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! World Events
! Polanyi's Life
! Polanyi's Life
! Date
! Date
! Document
! Document

Revision as of 08:51, 4 October 2018

Key : “Name” or „Name”: article; Name: book; (Name): draft article; (Name): draft book; 'Name': Speech or Conference; <Name>: Plan; To {Personal Name}: letter


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
xx.03. Agrarische Zwangswirtschaft in England[Agrarian Compulsory Economy in England]
xx.03. Wirtschaftsprogramm der Samuel-Liberalen[Economic Program of the Samuel Liberals]
xx.03. Ende der Slums[End of the Slums]
14.03. What three-fold state?
xx.04. England und die Abrüstung[England and Disarmament]
xx.04. Englisches Stahlstatut[English Steel Act]
xx.04. England für Budgetwharheit[England for Budget Truth]
xx.05. Technologische Arbeitslosigkeit[Technological Unemployment]
xx.05. Elliot oder Empire?[Elliot or Empire?]
xx.05. Probleme der Demokratie in England[Problems of Democracy in England]
xx.05. Lohntarif-Bill in Lancashire
09.05. Corporative Austria - A Functional Society?
19.05. To Joseph Needham
23.05. Othmar Spann, the Philosopher of Fascism
xx.06. Lancashire im Fegefeuer[Lancashire in Purgatory]
xx.06. Lancashire als Menschheitsfrage / als Menschheitsproblem” [Lancashire as a Question of Humanity]
06.06. Spann’s fascist Utopia
08.06. To Joseph Needham
To Joseph Needham (2)
20.06. Fascism and Marxian terminology
27.06. Marxism re-stated
26.06. From the Editor of The Manchester Guardian
01.08. Rudolf Steiner’s Economy
xx.08. England überlegt[England considered]
xx.08. Labour und die Eisenindustrie[Labor and the Iron Industry]
xx.09. Gewerkschaftstagung in Weymouth[Trade Union Conference in Weymouth]
xx.09. England bremst Russland ab[England slows down Russia]
xx.09. Wo hält Sowjetrussland?[Where does Soviet Russia hold?]
23.09. To Joseph Needham
29.09. Pickfords Travel Service
xx.10. Labour a Southport
05.10. To Joseph Needham
11.10. To Joseph Needham
19.10. From the Institute of International Education
24.10. From Oszkár Jászi?
25.10. From Pickfords Travel Service
29.10. From Pickfords Travel Service
30.10 To the Institute of International Education
31.10. To Joseph Needham
xx.11. Tory Planwirtschafter[Tory Economic Plan]
xx.11. Die Liberalen für Empirehandel[The Liberals for Empire Trade]
02.11. To the Institute of International Education
12.11. From Pickfords Travel Service
14.11 To to the Institute of International Education
16.11. To the Institute of International Education
17.11. From Pickfords Travel Service
19.11. From the Institute of International Education to Oszkár Jászi
21.11. To the Institute of International Education
28.11. From the Institute of International Education
28.11. From the Institute of International Education
28.11. To the Institute of International Education
30.11. To the Institute of International Education
03.12. To the Institute of International Education
04.12. From the Institute of International Education
11.12. To the Institute of International Education
21.12. From the Institute of International Education
27.12. From Oszkár Jászi
27.12. From the Institute of International Education
From Joseph Needham
Marxian Philosophy
(A Christian View of Marxism)
(Marxism and Christianity)
Preliminary Syllabus of a Course of Study in The Theory of Politics
Shipping from London to New York with Steamship "Aquitania" 18.12.
Arrival at New York 24.12.
A friend, N.J., from “Trenton” or “Franklin” cannot come to NY[1] 27.12.


