Protected: Workcamp on the drafts of Polanyian’s text(s) in German from the early Viennese years (1919-1922)
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Beyond the Great Transformation, a 'world life'
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There are only a few writings showing intellectual links between Rudolf Steiner and Karl Polanyi. János Gyurgyák evokes, in his article “Karl Polanyi, Ozkar Jászi, at the Bécsi Magyar Újság”1, that between 1921 and 1924, some earlier influences, as Tolstoy, Spengler and Steiner, kept inspiring him and Gyurgyák quotes a letter written Continue Reading
Karl Polanyi’s version [1945] We invoked what we believed to be the three constitutive facts in the consciousness of Western man: knowledge of death, knowledge of freedom, knowledge of society. The first, according to Jewish legend, was revealed in the Old Testament story. The second was revealed through the discovery Continue Reading
How to explain the presence of (a part of) correspondence between Ervin Szabó and Aline Klatschko [AKP 56/02], and between Szabó and Samuel Klatschko [AKP 56/03]? Both correspondences are from years between 1899 and 1901, and letters were typewritten without misprint or crossing-outs, and seem quite ‘recent’ (say, after 1940-1950). Continue Reading
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After I have recognized that the archive of the Karl Polanyi Archives [KPA] 46/13 has been written by Karl Polanyi and not by his brother Michael, one has to wonder why Polanyi was interested in what he calls ‘Medicine’ in the first page of the archive KPA 02/11. One can Continue Reading
Partant from Karl Polanyi, je remonte de fil en aiguille and by cercles concentriques, les réseaux autour de lui et dans lesquels il a été pris et j’ai rencontré trois personnages étranges que sont Dimitrije Mitrinović1 – puis aux deuxième et troisième degrés de proximité, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff; or also Piotr Continue Reading
Open door “Steiner” (Not a door a whole labyrinth)… Open door “Western Mysticism” (Christian Esotericism in particular)… Open door “Hungarian Freemasonry” (Important? How to know?)… Open door “Archives on Medicin” (Medicin or Medicin?)… Open door “Mitrinović” (and his nebula of movements including New Britain Movement)… stop confounding Ignác Martinovics and Dimitrije Continue Reading
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By comparing of Karl Polanyi’s notebook which is in the archive 07/08, 183-254, and the one that is on 46/13, one realizes they are identical. Identical first of all materially, since we recognize1 the same type of notebook cover, as well as the same lines on the sheets of paper: Moreover, Continue Reading