Karl Polanyi Archives: Difference between revisions

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* Official site: '''[http://www.concordia.ca/research/polanyi/archive.html Karl Polanyi Digital Archive]'''
Two possibilities:
<!-- * [[Karl Polanyi Archives with Logical Boxes]] -->
* [[Karl Polanyi Archives (KPI Classification)]]
* [[Karl Polanyi Archives (New Classification)]]
'''Key''':<br />
* '''Bold''': things corrected
* <span style="color:red;">Text in red</span>: problem in KPA
* (year1)-(year2): the archive contains documents from year1 to year2
* (year1)•(year2): the date of the document(s) contained in the archive is estimated between year1 and year2.
== Archives Overview ==
Rapid Access to Boxes: [[#02|02]], [[#03|03]], [[#04|04]], [[#05|05]], [[#06|06]], [[#07|07]], [[#08|08]], [[#09|09]], [[#10|10]], [[#11|11]], [[#12|12]], [[#13|13]], [[#14|14]], [[#15|15]], [[#16|16]], [[#17|17]], [[#18|18]], [[#19|19]], [[#20|20]], [[#21|21]], [[#22|22]], [[#23|23]], [[#24|24]], [[#25|25]], [[#26|26]], [[#27|27]], [[#28|28]], [[#29|29]], [[#30|30]], [[#31|31]], [[#32|32]], [[#33|33]], [[#34|34]], [[#35|35]], [[#36|36]], [[#37|37]], [[#38|38]], [[#39|39]], [[#40|40]], [[#41|41]], [[#42|42]], [[#43|43]], [[#44|44]], [[#45|45]], [[#46|46]], [[#47|47]], [[#48|48]], [[#49|49]], [[#50|50]], [[#51|51]], [[#52|52]], [[#53|53]], [[#54|54]], [[#55|55]], [[#56|56]], [[#57|57]], [[#58|58]], [[#59|59]].
{| class="sortable wikitable"
! <small>Box</small>
! Name
! Author
! Nature
! Date
|rowspan="53" id="01"|01
| 01/01|01
| “[[A történelmi materializmus drámája]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1907
| 01/02|02
| “[[A tudomány mödszere]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1909
| 01/03|03
| “[[Kultura - ákultura]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1909
| 01/04|04
|  Preface (Bevezetés) Ernst Mach
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1910
| 01/05|05
| “[[Az orthodoxia fontosságáról]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1910
| 01/06|06
| “[[Nézeteink válsága]]”, ''Huszadik Század'', vol. 11, 1910, no. 2, pp. 125-127, and ''Szabadgondolat'', vol. 8, no. 3, 1918, pp. 13-15, 1909-1970
| Karl Polanyi  
| Published Article
| 1910
| 01/07|07
| “[[Mi nem küzdünk a vallás ellen]]” -''Szabadgondolat''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1911
| 01/08|08
| “[[A szabadoktatásért]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1911
| 01/09|09
| “[[A Magyar irodalom válsága]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1912
| 01/10|10
| “[[Hit és hiszékenység]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1911
| 01/11|11
| “[[A destruktiv irányról]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1911
| 01/12|12
| “[[Beszéd a meggyözödésröl]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[01/13|13]]
| “[[Tanulság]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[01/14|14]]
| “[[Az esküdtszéki reform]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[01/15|15]]
| “[[Az angol példa]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[01/16|16]]
| “[[Történelemtanitás a láthatáron]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[01/17|17]]
| “[[A Regnum Marianum cserkészei]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[01/18|18]]
| Kétségeim
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[01/19|19]]
| “[[A strohmann]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[01/20|20]]
| “[[Radikális polgári politika]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[01/21|21]]
| “[[Galilei Kör]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1914
| [[01/22|22]]
| “[[Könyvek]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1914
| [[01/23|23]]
| “[[Polgári radikálisok, szocialisták és törtenelmi ellenzék]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1914
| [[01/24|24]]
| “[[A magyar hegemonia és a nemzetiségek]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1914
| [[01/25|25]]
| “[[A Radikalizmus Programmja és Célja]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1918
| [[01/26|26]]
| “[[A mai nemzedék hivatása]]” (The Calling of this Generation)
| Karl Polanyi
| Translation in English
| 1918
| [[01/27|27]]
| “[[A világbéke Dummer August-jai]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1918
| [[01/28|28]]
| “[[Kézirásos töredék svövege]]” (nyilván a későbbi Galilei Kór időkből, 1919 elött) (Draft article) – N. t., 1919
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1919
| [[01/29|29]]
| “[[Polgárháború]]”, ''Szabadgondolat''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1919
| [[01/30|30]]
| “[[Fizikai és szellemi munka]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1919
| [[01/31|31]]
| Address - Ovation held at the Obsequies for Endre Ady - Szózat a Galilei Kör ifjuságáhöz
| Karl Polanyi
| 1919
| [[01/32|32]]
| “[[A társadalomtudomány]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1925
| [[01/33|33]]
| N. t.
| Karl Polanyi
| Review Article
| 1926
| [[01/34|34]]
| [[Profétikus meglátással írta Keynes]] (Folyóiratok szemléje)
| Karl Polanyi
| Review Article
| 1926
| [[01/35|35]]
| “[[A magyar demokrácia célkitüzéseiröl]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1927
| [[01/36|36]]
| ”[[Munkanélküliség a szellemi pátyák köréhen]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Review Article
| 1928
| [[01/37|37]]
| “[[Karl Kraus]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1928
| [[01/38|38]]
| “[[Matematikai statisztika]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1928
| [[01/39|39]]
| "[[A Galilei Kör mérlege]]", ''Korunk''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1929
| [[01/40|40]]
| “[[Hivö és hitetlen politika]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1921
| [[01/41|41]]
| “[[Az Új Középeurópa]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Review Article
| 1928
| [[01/42|42]]
| “[[A mai nemzedék hivatása]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1918
| [[01/43|43]]
| “[[A tudomány autonomiája és az egyetem autonomiája]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Review Article
| 1919
| [[01/44|44]]
| “[[Jog és erőszak]]”, ''Szabadgondolat''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1919
| [[01/45|45]]
| “[[Pártjaink és a béke]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Review Article
| 1918
| [[01/46|46]]
| "[[Internacionale]]", ''Szabadgondolat''
| Karl Polanyi
| Review Article
| 1919
| [[01/47|47]]
| “[[A szocializmus próbája]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1918
| [[01/48|48]]
| “[[Radikális párt és Polgári párt]]”, ''Szabadgondolat''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1918
| [[01/49|49]]
| Book Reviews and Comments - Könyvismertetések és birálotak, vol. 3, 1926
| Karl Polanyi
| 1926
| [[01/50|50]]
| Articles - ''Bécsi Magyar Ujság''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1921-1923
| [[01/51|51]]
| Articles - ''Bécsi Magyar Ujság''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1921-1923
| [[01/52|52]]
| Articles - ''Bécsi Magyar Ujság''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1921-1923
| [[01/53|53]]
| „[[Wissenschaft und Sittlichkeit]]“ - Part. 1<ref>Containing text in German, from the Vienna period, this folder should have been located in Box 02… </ref>
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Manuscript
| 1919-1922
|rowspan="24" id="02"|02
| [[02/01|01]]
| „[[Wissenschaft und Sittlichkeit]]“ - Part. 2
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1919-1922
| [[02/02|02]]
| „[[Der Glauben an die Wahrheiten der Wissenschaftslehre von der Soziologie]]“)
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1920-1922
| [[02/03|03]]
| „[[Die Wissenschaft von der Zukunft]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1920-1922
| [[02/04|04]]
| „[[Die Wissenschaft von der Zukunft]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1920-1922
| [[02/05|05]]
| „[[Unsere Ablehnung der wissenschaftlichen Politik…]]“
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1920-1922
| [[02/06|06]]
| „[[Unser kleine Schrift…]]“
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1920-1922
| [[02/07|07]]
| „[[Wissenschaftliche Politik und neue Skepsis]]“
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1920-1922
| [[02/08|08]]
| Draft Manuscript on Harvey and Sanctorius, etc.
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article?<br />Note on readings?
| 1919-1925 (Early 1920s)
| 02/09|09
| „[[Worauf es heute ankommt. Eine Erwiderung]]“
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1919•1920
| [[02/10|10]]
| „[[Hans Mayer’s Lösung des Zurechnungsproblems]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1928
| [[02/11|11]]
| Notes on readings on medicine (Harvey and Sanctorius, etc.)
| Karl Polanyi
| Reading Notes
| 1919-1925 (Early 1920s)
| [[02/12|12]]
| „[[Neue Erwägungen zu unserer Theorie und Praxis]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1925
| [[02/13|13]]
| „[[Sozialistische Rechnungslegung]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1922
| [[02/14|14]]
| „[[Der Geistgeschichtliche Hintergrund des Moskauer Prozesses]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1922
| [[02/15|15]]
| „[[Die funktionelle Theorie der Gesellschaft und das Problem der sozialistischen Rechnungslegung]]“
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1924
| [[02/16|16]]
| „[[Ist Sozialismus eine Weltanschauung?]]“ '''- Part 1'''
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture / Draft Article
| '''1921-1922'''
| [[02/17|17]]
| „[[Wer ist die Linke?]]“
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1926
| [[02/18|18]]
| „[[Einsteins spezielle Relativitätstheorie]]“
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1929
| [[02/19|19]]
| ”[[Europe in Ferment]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1931
| [[02/20|20]]
| „[[Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre]]“
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1931
| [[02/21|21]]
| [[Die Wirtschaft ist für den Faschismus]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1933
| [[02/22|22]]
| "[[Pure Economic Theory]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1924-1927
| [[02/23|23]]
| “[[Pax anglo-americana]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1930
| [[02/24|24]]
| [[Notes on economic theory]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Reading Notes
| 1919-1933
|rowspan="26" id="03"|03
| 03/01|01
| „[[Das Übersichtsproblem]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1925?
