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{{Hungarian into English}}  
{{Hungarian into English}}  

{{Page |n°=16}} Az egyház a természeti törvényektől régen elhidegült, mert ezek szabadkőművest befolyás alá kerültek. Érzület tekintetében csupán a meteorológia maradt megbízható és éppen ezért az egyház kedvenc szakmája ez. Sajnos az időjárás viszont egyéb szempontokból megbízhatatlan.
{{Page |n°=16}} The Church has long been alienated from natural laws because they were under the influence of Freemasonry. As for emotion, only meteorology has remained reliable and is therefore the Church's favorite profession. Unfortunately, the weather is unreliable in other respects.

Először lemondással, utóbb reménységgel, ma daccal mondja az egyház: „Ignorabimus”.
At first, the church says, with resignation, and later with hope, today, "Ignorabimus."

A tételes vallások sokkal könnyebben nyugodnának bele az emberszabású majomtól való leszármazásunkba, ha nem ragaszkodnának mindenáron ahoz a kínos feltevéshez, hogy az emberiség őseit éppen a saját képére teremtette Isten.
It would be much easier for itemized religions to rest in our descent from the human ape if we did not insist at all costs on the awkward assumption that the ancestors of mankind were created by God in His own image.

A teremtés bibliai történetének nem az a főhibája, hogy Isten nem is létezik, hanem hogy mai ismereteink szerint a világ keletkezése egészen másképpen ment végbe, mint ahogy azt az Ó-testamentum elmondja. Ez alényeges és emellett az Istenről szóló részlet majdnem mellékes.
The main bug in the biblical story of creation is not that God does not exist, but that, according to our knowledge today, the creation of the world took place quite differently from what the Old Testament says. This is substantive and, in addition, the detail about God is almost marginal. p. k.

p. k.
{{Page |n°=19}} The Church is an unfaithful steward for the good of society. His agents play „in sich”. The lair is speculated by the clergy as à la hausse, and by the Christian socialists as à la baisse, and while he assures himself, he plunders his clients as he pleases. p. k.
{{Page |n°=19}} Az egyház hűtlen sáfára a társadalom javainak. Ügynökei „in sich” játszanak. A klérus által a la hausse, a keresztény szocialisták által a la baisse spekulál és míg ő így bebiztosítja magát, megbízóit kedve szerint fosztogatja.  
p. k.

{{Page |n°=38}} A primitív művelődések gránittalaja a butaság. Ez az a „szikla”, amelyre az egyház felépült.
{{Page |n°=38}} The granite soil of primitive cultures is stupid. This is the "rock" on which the church is built.

A római pápát a vatikáni zsinat csalhatatlannak nyilvánítatta. Ez komoly haladást jelent, mert eszerint legalább a szent atyát már nem lehet megcsalni. Vajjon mikor lesznek végre a hívek is csalhatatlanok?!
The Pope of Rome declared the Vatican Council infallible. This is a great step forward, because at least the Holy Father cannot be deceived. When will the faithful finally be infallible ?!

A vademberek, ha csalódtak a bálványaikban, megverték őket. A bálványok megunták ezt a bánásmódot és az égbe költöztek, ahol azóta nyugodalmas életet folytatnak.
The savages, if disappointed in their idols, beat them. The idols were tired of this treatment and moved to heaven, where they have since lived a restful life.

A templomok és a csapszékek szószékeiről árad az a mámor, amelyben a magyar választási mozgalmak lefolynak. Az 1899. évi XV. t.-c. 170. §-a, az a. n. Kanzelparagraph, a választási mozgalmak idejére a szeszeket elhallgattatta. De nehogy az erkölcsi rend megzavart egyensúlya felbillenjen 9. §-ában az itatás jogát törvénybe iktatta.  
From the pulpits of the temples and the pulpits, the intoxication in which the Hungarian electoral movements take place flows. The XV. t.-c. Section 170, a. n. Kanzel paragraph, he stopped the spirits during the election movements. But to prevent the disturbed balance of moral order from overturning, Section 9 has made the law of watering lawful.

p. k.
p. k.
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== Text Informations ==
== Text Informations ==
'''Reference''': 1913a<br />
'''Reference''': 1913a<br />
'''Original Publication''': ''[[Szabadgondolat]]'', 3.1, ??? [[1913]], p. 16, 19, 38<br />
'''Original Publication''': “[[Az egyház a természeti…]]”, ''[[Szabadgondolat]]'', 3.1, ??? [[1913]], p. 16, 19, 38<br />
'''KPA''': [[01/18]] (1 pages; copy of the original article)<br />
'''KPA''': [[01/18]] (1 pages; copy of the original article)<br />
'''Other Languages''':
'''Other Languages''':

Revision as of 02:27, 15 March 2020

Text in Hungarian to translate into English

[16] The Church has long been alienated from natural laws because they were under the influence of Freemasonry. As for emotion, only meteorology has remained reliable and is therefore the Church's favorite profession. Unfortunately, the weather is unreliable in other respects.

At first, the church says, with resignation, and later with hope, today, "Ignorabimus."

It would be much easier for itemized religions to rest in our descent from the human ape if we did not insist at all costs on the awkward assumption that the ancestors of mankind were created by God in His own image.

The main bug in the biblical story of creation is not that God does not exist, but that, according to our knowledge today, the creation of the world took place quite differently from what the Old Testament says. This is substantive and, in addition, the detail about God is almost marginal. p. k.

[19] The Church is an unfaithful steward for the good of society. His agents play „in sich”. The lair is speculated by the clergy as à la hausse, and by the Christian socialists as à la baisse, and while he assures himself, he plunders his clients as he pleases. p. k.

[38] The granite soil of primitive cultures is stupid. This is the "rock" on which the church is built.

The Pope of Rome declared the Vatican Council infallible. This is a great step forward, because at least the Holy Father cannot be deceived. When will the faithful finally be infallible ?!

The savages, if disappointed in their idols, beat them. The idols were tired of this treatment and moved to heaven, where they have since lived a restful life.

From the pulpits of the temples and the pulpits, the intoxication in which the Hungarian electoral movements take place flows. The XV. t.-c. Section 170, a. n. Kanzel paragraph, he stopped the spirits during the election movements. But to prevent the disturbed balance of moral order from overturning, Section 9 has made the law of watering lawful.

p. k.

Text Informations

Reference: 1913a
Original Publication: “Az egyház a természeti…”, Szabadgondolat, 3.1, ??? 1913, p. 16, 19, 38
KPA: 01/18 (1 pages; copy of the original article)
Other Languages:

Lg Name
FR L'Eglise est naturelle