From Felix Schafer (16 August 1952)

From Karl Polanyi
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Dear Karl,

Many thanks for your letter.

… I am looking forward eagerly to read some chapters of the manuscript of your book[1], I am sure, it will be a great book. I agree with your opinion about the limitation of the scarcity analysis. The more I read economics, I more notice, the narrowness imposed by scarcity and profit maximisation even within economics. For instance the welfare state, which is nowadays … if sociology is as you do in your new book. Once again, I am thrilled with the prospect of getting an opportunity to see parts of the manuscript. […] I don't know yet clearly how far the limitation of the scarcity analysis affects our theorem of the two economies. As however you wanted my opinion on this theorem in connection with Aristotle, I should say that Aristotle has made the fundamental distinction between a social economy where the individuals can use their goods for themselves, and a social economy, where they cannot do so. This distinction which you have mentioned [12] in your book leads to our two economies. Id the individuals may use … Aristotle … Ricardo …

[13] difficulty. Aggregate concepts (e.g. Keynes), welfare economics, but above all the difference between the micro and the macro economics … […]

Once more – I am looking forwards eagerly to see the manuscript of your book. […]

Lots of love from all of us


Editor's Note

Letter Informations

KPA: 58/10, 11-13