| [[03/02|02]]
| „[[Das Übersichtsproblem, ein Hauptproblem des Sozialismus]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1926?
| [[03/03|03]]
| „[[Ist Sozialismus eine Weltanschauung?]]” '''- Part 2'''
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| '''1921-1922'''
| [[03/04|04]]
| „[[Faschismus]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1934
| [[03/05|05]]
| „[[Zum Begriff Bedürfnisskalen]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1923?
| [[03/06|06]]
| „[[Über das Wesen der Ost-Europäischen Wirtschaftskrise]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1920s
| [[03/07|07]]
| „[[Auszug aus einem Referat zur Sozialisierungsfrage]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1927
| [[03/08|08]]
| „[[Marxismus und geistige Arbeit]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1919-1933
| [[03/09|09]]
| „[[…das Wesen der Kaufkraftwirtschaftlichen Betrachtungsweise…]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 19'''26'''-1933
| [[03/10|10]]
| Fragment of Vienna writing
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes of Readings
| 19'''23'''-1933
| [[03/11|11]]
| „[[Der Mechanismus der Weltwirtschaftskrise]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1933
| [[03/12|12]]
| Articles - ''Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt'' – Vienna period
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1925-1933
| [[03/13|13]]
| Articles - ''Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt'' – Vienna period
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1925-1933
| [[03/14|14]]
| Articles - ''Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt'' – Vienna period
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1925-1933
| [[03/15|15]]
| Articles - ''Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt'' – Vienna period
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1925-1933
| [[03/16|16]]
| ''Der Generalstreik und die Soziale Revolution'' (1902)
| Siegfried Nacht
| Published Article
| 1902
| [[03/17|17]]
|  “Három Március 1911-1912-1913”, no. 11
| Oszkár Jászi, László Rubin and Károly Pólányi
| Published Article
| 1913
| [[03/18|18]]
| “Müveltség és kultura”, Szabadgondolat
| Ervin Szabó
| Published Article
| 1918
| [[03/19|19]]
| „Der Weg zum Sozialismus”, Berlin, Freiheit
| Otto Bauer
| 1919
| [[03/20|20]]
| „Neue Beiträge zum Problem der sozialistischen Wirtschaftsrechnung”
| Ludwig von Mises
| Published Article
| 1923
| [[03/21|21]]
| „Gildensozialistische Rechnungslegung, Kritische Bemerkungen zu Karl Polányi, ‘Sozialistische Rechnungslegung’”, ''Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik'', vol. 52, 1924, pp. 196-217
| Felix Weil
| Published Article
| 1924
| [[03/22|22]]
| „Wirtschaftsrechnung und Gemeinwirtschaft", ''Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik'', vol. 51, no. 2, 1923, pp. 501-520
| Jakob Marschak
| Published Article
| 1923
| [[03/23|23]]
| ''Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre''
| Max Weber
| Published Book
| 1922
| [[03/24|24]]
| "Youth in the Present Day World An Essay in Contemporary History"
| Walter M. Kotschnig
| Draft Article
| 1932
| [[03/25|25]]
| "What is Marxism"
| N. A. Klepinin
| Draft Article
| 1933
| [[03/26|26]]
| Bereitschaft - aber wofür und wozu. Ein Brief
| Otto Bauer
| 1933
|rowspan="11" id="04"|04
| [[04/01|01]]
| ''Totaler Staat und Zivilization''
| Aurel Kolnai
| Published Article
| 1933
| [[04/02|02]]
| „Grundzüge einer personalistischen Staats- und Gesellschaftsauffassung” and „Zur Soziologie der Gegenrevolution” – Sitzung des politisch-soziologischen Arb
| Aurel Kolnai
| Lectures
| 1931-1932
| [[04/03|03]]
| “Discussion über Demokratie” and “Die Umwälzung in Deutschen Reich” - Sitzung des politisch-soziologischen Arbeitskreises
| Gregor Sebba
| Lectures
| 1932-1933
| [[04/04|04]]
| “Aufbau, nicht Abbau!”, ''Der Oesterreichische Volkswirt'', n. d., pp. 183-184
| Dr. Otto Deutsch
| Published Article
| 1924•1934
| [[04/05|05]]
| “Kossuth Lajos emigrációja és az októberi emigráció
| Oszkár Jászi
| Published Article
| 1922
| [[04/06|06]]
| "Prinzip verteilter Rollen"
| Author unknown
| Draft Article
| n. d.
| [[04/07|07]]
| "A termeszettörvények értelme és értéke"
| Ernst Mach
| Published Article
| 1918
| [[04/08|08]]
| “Die Kirche und der Sozialismus im Lichte der ‘Quadragesimo anno’”, C.D.V. Schriften, no. 1
| Michael Pfliegler
| Published Article
| 1933
| [[04/09|09]]
| Notes on readings – Early Vienna period
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1920s (Early)
| [[04/10|10]]
| Notes on readings – Early Vienna period
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1920s (Early)
| [[04/11|11]]
| Notes on readings – Early Vienna period
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1920s (Early)
|rowspan="6" id="05"|05
| [[05/01|01]]
| Notes on readings – Vienna period
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1919-1933
| [[05/02|02]]
| Notes on readings – Vienna period
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1919-1933
| [[05/03|03]]
| Address book - Vienna and United Kingdom
| [[05/04|04]]
| Newspaper clippings Democracy, fascism and national socialism
| 1932-1933
| [[05/05|05]]
| Bibliography
| Bibliography
| 1945-1958
| [[05/06|06]]
| Bibliography
| Bibliography
| 1945-1958
|rowspan="5" id="06"|06
| [[06/01|01]]<br />02
| Bibliography
| Karl Polanyi
| Bibliography
| 1947-1958
| [[06/03|03]]
| Notes on Dahomey and Africa
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1947-1958
| [[06/04|04]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1934•1943
| [[06/05|05]]
| Notes A-H
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1934•1943
| [[06/06|06]]
| Notes I-R
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1934•1943
|rowspan="9" id="07"|07
| [[07/01|01]]
| Notes S-Z
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1934•1943
| [[07/02|02]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1934•1946
| [[07/03|03]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1934•1946
| [[07/04|04]]
| Notes on readings - A-G
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1940•1944
| [[07/05|05]]
| Notes on readings - H-P
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1940•1944
| [[07/06|06]]
| Notes on readings - R-Z
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1940•1944
| [[07/07|07]]
| Notes
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1933
| [[07/08|08]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1919-1935
| [[07/09|09]]
| “Origins of Institutions”
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1944•1946
|rowspan="15" id="08"|08
| '''[[The Planned International Organisation. The United Nations]]'''
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| '''1945'''•1946
| [[08/02|02]]
| '''1. "[[Russia and the British Working Class]]";  2. "[[Recent Social Factors in Recent European History]]"; 3. "[[Outlines of Policy on Jewish Question Arising During the Emergency Period in Central and Middle Eastern Europe]]"; 4. "[[Christianity and Economic Life (2)|Xty and Economic Life]]"; 5. "[[Christianity and the Modern Forms of State]]"; 6. "[[Secular Civilization]]"; 7. "[[Fascism, the Common Enemy]]"; 8. "[[Conflicting Philosophies in Europe (2)|Conflicting Philosophies in Europe]]"'''
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Articles'''
| 1934-1946
| [[08/03|03]]
| '''1. Elements of foreign policy; 2. Political and economic experiments in post war times; 3. Political and economic experiment in our time. USA and New Deal; 4. The political and economic root of the present crisis: nationally and internationally'''
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| '''1940'''-1946
| [[08/04|04]]
| "Stages of the Russian Revolution,” 1934-1946
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| '''1939'''
| [[08/05|05]]
| '''1. [[France To-day]]; 2. [[The Locarno Powers London Talks]]'''
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| 1934•19'''3'''6
| [[08/06|06]]
| '''1. What Reform of the League; 2. Hot Spots in Europe; 3. The relationship between economic & political institutions in society; 4. Italy's Place in Europe; 5. The reconstruction of Europe; 6. Can British democracy survive?; 7. Social and Historical Background of the Br. W.; 8. The moral and religious factor'''
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| 1934•1946
| [[08/07|07]]
| '''1. [[The Christian and the World Economic Crisis]]; 2. [[Uj Külpolitikai ABC]]; 3. [[The Rise and Decline of Market Economy]]; 4. [[Politics and Psychology]]'''
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| 1934•1946
| [[08/08|08]]
| '''1. [[The Moscow Agreements]]; 2. [[Munich and Moscow]]'''
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| 1934•1946
| [[08/09|09]]
| 1. "[[Introductory Notes to Karl Marx's ‘Political Economy and Philosophy’]]"; 2. "[[National, Economic and Social Crisis in Our Time]]"; 3. "[[European Minority Issues, Solved and Unsolved]]"; 4. "[[Trade Unions in Central Europe - After the Catastrophe]]”; 5. "[[The Balance Sheet of Treaty Revision]]"; 6. "[[On the Brink of a New Era of Religious Wars]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| 1934•1946
| [[08/10|10]]
| 1. "[[British War Aims and Central Europe]]"; 2. "[[Foreign Policy and Post-war Reconstruction]]"; 3. "[[What Kind of World Order are We Fighting For?]]"; 4. “[[Balance of Power in Europe after the War]]"; 5. "[[Post-war Balance of Power Outside Europe]]"; 6. "[[The Political Prerequisites of a Stable and Just World Order]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| 1934•1946
| [[08/11|11]]
| 1. "[[History in Our Days]]"; 2. "[[The Structure of Political Science]]"; 3. "[[The Break-down of the International System]]"; 4. "[[The Democratic Alternative: Is America an Exception?]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| '''Draft Article/Lecture'''
| 1934-1946
| [[08/12|12]]
| Notes and outlines for ''The Great Transformation''
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 19'''38'''•194'''4'''
| [[08/13|13]]
| Notes and outlines for ''The Great Transformation''
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 19'''38'''•194'''4'''
| [[08/14|14]]
| Notes and outlines for ''The Great Transformation''
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 19'''38'''•194'''4'''
| [[08/15|15]]
| Notes and outlines for ''The Great Transformation''
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 19'''38'''•194'''4'''
|rowspan="7" id="09"|09
| [[09/01|01]]
| Notes and outlines for ''The Great Transformation''
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 19'''38'''•194'''4'''
| [[09/02|02]]
| Notes and outlines (Marx & Marxism)
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934•1946
| [[09/03|03]]
| Notes and outlines
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934•1946
| [[09/04|04]]
| Notes and outlines
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[09/05|05]]
| Notes and outlines
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934•1946
| [[09/06|06]]
| Notes and outlines
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934•19'''38'''
| [[09/07|07]]
| Notes and outlines
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934•1946
