 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt Correspondence 1964
58/04 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska - Zsófia Polanyi Ilona Duczynska - Zsófia Polanyi Correspondence 1964
43/02 Outlines and tables of contents for the journal Co-existence, nos. 1-3 1964
29/13 Karl Polanyi Obituaries 1964

Posthumous Archives

Ref. KPIS Name Author Nature Lg Date
44/01 Co-existence Draft articles – No. 2 Draft Articles en 1964
44/02 Co-existence Draft articles – No. 2 Draft Articles en 1964
29/09 Biographical information on Karl Polanyi – Memoirs, 1964-1966 Felix Schafer Draft Article de 1964-1966
44/03 File contains two sets of annotated galley proofs, pp.1-90, pp. 1-87, for the 1st issue of the journal Co-existence, consisting of of the following articles en 1964-1966
55/02 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska – George Dalton Ilona Duczynska – George Dalton Correspondence 1964-1970
58/11 Correspondence Adele and Felix Schafer - Ilona Duczynska Adele and Felix Schafer - Ilona Duczynska Correspondence 1964-1978
55/04 Correspondence Kari Levitt – George Dalton Kari Levitt – George Dalton Correspondence 1964-1989
34/09 List of Karl Polanyi's papers held at Columbia University en 1965
54/01 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt Correspondence 1965
44/04 Co-existence Draft articles - No. 3 Draft Articles en 1965
44/05 Co-existence Page proofs, No. 3 en 1965
44/06 Co-existence Page proofs, No. 3. en 1965
43/05 Co-existence - Rules and by-laws, take-over of Co-existence en 1965-1966
38/10 Mailing list for announcement of Karl Polanyi’s Trade and Market in the Early Empires - Economies in History and Theory en 1966??
42/04 Introduction to the Hungarian edition of Dahomey and the Slave Trade. An Analysis of an Archaic Economy Bognar 1966+?
42/06 Dahomey and the Slave Trade. An Analysis of an Archaic Economy – Review articles Karl Polanyi (in collaboration with Abe Rotstein) en 1966?
42/07 List of people to whom complimentary copies of the Dahomey és a Rabszolgakereskedelem szétküldési listája were sent 1966+?
54/02 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt Correspondence 1966-1987
27/07 “A Conceptual Scheme for the Study of Social Organization” George C. Homans Published Article en 1967
26/09 Primitive and Archaic Modern Economies. Essays of Karl Polanyi George Dalton (ed) en 1968
29/11 Zitate aus Böhm-Bawerk, Positive Theorie des Kapitals und The Positive Theory of Capital Felix Schafer en/de 1968
42/08 "Hamlet" Karl Polanyi hu 1968
46/04 “Egy magyar világforradalmár”, Kritika Ottó Major Article hu 1968
45/01 "The Social Philosophy of Karl Polanyi" Ilona Ducyńska and Kari Polanyi-Levitt Research Project en 1968-1974
30/09 “History, Economics, and Anthropology The Work of Karl Polanyi”, History and Theory Studies in the Philosophy of History, vol. 8, n. 2 S. C. Humphreys 1969
21/28 Student Christian Movement Pamphlet Various and Unknown Authors Tracts en 1969-1972
13/03 Draft Review Article of Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation Felix Schafer Translation de 1970s
29/12 Polanyi Karolyi (1886-1964) Ilona Duczynska hu 1970
46/01 Outline of Selected writings by Karl Polanyi Ilona Duczynska 1970
46/06 Interview with Ilona Duczynska by Dr. Isabella Ackerl Ilona Duczyńska 1970s
54/03 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska Ilona Duczynska Correspondence 1970-1974
30/10 Polányi Károly Gazdaságtörténeti munkáiból János Kiss and György Márkus 1971
30/11 “Polányi Károly. Jegyzetek az életútról”, Magyar Filozófiai Szemele, no. 5-6 Ilona Duczyńska Published Article hu 1971
28/37 “Entretien avec Georg Lukàcs. Critique de la bureaucratie socialiste questions de méthode”, L’homme et la société, No.20 June 1971 Yvon Bourdet 1971
42/05 Correction to the Hungarian edition of Dahomey and the Slave Trade. An Analysis of an Archaic Economy Ilona Duczynska en 1971
55/01 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska - George Dalton Ilona Duczynska - George Dalton Correspondence 1971-1972
55/03 Correspondence Ilona Duczynska – George Dalton Ilona Duczynska – George Dalton Correspondence 1971-1988
46/07 “Theodor Körner und der 12. Februar”, 1972 Ilona Duczyńska Article 1972
55/05 Correspondence Felix Schafer – George Dalton Felix Schafer – George Dalton Correspondence 1972-1973
46/08 “1927 Választások és fegyverek” Ilona Duczyńska Article 1973
29/10 Some memories on KP in Vienna Felix Schafer Draft Article en 1973
46/09 Interview with Ilona Duczynska (“Beszélgetés Duczynska Ilonával”) Ilona Duczyńska hu 1974
58/12 Correspondence Felix and Adele Schafer - Kari Levitt Felix and Adele Schafer - Kari Levitt Correspondence 1974-1978
26/02 Draft articles Harry W. Pearson Draft articles en 1974-1987
12/13 Introduction to Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation – Italian edition Alfredo Salsano it 1974
46/11 “Akaratos emlékezés”, 1975, pp. 8-9 Ilona Duczyńska Article 1975
46/24 Michael Polanyi - Obituary Author unknown en 1976
46/25 Guide to the Papers of Michael Polanyi (MISSING) John M. Cash en 1977
42/12 "A nossa obsoleta mentalidade mercantil", Revista Trimestral de Historias & Ideas, no. 1 Karl Polanyi Article it 1978
46/10 “Az emberélet sarkalatos élményei”, 1978 Ilona Duczyńska Article hu 1978
46/12 Ilona Duczynska - Obituary Author unknown Obituary 1978
55/07 Correspondence Kari Polanyi Levitt – Michael T. Ryan Kari Polanyi Levitt – Michael T. Ryan Correspondence 1979-1982
55/08 Correspondence Kari Polanyi Levitt – The Hungarian Museum of Labour Movement Kari Polanyi Levitt Correspondence 1982
55/06 Correspondence Kari Polanyi Levitt – Louis Dumont Kari Polanyi Levitt – Louis Dumont Correspondence 1983-1984
21/35 "The Christian Left The Introductory Sequence" W. D. McClelland Draft article 1984
30/03 Transcript of an Interview with Irene Grant Kari Polanyi-Levitt and Irene Grant 1986
27/06 “Otto Bauer als Christ Marxist” Gerhard Steger Article en 1986
46/26 “At the Wheel of the World The Life and Times of Michael Polanyi” William Taussig Scott Article en 1998-1999

