To R.H. Tawney (19 January 1936)
Dear Professor Tawney,
The enclosed is the number _th number of the News Sheet, - I am not quite sure whether you have already been sent a copy. I also enclose a copy of a short formulation of our position in ___ of its aspects which we want to issue more widely in the next News Sheet. I should be grateful for any special criticism or comment if you have any to make.
May I come once more for a short talk with you? I want to let you know something of recent developments, and to ask now for your promise advise about a teaching plan. Perhaps you would be so kind as to ring me up (Hillside 3994) if you feel you can spare the time to see me.
On Saturday Feb. _th John Macmurray, who is a member of our group is coming to meet a number of us to make a statement about the religious position and task, as he conceives them, of the Christian Left. We should be very happy if you could join us on that afternoon. Please try.
Yours very sincerely,
Letter Informations
KPA: 21/27, 2