|rowspan="8" id="10"|10
| Notes and outlines
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934•1946
| [[10/02|02]]
| Notes and outlines
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934•1946
| [[10/03|03]]
| Notes and outlines
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934•1946
| [[10/04|04]]
| Notes and outlines
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[10/05|05]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[10/06|06]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[10/07|07]]
| Notes on readings – A. Toynbee, A Study of History
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[10/08|08]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
|rowspan="9" id="11"|11
| [[11/01|01]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[11/02|02]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[11/03|03]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[11/04|04]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[11/05|05]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[11/06|06]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[11/07|07]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[11/08|08]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
| [[11/09|09]]
| Notes on readings
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1934-1946
|rowspan="16" id="12"|12
| [[12/01|01]]
| Institute of International Education - Lecture Tour - December 27, 1934 - April 19, 1935
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1934-1935
| [[12/02|02]]
| Institute of International Education - Des Moines Public Forum - January 8 - February 15, 1935
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1935
| [[12/03|03]]
| United States Lecture Tour 1935
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1935
| [[12/04|04]]
| United States Lecture Tour 1936
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1936
| [[12/05|05]]
| United States Lecture Tour 1940
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940
| [[12/06|06]]
| Bennington College - Bennington, Vermont
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1941-1942
| [[12/07|07]]
| United States Lecture Tour 1941
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1941
| [[12/08|08]]
|  The Institute of International Education - New York City
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1935-1945
| [[12/09|09]]
| The Institute of International Education - New York City
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1935-1945
| [[12/10|10]]
| ''The Great Transformation''
| Various Authors
| Book Reviews
| 1944-1946
| [[12/11|11]]
| ''The Great Transformation''
| Various Authors
| Book Reviews
| 1944-1977
| [[12/12|12]]
| Introduction to ''The Great Transformation'' (German version)
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| '''1944•1964'''
| [[12/13|13]]
| Introduction to Karl Polanyi’s ''The Great Transformation'' – Italian edition
| Alfredo Salsano
| 1974
| [[12/14|14]]
| Translation of Karl Polanyi’s ''The Great Transformation'' into German (Draft, unpublished manuscript)
| Felix Schafer
| Translation
| 1970s
| [[12/15|15]]
| Translation of Karl Polanyi’s ''The Great Transformation'' into German (Draft, unpublished manuscript)
| Felix Schafer
| Translation
| 1970s
| [[12/16|16]]
| Translation of Karl Polanyi’s ''The Great Transformation'' into German (Draft, unpublished manuscript)
| Felix Schafer
| Translation
| 1970s
|rowspan="11" id="13"|13
| [[13/01|01]]
| Translation of Karl Polanyi’s ''The Great Transformation'' into German - Preface (Draft, unpublished manuscript)
| Felix Schafer
| Translation
| 1970s
| [[13/02|02]]
| Translation of Karl Polanyi’s ''The Great Transformation'' into German – Chapter I
| Felix Schafer
| Translation
| 1970s
| [[13/03|03]]
| Draft review article of Karl Polanyi’s ''The Great Transformation''
| Felix Schafer
| Translation
| 1970s
| [[13/04|04]]
| ''The Great Transformation'' - Contract with Farrar & Rinehart
| Contract
| 1943-1944
| [[13/05|05]]
| ''Christianity and the Social Revolution'' – Contract with Victor Gollancz Limited
| Contract
| 1934
| [[13/06|06]]
| “[[The Essence of Fascism]]” - ''Christianity and the Social Revolution'', 1933-1934, pp. 359-394
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1933-1934
| [[13/07|07]]
| Review articles of ''Christianity and the Social Revolution'', edited by J. Lewis, Karl Polanyi and D. K. Kitchin
| Review articles
| 1935-1936
| [[13/08|08]]
| Christianity and communism
| Joseph Needham
| Draft Article
| 1933-1934
| [[13/09|09]]
| Hungarian Council in Great Britain
| Newsletters and newspaper clippings
| 1922-1946
| [[13/10|10]]
| Hungarian Council in Great Britain
| Draft articles, press<br />releases, memoranda,<br />reports and correspondence
| 1939-1944
| [[13/11|11]]
| Hungarian Council in Great Britain
| Notes
| 1944-1945
|rowspan="18" id="14"|14
| [[14/01|01]]
| Hungarian Council in Great Britain
| Draft articles, rules and announcements
| 1944
| [[14/02|02]]
| Austrian anti-fascist material
| Irene and Donald Grant
| 1934-1945
| [[14/03|03]]
| Pamphlets on labour
| 1945-1946
| [[14/04|04]]
| “[[Whither Civilization?]]” - Report of a 1946 Conference of the Institute of Sociology - England
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1946
| [[14/05|05]]
| “The War and the Road to Serfdom” - Bennington College – Bennington, Vermont
| Horst Mendershausen
| Lecture
| 1945
| [[14/06|06]]
| Royal Institute of International Affairs - Information Department – Memorandum – “The Montreux Straits Convention”
| 1936
| [[14/07|07]]
| “Einige Voraussetzungen zum Verständnis der deutschen Entwicklung”
| Dr. Alfred Sohn Rethel
| Article
| 1938
| [[14/08|08]]
| “A Planned Economy”
| Author unknown
| Draft memorandum
| 1934+
| [[14/09|09]]
| “The Nature of Mind” and “The Social Nature of Man - Some Implications”
| P. I. Painter (Pip)
| Draft Article
| 1934+
| [[14/10|10]]
| “The Case for Ernst Juenger”
| Author unknown
| Draft Article
| 1934+
| [[14/11|11]]
| "Intervention and Prices"
| Victoria Armstrong
| Outline and examination paper
| 1937
| [[14/12|12]]
| Announcements for journals and speeches
| 1947•1964
| [[14/13|13]]
| Curriculum vitae
| Hermann Gerhard Leibholz
| '''1938+'''
| [[14/14|14]]
| Notes on Karl Polanyi’s work
| Authors unknown
| Notes
| '''1944?'''
| [[14/15|15]]
| “Russia and Europe”
| E. H. Carr
| Lecture
| 1944
| [[14/16|16]]
| Eulogy for Walter Federn
| 1940s (Late)
| [[14/17|17]]
| Newspaper Clippings 2nd World War
| 1944-1947
| [[14/18|18]]
| Radio broadcasts from Europe - Transcripts
| 1945
|rowspan="13" id="15"|15
| [[15/01|01]]
| "[[Marxian Philosophy]]" – L. B. C. Enfield - Outline
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1934-1935
| [[15/02|02]]
| “[[Conflicting Philosophies in Modern Society]] (6 lectures) – University of London - Eltham London County Council Literary Institute
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1937-1938
| [[15/03|03]]
| "[[Perilous Europe]]" – University of London - Morley College
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1938
| [[15/04|04]]
| "[[Contemporary Problems and Social and Political Theory]]" - University of London - Morley College
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1936-1940
| [[15/05|05]]
| "[[European Civilization in Transition]]” – University of London - East Ham
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939
| [[15/06|06]]
| "[[Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum]]" – University of London - Gresham College
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939
| [[15/07|07]]
| "[[Society, Government and Economic Life under Fascism and Communism]]" and “[[Italy’s Place in Europe]]” – University of London - London County Council Literary Institute – Marylebone
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939-1940
| [[15/08|08]]
| "[[Government and Industry]]" – University of London - High Barnet
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1943-1944
| [[15/09|09]]
| "[[Collective Security=Conditions of Peace]]" – Walhamston
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1944
| [[15/10|10]]
| "[[The Study of Human Institutions]] (Economic and Social)" – University of London – Finchley
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1944
| [[15/11|11]]
| "[[Politics, Economics and Society]]" – University of London – Morley College – Lambeth
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1944-1945
| [[15/12|12]]
| "[[International Affairs]]" - University of London – Barnet
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1944-1945
| [[15/13|13]]
| "[[International Affairs]]" - University of London – Lambeth
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1945-1946
|rowspan="16" id="16"|16
| [[16/01|01]]
| "[[International Affairs]]" - University of London – Morley College
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures / Notes
| 1945-1946
| [[16/02|02]]
| "[[Europe Today and Tomorrow]]" - University of London - Morley College
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1945-1946
| [[16/03|03]]
| “[[The Changing Structure of Society]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1946
| [[16/04|04]]
| “[[The Theory of Politics]]" - University of London
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940s
| [[16/05|05]]
| "[[America, 1943]]" - University of London
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940s
| [[16/06|06]]
| University of London – University Extension Committee
| List of lecturers
| 1938-1941
| [[16/07|07]]
| [[International Question Marks]] - University of London Morley College
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Lecture
| 1943-1944
| [[16/08|08]]
| "[[The Problem of Central Europe]]" - Oxford University - Edmonton - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1936
| [[16/09|09]]
| "[[Austria and the Problem of Central Europe]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1937
| [[16/10|10]]
| “[[Conflicting Philosophies in Europe]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1937
| [[16/11|11]]
| "[[English Economics, Social and Industrial History from the 16th Century]]" - Oxford University – Heathfield - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1937-1938
| [[16/12|12]]
| "[[Modern European History]]" (24 lectures) - Oxford University – Bexhill-on-Sea - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1937-1938
| [[16/13|13]]
| "[[Modern European History]]" - Oxford University – Bexhill-on-Sea - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1938-1939
| [[16/14|14]]
| "[[Modern European History]]" - Oxford University – Bexhill-on-Sea - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939-1940
| [[16/15|15]]
| "[[Modern European History]]" - Oxford University – Bexhill-on-Sea - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1937-1940
| [[16/16|16]]
| "[[International Affairs]]" - Oxford University - Rochester - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1938-1939
|rowspan="33" id="17"|17
| [[17/01|01]]
| "[[Democracy and Culture in England, America and on the European Continent]]" – Oxford University – Canterbury - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1938-1939
