
From Karl Polanyi
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[104] Ch. 1 Confusion of Economics + Market form
Ch. 2 How did this afford the other disphnos ?
I. Economic theory: I’ll gave a phases to economic theory

Economic approach x (exchange)
The distribution of the material dilemma
Market + its laws
A theory of price
LimitationsAn equilibrium + a scarcity theory
Theories of cabes lacking

M. Weber: Categoriesvery effective but
Bowling : quotesœnived from current meanings

Catallactic triadtrade xxxx absorbed by the market: constitution of monopolies of supply and for the use of xxxxxx social sciences
A theory [that] became the wrong theory to give a lead for the xxxxxx of the xx of the e. ver torie.
II. Economic history
Classical beginnings preceder. Ec. Theory. Still immense : (Boeche compare with Andreades (mirror of a century later)
A faithful xxxx of L.MN fashions of the 1920’s.
Stages theories : Hildebrand, Plenge, Salin, Meichellkein: Spieth of Laune : marxism
Nuscham theory: Bendiscen: Knapp. Mistle n inis. Petri Was. Oniggin.
Market theory: Rostovtzeff.

[105] 1940 The {amateur} social philosophers {strongpling} in {Hamster} of the host and {contributing} in very {siffvent} {desidary} to the stream

[106] Ch. 2 (continued)
economic history (continued)
οικος controversy: Rodbertus {tadled} the taxation system of Rome in a reality way as that of non-market economy.

[111] Polanyi rewrites plan for chapter II and quotes the catallactics.