Notebook XIII

From Karl Polanyi
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No 1945

{Med 11<up>th 100 lf


To read use stiff white paper behind each page

[3] Irene Grant
25 {Becombe br}
N 12

[5] Content of ______ 1)

[5] […] speech in New York - forms of soc. property

[9] 1928

[13] […] of remaining asocialist or becoming conservative. Marx had no suggestion. Trotsky denies the achievement,

Forces socialism is

The only answer for Marxist is early Marx.

[…] Every achievement is the negative face that hasn't been achieved.

____ what you do --

[15] Socialist must do the same as Fascist - offer a real socialism solution to a real problem.

Pop. Front is unity every ____ against Fascism united front unites one class.

Liberals is the comity identify society with Capitalism.

You can't run a class war front [16] {and} then. ___ the Liberals obey now no class war - you can […]

Trotskysm is (a) anti Russia (unreal) (b)

… Sov. Russia

[19] Jesus = prophete s priest

[22] Marx Lenin


A social revolution in Jewish society was a religious revolution to the Jews - it was a theocracy.

Did Jesus suddenly in the trial, realize that he had {restored/relooked} something − i.e.that Pilate _____ come out - for him, even bring him to power − that he {covered} come to power, + on the side of the Romans − perhaps even become Roman Emperor! Only this could stop from going on to power.

Did death was the way to ____ him

Kenneth Muir Heart 2XL message.
Power to …

[28] Early Marx

The answer is NO. Early Marx condemn the essential elements.

The wider conception is the pocket torch − your own affair!

Objectivation v fetishization is only mentioned in Capital, but fully in the Early Marx.

The way human mind would work would depend on structure − in Capitalist world it would work an atomized fashion − He was ________ Cap ____ or saw it would think of everything in analogy to its economic terms. Capital is not a success as an Economics of Capitalism − it is a success as ______ __ _____ of conceptual life in Capitalist society. "a theory of exploitation",

[32] Like Jewish community, all human … …is anti-individualistic (In Jewish community it was relation of community to God)

[37] Early Works Marx

[50] Here he touches Jesus

[52] On Hegel that which …

[54] Marx said this ___ must apply to man, became [55] his activities ______ actual objects, which cannot revert inW the actor when ______ (e.g. a table!) Hegel hadaccepted what human activity {lear} ____ alienation about him activity of thought. (this are {Jeed of idea of _____} in community.

(1) He reversed subj.-obj. relationship
(2) He {regarted} activity as {_______ly} ________eft
(3) He showed it ________ be the activity of a "separate” individuals at all - ____ of individual in community. Alienation or estrangement is the non-personal __ a non-psychological sense - i.e. they _____ an objective condition which means they cannot.


…the personal of man - it is complex tentative, but he almost … point! Macmurray eventually comes.

[56] Historical Materialism

[57] tragic fact with the division of labour which … Marx

[58] … the Spanish anarchists would reduce the ______.

Hence the special role of the proletariat who in fact suffer the result of self-estrangement, to bear __ themselves the of its resolution.

Marx never thought that the {prosperity} solution was a sufficient solution of the human problem.

Dialectical Materialism

Engels - Handbook of Marxism Dialectic regarded as formal happening altogether (is a subj.-obj. happening) 1) change of quantity into quality as a dialectical process
2) Interpenetration of opposites: mutually antagonistic forces …
3) Relationschip of theory (&) practice - not to be regarded as separate, but inter-related. Practice being the {corporation} of theory. Theory {it/if} widely spread {her} practical effects. in practice of masses of people (See Anti-Dühring.)

[58] understand society as a whole

[67] History & Class consciousness Lukács, 1923

[86] Reference of Xty - This is crucial

Missing pages

Pages 90-98 are missing.
This page contains question(s)
that we should discuss
in the Talk Page!

[91] Saving, Remnant
(Feb. 4, 1938)

[94] Kenneth Muir {Blake}

Document Informations

Date: 1934-1946
KPA: 07/03