| [[17/02|02]]
| "[[The Spanish Civil War and its Historical Background]]" - Belfast
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939
| [[17/03|03]]
| "[[Social and Political Theory]]" – Oxford University - Canterbury - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939-1940
| [[17/04|04]]
| “[[The Danubian Countries]]” - Oxford University - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1944
| | [[17/05|05]]
| Extramural - Oxford University - Nottingham - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1934•1940
| [[17/06|06]]
| "[[Impartiality]]" - Workers' Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1934•1940
| [[17/07|07]]
| Two sketches of Karl Polanyi and his students at Workers' Educational Association Class
| William Townsend
| 1938-1939
| [[17/08|08]]
| Extramural – Oxford University – Workers’ Educational Association
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939-1940
| [[17/09|09]]
| Extramural - Oxford University
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1938-1939
| [[17/10|10]]
| Journals and Pamphlets on Adult Education
| 1936-1959
| [[17/11|11]]
| ''The Review of Economic Studies''
| 1934
| [[17/12|12]]
| “[[Central European Problems]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1934
| [[17/13|13]]
| "[[Germany To-day]]" – Wallasey Grammar School
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1934
| [[17/14|14]]
| "[[World Politics To-day]]" – Stratton Park – Micheldever
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1936
| [[17/15|15]]
| “[[Europe's Peril - The Way Out]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1936-1937
| [[17/16|16]]
| "[[Great Britain's Foreign Policy To-day]]" – Bedales School
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1937
| [[17/17|17]]
| "[[What is Fascism? - Its Nature and History]]" – Gresham's School
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1937
| [[17/18|18]]
| "[[Modern Governments - Progress or Regress?]]" – Thatches, Brasted Chart, Kent
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1937
| [[17/19|19]]
| "[[Versailles and After]]", “[[Aims and Methods of the Third Reich]]", "[[War and Peace on the Danube]]" – Stoke-on-Trent
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1938
| [[17/20|20]]
| "[[British Characteristics]]" – Canterbury
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939
| [[17/21|21]]
| "[[The Historical Background of the Eastern Situation]]" – Uttoxeter
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939
| [[17/22|22]]
| "[[The U. S. S. R. in World Politics]]" – High Wycombe
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939
| [[17/23|23]]
| "[[The Spanish Civil War and Its Historical Background]]” – University of Oxford - Balliol College
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1939
| [[17/24|24]]
| "[[Rise and Decline of the Profit Motive]]" – London Co-operative Society Weekend School
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1945
| [[17/25|25]]
| "[[The New Nationalism in Europe]]" – High Leigh
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940s
| [[17/26|26]]
| "[[Capitalism in Transition]]" – Tunbridge Wells
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940s
| [[17/27|27]]
| "[[The Nature of the Present World Crisis]]" – Chelsea
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1936
| [[17/28|28]]
| "[[How Can the German People be Reintegrated into European Civilization?]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940s
| [[17/29|29]]
| "[[The Nature of International Understanding]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940s
| [[17/30|30]]
| "[[Culture in a Democratic England of the Future]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940s
| [[17/31|31]]
| "[[Britain and Russia on the Danube]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940s
| [[17/32|32]]
| "[[United Nations Organization]]" – London
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1946
| [[17/33|33]]
| "[[The Problem of the Mediterranean]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1940s
|rowspan="40" id="18"|18
| [[18/01|01]]
| "[[Austria and Free Trade]]", ''The Nation''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1931
| [[18/02|02]]
| "[[Austria and Germany]]", ''International Affairs''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1933
| [[18/03|03]]
| "[[Corporative Austria - A Functional Society?]]", ''New Britain''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1934
| [[18/04|04]]
| “[[Othmar Spann, the Philosopher of Fascism]]", ''New Britain''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1934
| [[18/05|05]]
| "[[Spann's Fascist Utopia]]", ''New Britain''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1934
| [[18/06|06]]
| "[[Fascism and Marxian Terminology]]", ''New Britain''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1934
| [[18/07|07]]
| [[Fascism and Socialism]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1934•1940
| [[18/08|08]]
| [[The Fascist Virus]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1940•1944?
| 18/09|09
| [[Marxism Re-stated]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1934
| [[18/10|10]]
| “[[What three-fold State?]]", ''New Britain''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1934
| [[18/11|11]]
| [[Rudolf Steiner's Economy]]<ref>I have corrected the KPA that wrote “Rudolf Steiner's Economics”</ref>
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1934
| [[18/12|12]]
| "[[Austria - The Key to European Peace]]", Worker’s Educational Trade Union Council - Oriel College – Oxford
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1934-1935
| [[18/13|13]]
| “[[Reflections on a Visit to Southern College]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1935
| [[18/14|14]]
| "[[Observations on Education for Politics in England and the United States]]", ''News Bulletin'' <span style="color:red;">(MISSING)</span><ref>When one try to download the Archive he obtains, in fact, 18/15.</ref>
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1936
| [[18/15|15]]
| “[[Is It Old England Still? An Outsider's View]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1936
| [[18/16|16]]
| “[[Education for Politics - Education for politics in England and the United States]]“
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1937
| [[18/17|17]]
| [[Education for Citizenship - in England and the U.S.A.]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1937
| [[18/18|18]]
| [[Education and Social Reality. Austrian Experience]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article / Conference
| 1940s
| [[18/19|19]]
| "[[The Educated Workman - What He Is Contributing to Industry]]", ''The Technology Review'', vol. 39, no. 5, 1937, pp. 198-210
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1937
| [[18/20|20]]
| “[[Education and Foreign Policy What Can Education Do to Improve the Foreign Policy of a Country]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1940s
| [[18/21|21]]
| “[[Europe To-Day]]”, London Workers’ Educational Trade Union Committee
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1937
| [[18/22|22]]
| [[On Propaganda]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article? / Conference?
| 1940
| [[18/23|23]]
| "[[Why Make Russia Run Amok?]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1943
| [[18/24|24]]
| “[[Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Or Is a Free Society Possible?]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1943
| [[18/25|25]]
| [[Friends of Democratic Hungary - America 1943]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1943?
| [[18/26|26]]
| [[Towards a New October Revolution in Hungary]]
| Karl Polanyi
| 1944
| [[18/27|27]]
| "[[Yogi and the Commissar]]" - Letter to ''The New Statesman and Nation'', July 21, 1945, p. 41-42
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Letter
| 1945
| [[18/28|28]]
| “[[Universal Capitalism or Regional Planning?]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1945
| [[18/29|29]]
| "Count Michael Karolyi" <span style="color:red;">(MISSING)</span><ref>When one tries to download it, It's, in fact, 18/23.</ref>
| Karl Polanyi
| 1946
| [[18/30|30]]
| “[[Világkapitalizmus vagy regionális tervgazdaságok]]" - ''Uj Magyarország'', September 17, 1946
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1946
| [[18/31|31]]
| “[[What Kind of Adult Education]]”, ''The Leeds Weekly Citizen'', September 21, 1945
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1945
| [[18/32|32]]
| "[[Adult Education and the Working Class Outlook]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1946
| [[18/33|33]]
| Draft articles on Sociallist Education and Socialist Movement
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1945-1946
| [[18/34|34]]
| "[[British Labour and American New Dealers]]", Lesson of the Westminster Revolt / Letter to Adele Schafer<ref>Name corrected. - Santiago Pinault</ref>
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Lecture / Correspondence
| 1947
| [[18/35|35]]
| [[Nationalism and Internationalism]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article?
| 1940s
| [[18/36|36]]
| [[Western Socialism. A Tract on Values and Power]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1946
| [[18/37|37]]
| [[Can Peaceful Civilizations Be Virile?]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1934•1946
| [[18/38|38]]
| [[The Roots of Pacifism]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Conference
| 1936+
| [[18/39|39]]
| [[The Meaning of Peace]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1934•1946
| [[18/40|40]]
| "[[On political Theory]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1940s
|rowspan="27" id="19"|19
| [[19/01|01]]
| [[How To Make Use of the Social Sciences]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1947•1957?
| [[19/02|02]]
| [[Britain's Foreign Policy]]
| 1945•1950
| [[19/03|03]]
| [[Memorandum on Industry]]
| Karl Polanyi
| 1934•1964
| [[19/04|04]]
| Notes (Peace, Power, War, Policy)
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1940s?
| [[19/05|05]]
| Plan of a Book on the “Origins of the Cataclysm” - A Political and Economic Inquiry"
| Book Plan
| 1943
| [[19/06|06]]
| Notes on ''The Great Transformation''
| G. D. H. Cole
| Notes
| 1943
| [[19/07|07]]
| Notes for "The Great Transformation"
| Notes
| 1934-1943
| [[19/08|08]]
| [[The Meaning of Parliamentary Democracy]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1945
| 19/09|09
| "[[Britain and Poland]]"
| Notes
| 1940s
| [[19/10|10]]
| "[[European Minority Issues, Solved and Unsolved]]"
| Notes
| 1934•1943
| [[19/11|11]]
| [[Marx on Corporatism]]
| Karl Polanyi
| 1936
| [[19/12|12]]
| [[Shaw the Poet]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1940s
| [[19/13|13]]
| File contains the following typed drafts ([[Crisis of 1920's]], Enforced Uniformity, 1820 vs. 1920)
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940s
| [[19/14|14]]
| "[[The Balance Sheet of Treaty Revision]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1933•1939
| [[19/15|15]]
| "[[In the Hands of the Vanquished]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| '''1944?'''
