
From Karl Polanyi
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KPI Description

Title Address - Ovation held at the Obsequies for Endre Ady - Szózat a Galilei Kör ifjuságáhöz, 1919-1970.
Author Polanyi, Karl
 Description File consists of a typed speech manuscript in Hungarian, written by Karl Polanyi, 6p. The file also contains an annotated typed draft of the English translation by Ilona Duczynska titled "A Call to the Youth of the Galileo Circle”. The translation was done in the 1970’s.

Description: An addresses in Hungarian and German, written mostly in Hungary and Vienna, 1907-1933.
Also included is an English translation by Ilona Duczynska done in the 1970

URI http://hdl.handle.net/10694/48
 Document Date 1919