Editors Notes

  1. Containing text in German, from the Vienna period, this folder should have been located in Box 02…
  2. When one try to download the Archive he obtains, in fact, 18/15.
  3. When one tries to download it, It's, in fact, 18/23.
  4. Name corrected. - Santiago Pinault
  5. Must be Kung Chia Yeh, the student who worked in the Project in 1953 - cf. correspondence in 49/02.
  6. Rosemary Arnold is still secretary in a document, so one can think the archive can be dated to 1953. - Santiago Pinault
  7. – Part II, “Redistribution and Reciprocity in Homeric Greece” – Chapter I, p. 4-28, “The Hesiodic Age - Tribal Decay” – Chapter II, “The Solonic Crisis and the City Economy” – Chapter III, “The Solonic Crisis” – Chapter III, “Tyrannis and Democracy” – Chapter IV, “Tyranny or Tyrannies” – Chapter IV, “Peisistratus - The Tyrannis Episode” - Chapter IV, “The Economy of the Classical Polis” - Chapter V, “Polis and Agora” - Chapter V, Chapter V, 1954.Draft Manuscript (Greece) – “Polis and Agora” - Chapter V, “Local Markets and Overseas Trade” - Chapter VI, “Securing Grain Imports” - Chapter VII, “Polis and Agora”, “The Growth of Market Trade” - Chapter VIII, “Coins, Banking and other Devices” - Chapter IX, “Archaic Greece”