| [[19/16|16]]
| [[What Is the Real Character of the Economic Crisis?]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1935•1939 (Late 1930s)
| [[19/17|17]]
| [[The Eclipse of Panic and the Outlook for Socialism]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940s
| [[19/18|18]]
| [[Interventionism and the Alternative]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940s
| [[19/19|19]]
| "[[Individualism and Socialism]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940s
| [[19/20|20]]
| 1. "[[Politics, Psychology and Ethics]]"; 2. "[[Psychology and Ideology: Actual and Assumed Motives]]"; 3. "[[Maturity and the Common Man]]"; 4. "[[Society, Politics and Psychology]]"; 5. “[[Rational and Irrational Factors in Politics]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1934•1946
| [[19/21|21]]
| "[[The Structure of Political Science]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1934•1962
| [[19/22|22]]
| [[Christianity and economic Life]] / ([[Bemerkungen (Christianity and economic Life)|Bemerkungen]])
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1937
| [[19/23|23]]
| [[Ignoring the Obvious]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940s
| [[19/24|24]]
| “[[A Crossman ellenzék felvonulása]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1946
| [[19/25|25]]
| [[England Torn between Europe and the Pacific]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940s
| [[19/26|26]]
| [[Experiences in Vienna and America]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940s
| [[19/27|27]]
| "Hungarian Agricultural Economy and Reform"
| Author unknown
| Draft manuscript
| 1936•1940
|rowspan="18" id="20"|20
| [[20/01|01]]
| [[A moszkvai konferencia utan]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940s
| [[20/02|02]]
| Book outline and introduction - "Tame Empires"
| Karl Polanyi
| Book Plan
| 1938-1939
| [[20/03|03]]
| Book outline - Draft
| Karl Polanyi
| Book Plan
| 1944+
| [[20/04|04]]
| Book plan – Draft - Common Man's Masterplan
| Karl Polanyi
| Book Plan
| 1943
| [[20/05|05]]
| [[Emergency and Normalcy and Normalcy and Emergency]] (1. “The Polarity of Emergency - Normalcy Situations”; 2. “Emergency and Normalcy”; 3. Normalcy and Emergency”)
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1934•1940
| [[20/06|06]]
| "[[Democracy vs. Total Crisis]]" - Notes
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940•1944
| [[20/07|07]]
| "[[New Frontiers in Economic Thinking]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1950s (Late)
| [[20/08|08]]
| The Fascist Transformation
| Karl Polanyi
| Book Plan
| 1934-1935
| [[20/09|09]]
| Notes on Sources
| Karl Polanyi
| 1940
| [[20/10|10]]
| News Sheet of the Auxiliary Christian Left/Christian Left, nos. 1-19
| Various Authors and Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1936-1940
| [[20/11|11]]
| Christian Left Group Bulletin, no. 1 - “Trotzkyism. Earlier Works of Marx”
| Various Authors and Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1936-1938
| [[20/12|12]]
| Christian Left Group Bulletin, no. 2 - “Notes of a Week’s Study on The Early Writings of Karl Marx and Summary of Discussions on British Working Class Consciousness”
| Various Authors and Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1938
| [[20/13|13]]
| Christian Left Group Bulletin, no. 3 – “Critique of Pacifism”
| Various Authors and Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1938
| [[20/14|14]]
| Christian Left Group “Russia in the World” – Bulletins for Socialists, no. 4
| Various Authors and Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1939
| [[20/15|15]]
| Christian Left Group “The Cry of the Chartists 1839-1939”, Bulletins for Socialists, no. 5
| Various Authors and Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1939
| [[20/16|16]]
| Christian Left Group – “Coercion and Defence” – Bulletins for Socialists, no. 6
| Various Authors and Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1939
| [[20/17|17]]
| Christian Left Group Gerrard Winstanley – “The Law of Freedom by Gerrard Winstansley 1652” – Bulletins for Socialists, no. 7
| Various Authors and Karl Polanyi
| Published Articles
| 1942
| [[20/18|18]]
| [[Ukrainian Problem]]  (Christian Left Group Draft Manuscript for Bulletin 16, no. 1)
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1938
|rowspan="38" id="21"|21
| [[21/01|01]]
| "[[The Paradox of Freedom]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1936
| [[21/02|02]]
| "[[Xty and the Social Order]]" – Liverpool
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1936
| [[21/03|03]]
| Christian Movement Group - Synopsis. Three talks on "Social Values in the Post-war World"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1936
| [[21/04|04]]
| “[[On The Philosophy and Economics of Fascism]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1936
| [[21/05|05]]
| "[[The Nature of the Present World Crisis]]" - Colchester, Essex, Adelphi Summer School
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1936
| [[21/06|06]]
| '''The Birth of a New Society''' - Ealing Church
| '''Rev. John Groser'''
| Lecture / Notes
| 1937
| [[21/07|07]]
| Christian Left Group - Lancing St. Schools
| Karl Polanyi
| 1937
| [[21/08|08]]
|  Christian Left Group - "Nationalism in Europe" - Leeds University, Student Christian Movement Group
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1937
| [[21/09|09]]
| "[[Church and State on the Continent]]" – Newark
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1937
| [[21/10|10]]
| "[[Community and Society]]" and "[[The Christian Approach to Social Reconstruction]]" – Belfast
| Karl Polanyi
| 1937
| [[21/11|11]]
| "[[The Nature of the Present World Crisis]]" - Fellowship of Wives
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1937
| [[21/12|12]]
| "[[The Economic Order]]" - St. Clement's Barnsbury, London
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1937
| [[21/13|13]]
| "[[Christianity and the Present System of Government|Xty and the Present System of Government]]" - Wives Fellowship, Oxted
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1938
| [[21/14|14]]
| The Christian Auxiliary Movement Papers presented at a Conference on the “Christian Answer to Fascism” – Oriel House - St. Asaph, North Wales
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1938
| [[21/15|15]]
| "[[Central Europe]]" - Chatham One-day School
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1939
| [[21/16|16]]
| "[[The International Situation]]" - Sutton One-Day School
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1939
| [[21/17|17]]
| "[[Is Human Nature Unchangeable?]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1945?
| [[21/18|18]]
| "[[Wealth]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture Notes
| 1947•1953
| [[21/19|19]]
| "[[A Christian View of Marxism]]" and "[[Marxism and Christianity]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1934•1940
| [[21/20|20]]
| "[[Fascist Economics]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1930s
| [[21/21|21]]
| Christian Left Group - Draft memoranda and articles with participation of Karl Polanyi
| Various Authors and Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1934•1936
| [[21/22|22]]
| Christian Left Group - The Auxiliary Movement - "Statements from Christian Left Training Week-ends"
| Draft
| 1937
| [[21/23|23]]
| Christian Left Group – Minutes and agendas of meetings. File consists of hand-written minutes of the Christian Left meeting. January 18, 1936, 10p
| John Macmurray and Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1936-1937
| [[21/24|24]]
| Christian Left Group Enquiry Committee - Minutes of meetings
| Various Authors
| 1938-1939
| [[21/25|25]]
| The Cultural Background of the British Working Class
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1940•1943
| [[21/26|26]]
| Christian Left Group "Notes on Policy Conference"
| 1934•1940
| [[21/27|27]]
| Christian Left Group Correspondence
| Various Authors
| Correspondence
| 1936-1940
| [[21/28|28]]
| Student Christian Movement Pamphlet
| 1969-1972
| [[21/29|29]]
| Christianity and communism
| Newspaper clippings
| 1935-1936
| [[21/30|30]]
| Galilei Kör and left intellectuals
| Newspaper clippings
| 1958-1963
| [[21/31|31]]
| Mihály Károlyi
| Newspaper clipping
|  n. d.
| [[21/32|32]]
| "[[Klages]]" and “[[Compulsion and Defence]]”
| Notes
| 1935-1936
| [[21/33|33]]
| "Christian Left Study Circle"
| Notes
| 1935
| [[21/34|34]]
| Publication ''Justice'', vol. 1, no. 12
| 1937
| [[21/35|35]]
| "The Christian Left The Introductory Sequence"
| W. D. McClelland
| Draft article
| 1984
| [[21/36|36]]
| Egypt
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1947-1960
| [[21/37|37]]
| Money (Cuneiform)
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1947-1957
| [[21/38|38]]
| Money and equivalencies
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1947-1957
|rowspan="15" id="22"|22
| [[22/01|01]]
| Money, price, trade and market in early societies
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1947-1957
| [[22/02|02]]
| Economic anthropology
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1947-1957
| [[22/03|03]]
| Economic anthropology
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1947-1957
| [[22/04|04]]
| Pochteca problem
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1947-1957
| [[22/05|05]]
| Notes and comments to Tiv Trade and Markets by Paul Bohannan
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1959
| [[22/06|06]]
| Karl Bücher
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1947-1963
| [[22/07|07]]
| Notes on readings on Carl Menger
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1923•1933<ref>I correct the date, cf. explanation in the archive - Santiago Pinault</ref>
| [[22/08|08]]
| Smelser
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1947-1960
| [[22/09|09]]
| Hamlet
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1947-1954
| [[22/10|10]]
| The Role of Market Methods in the Western World up to the High Middle Ages
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1947-1960
| [[22/11|11]]
| Economy and society
| Karl Polanyi (and Harry Pearson?)
| Fragments of texts
| 1953-1957
| [[22/12|12]]
| Africa
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1947-1960
| [[22/13|13]]
| Caravan routes
| Author unknown
| Notes on readings
| 1947-1960
| [[22/14|14]]
| Greece - Trade and industry
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1947-1960
| [[22/15|15]]
| Greece
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1947-1960
|rowspan="9" id="23"|23
| [[23/01|01]]
| Greece
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1947-1960
| [[23/02|02]]
| Ancient Rome and capitalism in antiquity
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes on readings
| 1953
| [[23/03|03]]
| Synopsis – Capitalism in Antiquity
| Author unknown
| Notes?
