Ist Sozialismus eine Weltanschauung?

From Karl Polanyi
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Why not „Über die Freiheit“?

After Gregory Baum 1996, 24-29, Michele Cangiani and Claus Thomasberger call this text „Über die Freiheit“. In the archive the text is called: “Lecture – N. t. - Notes, 1927“.

I chose „Ist Sozialismus ein Weltanschauung?“ because I consider that archives 02/16 and 03/03 are two fragments of the same text, and in this second one we have that :

In the last line, we can read after the correction, "Ist Sozialismus ein Weltanschauung?”. In the archive 02/16, we see that Polanyi tried to change a speech [&-39] in a text [41-96]. In the archive 03/03, he follows this work with a table of contents and some fragments of the same text.


AKP: 02/16 + 03/03

Lg Publication
DE „Über di Freiheit“ in POLANYI 2005, p. 137-170