Polanyi's Life Date Document
Polanyi is in the USA 17.02. Fascism and Christian Ideals (Lecture in United Church)
18.02. Deadlock (Parkville, Park College)
19.02. Fascism and Christian Ideals (Parkville, Mo.)
22.03. The Youth Movement in Europe (Danville, Ky.)
31.03. Fascism and Christian Ideals in Europe (Asheville)
xx.xx Christianity and the Social Revolution (w/ LEWIS John et KITCHIN Donald K. (dir.))
The Essence of Fascism
xx.06. England in Europa
xx.06. Roosevelt im Verfassungskampf[Roosevelt in the constitutional Struggle]
xx.08. Amerika im Schmelztiegel[America in the Melting Pot]
xx.08. England, die Völkerbundmacht[England, the League of Nations]
xx.08. Abessinischer Konflikt[Abyssinian Conflict]
xx.10. Der Suez-Kanal[The Suez Canal]
xx.10. England und der abessinische Krieg[England and the Abyssinian War]
London: Englands Wahlen[England's Elections]
London: Markstein 1935[Markstein 1935]


Polanyi's Life Date Document
xx.01. Roosevelt im Kampf[Roosevelt in the Fight]
xx.02. T.V.A. – Ein amerikanisches Wirtschaftsexperiment[T.V.A. - An American Economic Experiment]
xx.03. Deutschland und Italien[Germany and Italy]
xx.04. Edens Linie[Eden Line]
xx.05. Englands außenpolitische Krise[England's Foreign Policy Crisis]
xx.05. Englands Abwehr[England's Defense]
xx.06. Russischer Verfassungswandel[Russian Constitutional Change]
xx.08. Spanien und Frankreich[Spain and France]
xx.08. Spanische Entscheidungen und die Weltpolitik[Spanish Decisions and World Politics]
xx.08. The Nature of the Present World Crisis
xx.xx The Religious Nature of the Crisis
Polanyi is in the USA 13.10. The Corporate State
19.10. Great Britain's Foreign Policy To-Day
03.11. The Spanish Situation
06.11. A Key to European Politics
01.12. Observations on Education for Politics in England and the United States
15.12. Roosevelts Stellung[Roosevelt's Position]
(Marx on Corporatism)
(The Paradox of Freedom)


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
xx.02. Arbeitsrecht in U.S.A.
xx.03. Education for politics in England and the United States
The Educated Workman - What he is Contributing to Industry?“
xx.04. Amerikanisches Gewerkschaftsgesetz verfassungsmäßig
xx.05. England und die Donau
xx.06. Deutsch-englischer Zwischenfall
The Polanyis install in a “sunny rural little bungalow that [is] situated in a field overlooking a picturesque valley dotted with oast houses, just at the point at which Kent divided “between the ugly and the beautiful part,” but facing the latter.[2] xx.07. Mit englischen Augen gesehen
xx.07. Roosevelts strategischer Rückzug
xx.08. Chamberlains Brief
xx.08. Viererpakttendenzen
xx.08. Gewerkschaften in den U.S.A.
xx.08. London: Die Japanische Faust
xx.08. Chinesisch-japanischer Krieg
31.08. Community and society. The Christian criticism of our social order
xx.09. (Education for Citizenship - in England and the U.S.A.)
xx.09. Englisch-japanischer Zwischenfall
xx.09. Mittelmeer-Konferenz
09.10. Aus der Woche
16.10. Aus der Woche
23.10. Aus der Woche
30.10. Aus der Woche
06.11. Aus der Woche
14.11. 'What is Fascism? - Its Nature and History'
20.11. Aus der Woche
04.12. Aus der Woche
04.12. Aus der Woche
25.12. London: Englische Haltung
To Michael
(Conflicting philosophies in Europe)
(Christianity and economic life) + (Bemerkungen)[3]
Europe to-day


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
15.01. Aus der Woche
19.02. Aus der Woche
26.02. Aus der Woche
05.03. Aus der Woche
19.06. To {Ottofranky} (a friend)
06.07. To x Basset
26.08. To Felix and Adele Schafer
10.10. To Adele Schafer
09.11. To Adele Schafer
20.12. To Adele Schafer


Polanyi's Life Date Document
17.01. To Adele Schafer
28.01. Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum, Lecture I - 'Die Lagerung Deutschen Lebens zu Beginn der Neuzeit'
04.02. Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum, II - 'Gottsucher: Von Meister Eckhart zu Luther und Kleist'
11.02. Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum, III - 'Von Hegel und Marx zu Hitler'
18.02. Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum, IV - 'Seele und Geist: Ludwig Klages und Othmar Spann'
25.02. Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum, V - 'Österreichs Beitrag'
(The Fascist Virus)
(Fascism and Socialism)
(How to Make use of the Social Sciences)