| 1953
| [[23/04|04]]
| Notes and papers
| Authors unknown<ref>Must be Kung Chia Yeh, the student who worked in the Project in 1953 - cf. correspondence in [[49/02]].</ref>
| Notes
| 1953
| [[23/05|05]]
| Notes for the ''Livelihood of Man''
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1950s
| [[23/06|06]]
| Fragments
| Karl Polanyi
| 1947-1960
| [[23/07|07]]
| Articles
| Murray E. Polakoff
| Published Article
| 1953-1958
| [[23/08|08]]
| Drafts
| Paul Meadow
| Draft Article
| 1958-1964
| [[23/09|09]]
| Drafts
| Paul Meadow
| Draft Article
| 1958-1962
|rowspan="3" id="24"|24
| [[24/01|01]]
| “The Great Transformation in 1960”
| Paul Meadow
| Draft Manuscript
| 1961
| [[24/02|02]]
| “New West”
| Paul Meadow
| Draft Manuscript
| 1961-1962
| [[24/03|03]]
| “Conceptual and Methodological Problems in Applying Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development to Non-Market Economies”, Dissertation Abstracts, vol. 21, no. 4
| Paul Meadow
| Abstract
| 1960
|rowspan="16" id="25"|25
| [[25/01|01]]
| Papers
| Vivian Carlip
| 1949
| [[25/02|02]]
| Essay
| Giannelli
| 1947•1953
| [[25/03|03]]
| Articles
| M. I. Finley
| Published Articles
| 1953-1962
| [[25/04|04]]
| Paper
| M. I. Finley
| 1950s
| [[25/05|05]]
| “On Prices, Moneys, and Money Uses in the Old Babylonian Period”
| Ronald F. G. Sweet Paper
| 1958
| [[25/06|06]]
| Bibliography – “Selected Bibliography of Soviet Works on Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, Hurrians and Elam, 1917-1962”
| I. M. Diakonoff
| 1917-1962
| [[25/07|07]]
| “An Institutional View of the Medieval Usury Laws” - Essay
| Roberto de Oliveira Campos
| 1947•1953
| [[25/08|08]]
| Articles
| Julius Lewy
| 1956-1958
| [[25/09|09]]
| Articles
| Conrad M. Arensberg
| 1954-1955
| [[25/10|10]]
| Articles
| Sidney W. Mintz
| Published Article
| 1955-1961
| [[25/11|11]]
| “Some Historical Notes on the Study of Action”
| Paul F. Lazarsfeld
| Draft manuscript
| 1957
| [[25/12|12]]
| Articles
| John V. Murra
| 1960-1961
| [[25/13|13]]
| Articles
| Peter F. Drucker
| Published Articles
| 1961
| [[25/14|14]]
| “Three Armaments Policies for the 1960’s”
| J[ohnny] C. Polanyi
| Draft manuscript
| 1955+
| [[25/15|15]]
| Articles and drafts
| Walter C. Neale
| 1936-1964
| [[25/16|16]]
| Articles and Conference Papers
| John R. Seeley
| 1960-1962
|rowspan="9" id="26"|26
| [[26/01|01]]
| Articles and drafts
| Harry W. Pearson
| 1956-1962
| [[26/02|02]]
| Draft articles
| Harry W. Pearson
| Draft articles
| 1974-1987
| [[26/03|03]]
| Articles
| Anthony Leeds
| Articles
| 1961
| [[26/04|04]]
| “The Port-Of-Trade in Pre-European India as an Ecological and Evolutionary Type” - Essay
| Anthony Leeds
| 1958-1962
| [[26/05|05]]
| Articles and drafts
| Marie Rapp (Maria Szécsi)
| 1957-1963
| [[26/06|06]]
| Articles and draft
| K. William Kapp
| 1963-1965
| [[26/07|07]]
| “Karl Polanyi’s Analysis of Long-Distance Trade And His Wider Paradigm”
| George Dalton
| Draft Article
| 1959•1964
| [[26/08|08]]
| Articles
| George Dalton
| 1960-1972
|  [[26/09|09]]
| ''Primitive and Archaic Modern Economies.  Essays of Karl Polanyi''
| George Dalton (ed)
| 1968
|rowspan="16" id="27"|27
| [[27/01|01]]
| Draft articles
| George Dalton
| 1960
| [[27/02|02]]
| Draft articles
| George Dalton
| 1960-1983
| [[27/03|03]]
| Articles
| Paul Bohannan
| Published Articles
| 1954-1961
| [[27/04|04]]
| Articles
| Laura Bohannan
| 1952
| [[27/05|05]]
| “Anthropologic and economic Development”
| George Dalton and Paul Bohannan
| Draft Article
| 1961
| [[27/06|06]]
| “Otto Bauer als Christ Marxist”
| Gerhard Steger
| Article
| 1986
| [[27/07|07]]
| “A Conceptual Scheme for the Study of Social Organization”
| George C. Homans
| Published Article
| 1967
| [[27/08|08]]
| “Economics as a Study of Process”
| Thorstein B. Veblen
| Published Article
| 1958 (or 1898)
| [[27/09|09]]
| “The Norm of Reciprocity A Preliminary Statement”
| Alvin W. Gouldner
| Published Article
| 1960
| [[27/10|10]]
| “Succession, Coöption to Kingship, and Royal Incest among the Inca”
| Maria Rostworowski de Diez Canseco
| Published Article
| 1960
| [[27/11|11]]
| “Old Babylonian Temple Loans”
| Rivkah Harris
| Published Article
| 1960
| [[27/12|12]]
| “The Landholders of Pylos”
| Emmett L. Bennett, Jr
| Published Article
| 1954
| 27/13|13
| [http://hdl.handle.net/10694/351 “Rutebeuf - Persoenlicher Ausdruck und Wirklichkeit”, Saggi e ricerche in memoria di Ettore Li Gotti, vol. II]
| Ulrich Leo
| Published Article
| 1961
| [[27/14|14]]
| Article
| Shri Jawahar Lai Nehru
| Article
| 1958
| [[27/15|15]]
| “Wanted Economic Realism”
| E. L. R. Williamson
| Published Article
| 1959
| [[27/16|16]]
| “Veblen, Prestige, and Subsistence Economy”
| Jerome Cranmer
| Published Article
| 1948
|rowspan="37" id="28"|28
| [[28/01|01]]
|  “The Role of the City in Ancient Civilizations A Study in Conflicting Traditions” - Essay
| Stuart Piggott
| 1954
| [[28/02|02]]
| Review article of The Teamsters and Predatory Unionism
| Charles Abrams
| 1959
| [[28/03|03]]
| “Remarks on the Archive of the Soldier Ubarum”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 9, no. 4, 1955, pp. 121-131
| Benno Landsberger
| Article
| 1955
| [[28/04|04]]
| “The Balance of Power in Society”
| Frank Tannenbaum
| Article
| 1946
| [[28/05|05]]
| “Some Concepts of Economic History” and The Background of the Market System” <ref>KPA says: ”“The Paramone as General Service Contract” - William Linn Westermann”. I corrected it here - Santiago Pinault</ref>
| Terence K. Hopkins
| Draft Articles
| 1952
| [[28/06|06]]
| “Peace Economics”, ''Social Research''
| Jakob Marschak
| 1940
| [[28/07|07]]
| “The Role of Tribal Markets in Morocco Examples from the Northern Zone”
| Marvin Mikesell
| Article
| 1958
| [[28/08|08]]
|“Social Structure and Anomie”
| Robert K. Merton
| Article
| 1938
| [[28/09|09]]
| “The Preparatory Period of the Revolutionary Party Some Observations on Franco Venturis’ Roots of Revolution”, ''Soviet Studies'', vol. 14, no. 4
| Rudolf Schlesinger
| Article
| 1963
| [[28/10|10]]
| American Studies Words or Things
| John A. Kouwenhoven
| 1963
| [[28/11|11]]
| “The Vital Revolution Reconsidered”
| Karl F. Helleiner
| Article
| 1957
| [[28/12|12]]
| “A Prolegomena to the Study of Athenian Trade”
| Moses I. Finkelstein
| Article
| 1935
| [[28/13|13]]
| “Social and Economic Factors Affecting Markets in Guro Land”
| Claude Meillassoux
| Published Article
| 1952
| [[28/14|14]]
| “Russia and Asia. Problems of Contemporary Area Studies and International Relations”
| Karl A. Wittfogel
| 1950
| [[28/15|15]]
| Essay - “A Multilateral Trade Clearing Agency”
| Ragnar Frisch
| 1963
| [[28/16|16]]
| “Pirates or Polities - Arab Societies of the Persian Gulf, 18th Century”
| L.E. Sweet
| 1963
| [[28/17|17]]
| Draft – n. t.
| Gustav (Toni) Stolper
| 1959
| [[28/18|18]]
| “Innis and Economics”, ''The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science'', vol. 19, no. 3
| W. T. Easterbrook
| Article
| 1953
| [[28/19|19]]
| “Market Concepts in Political Theory”, ''The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science'', vol. 27, no. 4
| C. B. Macpherson
| Article
| 1961
| [[28/20|20]]
| “Altertumswissenschaft”, ''Deutsche Literarzeitung'', vol. 79, no. 11
| Fritz Moritz Heichelheim
| Review article
| 1958
| [[28/21|21]]
| “Prestige Economy in Primitive and Archaic Society A Preliminary Study to the Writings of Thorstein Veblen”
| Jerome Rothenberg
| Draft article
| 1948
| [[28/22|22]]
| “Urbanization and Industrialization of the Labor Force in a Developing Economy. Labor Attitudes Toward Industrialization in Underdeveloped Countries”, ''The American Economic Review'', vol. 45, no. 2
| Wilbert E. Moore
| Article
| 1955
| [[28/23|23]]
| “Maximization Theories and the Study of Economic Anthropology”, American Anthropologist, no. 64
| Robbins Burling
| Article
| 1962
| [[28/24|24]]
| “On the Observation of the Pulse in Mesopotamian Medicine”
| A. L. Oppenheim
| Article
| 1962
| [[28/25|25]]
| Articles
| Joseph Needham
| Published Articles
| 1960-1967
| [[28/26|26]]
| Articles and draft article
| Franz Baermann Steiner
| Articles and draft article
| 1954
| [[28/27|27]]
| “Socialism”, ''Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences''
| Oszkár Jászi
| 1934•1937
| [[28/28|28]]
| “Socialist Parties”, ''Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences''
| Arthur Rosenberg
| Article
| 1934•1937
| [[28/29|29]]
| “A Comparative View of Exchange Systems”
| Neil J. Smelser
| Article
| 1958-1959
| [[28/30|30]]
| “A Galilei-per aktái”
| József Halmi
| Article
| n. d.
