Rudolf Steiner’s Economy

From Karl Polanyi
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I was requested by the Editors of NEW BRITAIN to set out in brief the economic proposals included in Rudolf Steiner's concept of a Three-fold State. Undoubtedly, they are interesting. Apart from Guild Socialism they constitute the most stimulating contribution to the economics of a functional society.

Things private and Public

Steiner was opposed to an essential feature of Capitalism: the right of the owners of the means of production to determine freely the use to which their property is to be put.

But he was also dead against State Socialism, i.e. the administration of the means of production by the State.

Thus he was distrustful of unqualified private ownership as well as of unqualified public ownership.

His solution of this dilemma was to advocate the divorce of the ownership of capital from the right to dispose of the use of capital. He proposed to establish a system of circulation of capital under which capital would remain in private hands, but

Distribution of Income

The Residual Surplus

Inheritance and Trusteeship

Prices and Markets

Text Informations

Original Publication: “Rudolf Steiner’s Economy”, New Britain, Vol. III, August 1, 1934, n°63 p. 311-312
KPA: 18/11
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