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
Shaw the poet
(Democracy vs. Total crisis)
(The Methodological Problems Connected with the Question of Capitalism in Antiquity)
(Western Socialism: A Tract on Values and Power)
(Economic History)
(Can peaceful civilizations be virile)
(The Roots of Pacifism)
(The Meaning of Peace)
(Britain’s Foreign Policy)
(Britain and Poland)
(European Minority Issues, Solved and Unsolved)
(What Is the Real Character of the Economic Crisis?)
(The Eclipse of Panic and the Outlook for Socialism)
(Individualism and Socialism)
(Politics, Psychology and Ethics)
(Psychology and Ideology: actual and assumed motives)
(Maturity and the Common Man)
(Rational and irrational factors in Politics)
(The Structure of Political Science)
(Ignoring the obvious)
(England Torn between Europe and the Pacific)
(Experiences in Vienna and America)
(A moszkvai konferencia után) [After the Moscow Conference]

Bennington Interlude (Writing of The Great Transformation: 1940-1943)


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
H.G. Wells, The New World Order _.01.


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
23.04. Can Hitlerism solve the World Problem?
“P. secures a Rockefeller Fellowship that enables him to be employed at Bennington for two years, formally as a resident lecturer but without teaching responsibilities.”[4]
 He spends the night at Drucker's (in Bennington) 26.07. To Ilona
04.08. The Essence of Fascism (1941)
22.08. To Michael
(Government and Industry)


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
17.02. To Toni Stolper
12.09. To R. H. Tawney

1943 (Until Autumn)

World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
First pub. of Karl Mannheim's Diagnosis of our Time. Wartime Essays of a Sociologist xx.01.
01.03. To Oszkár Jászi
25.03. To Mr. Cuningham
xx.03. Why make Russia run amok?
10.04. To Eunice Lisowski
07.05. To Gordon X
To Joseph H. Willits
Lecture tour in American Universities; he finishes the writing of The Political and Economic Origins of our Time (= The Great Transformation).[5] Summer

1943 (Since Autumn)

World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
Back to London P. and I. Duczyńska meet Count Károlyi[6] xx.09. To Kenneth Muir
P. is already in Great Britain[7] 28.09
10.10. To Mrs B. Wootton
13.10. To Michael Polanyi
25.10. To Michael Polanyi
01.11. To Oszkár Jászi
13.11. To G.D.H. Cole
13.12. To Oszkár Jászi


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
Polanyi spouses become members of the Hungarian Council. P. main role seems to promote cooperation between Károlyi and Communists. (Towards a New October Revolution in Hungary)
(The Meaning of Parliamentary Democracy)
10.03. To Michael Polanyi
P. has finished to write The Great Transformation: he has a copy from the publisher 06.05. To Michael Polanyi
15.07. To A. D. Lindsay (“Master”)
17.08. To Taylor ?
??.?? To Michael Polanyi
06.12. To Mihály Károlyi
The Great Transformation[8]
(The Study of Human Institutions (Economic and Social))


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
xx.01. Universal Capitalism or Regional Planning?
21.07. Yogi and Commissar
21.09. What Kind of Adult Education
13.10. 'Rise and Decline of the Profit Motive'


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
A Crossman ellenzék felvonulása[The Emergence of Crossman Opposition]
15.04. To Mihály Károlyi
Count Michael Károlyi
15.05. To Oszkár Jászi
17.09. Világkapitalizmus vagy regionális tervgazdaságok[Universal Capitalism or Regional Planning?]
25.10. To Endre Havas
xx.11. Adult Education and the Working Class Outlook


World Events Polanyi's Life Date Document
06.01 To Michael[9]

Notes and References

  1. KPA 47/06, 41.
  2. [Dale 2016, 149].
  3. Maybe not a Polanyian text!
  4. Dale 2016, 156.
  5. Duczyńska 1970, 29/12, 53.
  6. Duczyńska 1970, 59/02, 53.
  7. See From X (28 September 1943)
  8. Original name: The political and economic origins of our time
  9. MPP 17/01, quoted by Gareth Dale [Dale 2016, 232]