| [[28/31|31]]
| Essay
| Sigmund Diamond
| 1950s (Late )
| [[28/32|32]]
| “American Neutrality and Collective Security”, ''Geneva Special Studies'', vol. 6, no. 6
| Raymond Leslie Buell
| Article
| 1935
| [[28/33|33]]
|  “Crime in the U. S. S. R.”
| Ralph Millner
| Article
| 1944
| [[28/34|34]]
|  “Education, Democracy and Christian Principle”, ''The Austrian Quarterly'', Sept. 1929
| D. K. Picken
| 1929
| [[28/35|35]]
| Articles
| James L. Halliday
| 1945
| [[28/36|36]]
| “Russia’s Oil and Hitler’s Needs”
| Frederick Phillip Hellin
| 1933•1945
| [[28/37|37]]
| “Entretien avec Georg Lukàcs. Critique de la bureaucratie socialiste questions de méthode”, ''L’homme et la société'', No.20 June 1971
| Yvon Bourdet
| 1971
|rowspan="13" id="29"|29
| [[29/01|01]]
| Articles
| Márta Belényesy
| 1958-1960
| [[29/02|02]]
| “Duczynska Ilona feljegyzései az 1918
| Márta Tömöry
| Article
| 1958
| [[29/03|03]]
| “Logic without Assumptions”
| K. R. Popper
| Published Article
| 1947
| [[29/04|04]]
| “Maximization Theories and the Study of Economic Anthropology”, ''American Anthropologist'', no. 64
| Robbins Burling
| 1962
| [[29/05|05]]
| Committee of Correspondence - Newsletter
| 1961
| [[29/06|06]]
| Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, vol. 8, no. 7
| 1952
| [[29/07|07]]
| The Student’s Contribution to Victory
| The National Union of Stu
| 1943
| [[29/08|08]]
| Bibliographies of Karl Polanyi's writings
| 1907-1966
| [[29/09|09]]
| Biographical information on Karl Polanyi – [[Memoirs, 1964-1966]]
| Felix Schafer
| Draft Article
| 1964-1966
| [[29/10|10]]
| [[Some memories on KP in Vienna]]
| Felix Schafer
| Draft Article
| 1973
| [[29/11|11]]
| Zitate aus Böhm-Bawerk, ''Positive Theorie des Kapitals'' und ''The Positive Theory of Capital''
| Felix Schafer
| 1968
| [[29/12|12]]
| Polanyi Karolyi (1886-1964)
| Ilona Duczynska
| 1970
| [[29/13|13]]
| Karl Polanyi Obituaries
| 1964
|rowspan="19" id="30"|30
| [[30/01|01]]
| Karl Polanyi Biographical information
| 1940-1984
| [[30/02|02]]
| Polanyi on Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| 1958-1960
| [[30/03|03]]
| Transcript of an Interview with Irene Grant
| Kari Polanyi-Levitt and Irene Grant
| 1986
| [[30/04|04]]
| Transcript of an interview with Karl Polanyi
| Interview
| 1963
| [[30/05|05]]
| "[[Gazdaság-szociológia az Egyesült Allamokban]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1963
| [[30/06|06]]
| "[[Hazánk Kötelessége]]" - ''Kortárs''
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1963
| [[30/07|07]]
| English translation of a Hungarian lecture on Rostow
| llona Duczyńska
| 1963
| [[30/08|08]]
| Assessments of Karl Polanyi's works
| Various Authors
| 1960-1981
| [[30/09|09]]
| “History, Economics, and Anthropology The Work of Karl Polanyi”, ''History and Theory Studies in the Philosophy of History'', vol. 8, n. 2
| S. C. Humphreys
| 1969
| [[30/10|10]]
| Polányi Károly Gazdaságtörténeti munkáiból
| János Kiss and György Márkus
| 1971
| [[30/11|10]]
| “Polányi Károly. Jegyzetek az életútról”, Magyar Filozófiai Szemele, no. 5-6
| Ilona Duczyńska
| 1971
| [[30/12|12]]
| Personal papers
| Karl Polanyi
| Personal papers
| 1943-1967
| [[30/13|13]]
| Karl Polanyi British passports
| Personal papers
| 1940-1960
| [[30/14|14]]
| Biographical information on S. Klatschko
| Karl Polanyi
| 1919-1933?
| [[30/15|15]]
| Karl Polanyi Seating plan for a symposium
| Seating plan for a symposium
| 1950s
| [[30/16|16]]
| V.i Mihály Draft poems
| K. McRobbie
| Draft Poems
| 1963
| [[30/17|17]]
| “Western feudalism” - Columbia University – New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1950
| [[30/18|18]]
| “The Contribution of Institutional Analysis to the Social Sciences” – Graduate Economics Society – Columbia University – New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1950
| [[30/19|19]]
| “[[Consequence of the Industrial Revolution]]” and “[[Karl Marx (1859)]]” - Columbia University, New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1951-1952
|rowspan="22" id="31"|31
| [[31/01|01]]
| “[[The Tool Box of Institutional Analysis]]" – Columbia University, New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1947-1953
| [[31/02|02]]
| “General Economic History” - Columbia University, New York – Course list
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1947
| [[31/03|03]]
| “General Economic History” - Columbia University, New York – Outlines and reading lists
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures and Reading Lists
| 1947
| [[31/04|04]]
| “General Economic History” - Columbia University, New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures and Reading lists
| 1947
| [[31/05|05]]
| “General Economic History” – Columbia University, New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures and Reading lists
| 1950-1952
| [[31/06|06]]
| “General Economic History” – Columbia University, New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1950-1952
| [[31/07|07]]
| “General Economic History - A Comparative Study of Economic Institutions, Mainly on Historical Foundations” – Columbia University, New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1952
| [[31/08|08]]
| “Ancient and Medieval Economies” – Columbia University, New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1948
| [[31/09|09]]
| “General Economic History Primitive Money” - Columbia University, New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1950
| [[31/10|10]]
| Five lectures on “The Present Age of Transformation” - Columbia University, New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Lectures
| 1947•1957
| [[31/11|11]]
| "The Institutionalization of the Economic Process" – Columbia University – New York –
| Karl Polanyi
| Minutes of meetings
| 1953-55
| [[31/12|12]]
| “[[Equivalencies in the Early Empires and the Slow Development of Money Institutions]]” – Columbia University – New York
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1953-58
| [[31/13|13]]
| Application for a Stipend from Columbia
| 1948-1952
| [[31/14|14]]
| Council for Research in the Social Sciences
| 1951-1959<ref>Rosemary Arnold is still secretary in a document, so one can think the archive can be dated to 1953. - Santiago Pinault </ref>-1957
| [[31/15|15]]
| Research Projects
| 1947-1949
| [[31/16|16]]
| Semantics of General Economic History
| 1958-1961
| [[31/17|17]]
| Semantics of General Economic History
| 1957-1958
| [[31/18|18]]
| Interdisciplinary project - “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 2 – Columbia University
| 1953-1955
| [[31/19|19]]
| Interdisciplinary project - “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication) – Memoranda 5, 10, 18 – Columbia University
| 1953-1955
| [[31/20|20]]
| Karl Polanyi Interdisciplinary project 1953-1955 “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication)
| 1955
| [[31/21|21]]
| Karl Polanyi Interdisciplinary project 1953-1955 “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication)
| 1955
| [[31/22|22]]
| Interdisciplinary Project - “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Council for Research in the Social Sciences – Columbia University, New York – Bibliography lists
| 1953-1961
|rowspan="6" id="32"|32
| [[32/01|01]]
| Interdisciplinary Project 1953-1955 - “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Columbia University, New York
| Reports and draft articles
| 1953-1955
| [[32/02|02]]
| Listing of contents of “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 1–4
| Ilona Duczyńska
| 1955-1956
| [[32/03|03]]
| Interdisciplinary project: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 1 – Columbia University
| Karl Polanyi
| 1953-1955
| [[32/04|04]]
| Interdisciplinary project: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 1 – Columbia University
| Karl Polanyi
| 1953-1955
| [[32/05|05]]
| Interdisciplinary project: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication), vol. 2 – Columbia University
| Karl Polanyi
| 1953-1955
| [[32/06|06]]
| Interdisciplinary project: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication) – Memoranda 5, 10, 18 – Columbia University
| Karl Polanyi
| 1953-1955
|rowspan="17" id="33"|33
| [[33/01|01]]
| Karl Polanyi Interdisciplinary project 1953-1955: “Selected Memoranda on Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication)
| 1955
| [[33/02|02]]
| Interdisciplinary project 1953-1955 “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” (not for publication)
| Various Authors
| Draft Articles
| 1955
| [[33/03|03]]
| Notes on the Place occupied by Economies in Society Interdisciplinary Project, “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Memoranda 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 (not for publication) – Columbia University
| Various Authors with Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1957
| [[33/04|04]]
| Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Columbia University, New York – Agendas and minutes of meetings
| Various Authors with Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1953
| [[33/05|05]]
| Karl Polanyi Interdisciplinary Project: “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” – Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project – Agendas and minutes of meetings
| Various Authors with Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1959
| [[33/06|06]]
| Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 2
| Various Authors with Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1959
| [[33/07|07]]
| Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 3
| Various Authors with Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1958
