The Religious Nature of the Crisis

From Karl Polanyi
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[5] What do we mean by our present society being under judgment?

Our present order of society is being destroyed in a series of wars and civil wars. This process has already begun. It can end only in the establishment of an international socialist Commonwealth.

An international societies community can be established only if every nations and every class brings great sacrifice. The present class societies lack the unity needed to go onto such a step. In the last rest capitalism must go because it destroys the unity of the nation, and it is only by great national sacrifices that international society can be set up. First of all, the capitalists would have to carry the loss, but even if they were inclined to do so, the working class could not take its share under capitalism, because it has no responsibility for the carrying on of industry. Socialism ____ from outside from the international sphere. (Under capitalism industry is a separate autonomous sphere within society. It is governed by 8ts wou laws. There is markets for everything. Holding human ______. Man is only an accessory to a commodity that is bought and sold on the market. The struggle is one of the solution, and the effort to spent it off.

The tension between capitalist nations has become so great that the international economic institutions have broken down: the gold standard, capital markets and so on. Some measure of planning is inevitable.

The nations are putting on armour: they become self-sufficient units. The political and the economic system must be unified: it is impossible to continue with losely unit national societies. Everywhere in the world in one form or another such a unification is going on. But there is a world of difference between the two ways in which it happens:
Political democracy is extended to include the economic system: that is socialism or capitalism in maintained and the political of democracy [6] destroyed. In this form Fascism is maintaining capitalism and preparing for international anarchy.

Socialism is the precondition of a democratic state, in our time. The answer depends is that we come in. We have to supply that element in conviction that nothing but religion can give.

The existence of Russia has precipitated the clash. Socialism is possible. It has been done.

The working classes will have to shoulder the burden of leadership and we must be there to imbue them with the strength.

We must teach the inevitability of the conflict.
The inevitability of the sacrifice.
The certainty of ultimate victory.
The meaning of sacrifice,

1) We must here the _____ of working people ______ our belief in the mission of the working class and make of clear that we are not concerned with the future ___________.

The task of the _____ is not to save itself; but to save the world.

2) We must leave us doubt that ______ of our time. That are ____ in their struggle. That we take upon ______ the risk of the battle, including the moral risks. That there is no _______ly out for us. That ___ ____ is ____ for ________.

[7] The destruction of democracy accepted as final in order to eliminate the influence of the actual producers who can have no say in the productive process under capitalism.

A new religion introduced in order to transform the nature of man, or at least the Laws of his consciousness in accordance with the needs of this state affairs.

Christianity fought by consistent Fascists. A subhuman community needed. The higher type of community is the Christian community.

To-day it means internationalism and socialism.

The integration of society by socialism the task of Christianity today. If it is left to Fascism, the false integration comes about at the cost of the elements in man which are true life.

It is the way out at the cost of degeneration and destruction in war and famine. It is inacceptable to the Christian. It is the denial of all the values his civilisation is built upon.

Christianity must supply our generation with the force which looks beyond self-interest. The time will come when the seed will grow to a tree and the birds of the heaven will _____ under it.

Text Informations

Date: 1936
KPA: 21/05, 5-7
Other Languages:

Lge Name
FR La nature religieuse de la crise