| [[33/08|08]]
| Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 4
| Various Authors with Karl Polanyi
| Draft Articles
| 1958
| [[33/09|09]]
| Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 5
| George Dalton
| Draft Articles
| 1959
| [[33/10|10]]
| Interdisciplinary Project “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth” - Continuing Group of the Interdisciplinary Project - Resume of session no. 6
| Various Authors with Karl Polanyi
| 1959
| [[33/11|11]]
| Karl Polanyi Study Project - "Plan of Research into the Institutionalization of Economic Behaviour in Several Societies"
| Outline
| 1959
| [[33/12|12]]
| Karl Polanyi Study Project - "Plan of Research into the Institutionalization of Economic Behaviour in Several Societies"
| Outline
| 1947•1957
| [[33/13|13]]
| Polanyi Study project "Economic Institutions" - Columbia University, New York
| Outline
| 1956-1958
| [[33/14|14]]
| Interdisciplinary project "The Economic Aspect of Institutions in Archaic-Type Societies" – Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
| Project proposal
| 1958
| [[33/15|15]]
| Interdisciplinary project The Economic Aspect of Institutions in Archaic-Type Societies – Wenner-Gren Foundation
| Administrative Texts
| 1958
| [[33/16|16]]
| Interdisciplinary project "The Economic Aspect of Institutions in Archaic-Type Societies" – Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
| Correspondence
| 1958
| [[33/17|17]]
| Research Project “Social and Economic Effects of the Use of Money in Non-Western and Early Societies”
| 1957
|rowspan="17" id="34"|34
| [[34/01|01]]
| “[[The Early Development of Trade, Money, and Market Institutions]]” – American Philosophical Society
| Correspondence and Report
| 1958-1962
| [[34/02|02]]
| “[[Economic Institutions, Primarily in Pre-industrial Non-market Societies]]” - Social Science Research Council
| Correspondence, applications for grants, and reports
| 1956-1962
| [[34/03|03]]
| “[[Money Institutions in Early Societies from the Comparative and Developmental Angle]]”, American Council of Learned Societies
| Application for grant-in-aid for research and correspondence
| 1957-1958
| [[34/04|04]]
| Interdisciplinary project - Pay orders for Columbia University projects
| Administrative Texts
| 1953-1956
| [[34/05|05]]
| Interdisciplinary Project on “Economic Aspects of Institutional Growth”
| Lists of project manuscripts
| 1950
| [[34/06|06]]
| Interdisciplinary project
| Lists of books borrowed for the research project
| 1951-1953
| [[34/07|07]]
| University of Manchester Simon Fellowships
| Information
| 1953-1954
| [[34/08|08]]
| Recommendations
| 1957-1962
| [[34/09|09]]
| List of Karl Polanyi's papers held at Columbia University
| 1965
| [[34/10|10]]
| Plans for journals
| 1954
| [[34/11|11]]
| Lists of names associated with Karl Polanyi
| 1958-1961
| [[34/12|12]]
| Memorandum
| 1953
| [[34/13|13]]
| Memoranda
| 1947-1949
| [[34/14|14]]
| Notices
| 1946-1964
| [[34/15|15]]
| Course outlines and notes on non-Polanyi courses
| 1951-1961
| [[34/16|16]]
| The Economy as an Instituted Process - Graduate seminar
| Karl Polanyi and Paul Medow
| Outlines and notes
| 1958-1960
| [[34/17|17]]
| Brochures from Institutes
| 1948-1960
|rowspan="11" id="35"|35
| [[35/01|01]]
| Newspaper clippings
| 1937-1947
| [[35/02|02]]
| Newspaper clippings
| 1950-1959
| [[35/03|03]]
| Newspaper clippings
| 1961-1964
| [[35/04|04]]
| Newspaper clippings, n. d.
| 1948-1964
| [[35/05|05]]
| Draft memorandum
| Author unknown
| 1948
| [[35/06|06]]
| "[[Our Obsolete Market Mentality]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1947
| [[35/07|07]]
| "[[Marxist Economic Thought]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Review article
| 1947
| [[35/08|08]]
| “[[On belief in economic determinism]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1947
| [[35/09|09]]
| “Notes on the future tasks of the Columbia University submitted to the Department of Economics”
| Karl Polanyi
| 1948
| [[35/10|10]]
|  Economic History and the Problem of Freedom
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1949
| [[35/11|11]]
|  ''[[Livelihood of Man]]''
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1950-1955
|rowspan="11" id="36"|36
| [[36/01|01]]
|  ''[[Livelihood of Man]]'' – Part I Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 12. Part II Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, and 17.
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1950-1955
| [[36/02|02]]
| ''[[Livelihood of Man]]''
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1977 (Late)
| [[36/03|03]]
| “[[Meeting Your Junior Self]]" and “[[Child Psychology]]” – Annual Conference, Whitbey, Ontario – Women Teachers Association of Southern Ontario
| Lectures
| 1951
| [[36/04|04]]
| Address – “[[Public Opinion and Statemanship]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1951
| [[36/05|05]]
| Draft review article of Edith Ennen’s ''Frühgeschichte der europaischen Stadt''
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft review article
| 1953-1956
| [[36/06|06]]
| "[[Die zwei Bedeutungen von ‘wirtschaftlich’]]” (Zum Begriffssystem der allgemeinen Wirstschaftsgeschichte)"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft article
| 1953
| [[36/07|07]]
|  "[[Hamlet]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1947-1954
| [[36/08|08]]
| "Hamlet", ''The Yale Review'', vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 336-350
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1954
| [[36/09|09]]
| "Freedom and Technology" - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - Notes
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1955
| [[36/10|10]]
| Draft review article of William L. Westermanns, ''The Slave System of Greek and Roman Antiquity''
| Karl Polanyi
| 1955
| [[36/11|11]]
|  "[[Leplézett küluralom és szocialista közgazdaság]]"
| Karl Polanyi
|  Draft article
| 1956
|rowspan="21" id="37"|37
| [[37/01|01]]
| "[[A Hungarian Lesson]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft article
| 1957
| [[37/02|02]]
| Methodology – The Methodological Problems Connected with the Question of Capitalism in Antiquity
| 1947•1953?
| [[37/03|03]]
| Freedom in a Complex Society
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1957
| [[37/04|04]]
| Economics and Freedom to Shape Our Social Destiny
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1947•1953?
| [[37/05|05]]
| Draft review article of ''Greatness and Decline of Planned Economy in the Hellenistic World'' by Luigi Einaudi
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Review Article
| 1957
| [[37/06|06]]
| "[[The Machine and the Discovery of Society]]" - Notes
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1957
| [[37/07|07]]
| Draft Book Review - "Not by Organization Alone"
| Karl Polanyi / Abraham Rotstein
| 1958
| [[37/08|08]]
| “A Galilei Kör otven év távlatából"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1958
| [[37/09|09]]
| "[[Ötven év]]" - ''Irodalmi Ujság'', May 1, 1959, .p. 4
| Karl Polanyi
| Article
| 1959
| [[37/10|10]]
| "[[Egy antimarxista naplójából]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1958
| [[37/11|11]]
| Gailbraith's Farewell to poverty / Aristotle on an Affluent Society
| Karl Polanyi
| 1959
| [[37/12|12]]
| [[The New West]]
| Karl Polanyi
| 1956-1962
| [[37/13|13]]
| "[[Research into the Substantive Economy]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft article
| 1959
| [[37/14|14]]
| "University Seminar on the Institutionalizing of the Economic Process" - Notes
| Karl Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1959
| [[37/15|15]]
| "[[Early Economies]]" and "[[An Institutional Approach to Early Non-Market Economies]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Drafts
| 1959-1960
| [[37/16|16]]
| "[[The Early Development of Trade, Money and Market Institutions]]", 1960, p. 334-33
| Karl Polanyi
| Article/Report
| 1960
| [[37/17|17]]
| "On the Comparative Treatment of Economic Institutions in Antiquity with Illustrations from Athens, Mycenae, and Alalakh"
| Karl Polanyi
| 1960
| [[37/18|18]]
| [[ Statements on Political Philosophy]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft article
| 1960
| [[37/19|19]]
| "[[Széljegyzetek a szocialista világfordulóhoz]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft article
| 1960
| [[37/20|20]]
| [[A Galilei Kör hagyatéka]]
| Karl Polanyi
| 1960
| [[37/21|21]]
| Draft article - N. t.
| Karl Polanyi
| 1962-1963
|rowspan="19" id="38"|38
| [[38/01|01]]
| Notes on the Draft Program of the CPSU
| 1961
| [[38/02|02]]
| "[[Il pensiero sovietica in transizione]]" - ''Nuova Presenza'', no.5, 1962, p. 39-45
| Karl Polanyi
| Article
| 1961-1962
| [[38/03|03]]
| Review article of ''Foreign Trade in the Old Babylonian Period as Revealed by Texts from Southern Mesopotamia'' by W. F. Leemans
| Karl Polanyi and R. F. G. Sweet
| 1962
| [[38/04|04]]
| “The Old-Babylonian Merchant. His Business and His Social Position”, ''Studia et Documenta ad Iura Orientis Antiqui Pertinentia'', vol.III, Leiden - E. J. Brill
| W. F. Leemans
| 1950
| [[38/05|05]]
| "Bücher, Karl (1847-1931)
| Karl Polanyi
| 1963
| [[38/06|06]]
| "Ports of Trade in Early Societies"
| Article
| Published Article
| 1963
| [[38/07|07]]
| Reflection on the article titled “Text of Pope John’s Encyclical ‘Pacem in Terris’, Calling for a World Community”, published in New York Times
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1963
| [[38/08|08]]
| Trade and Market in the Early Empires - Economies in History and Theory – Table of contents, preface and introduction
| 1956-1959
| [[38/09|09]]
| Trade and Market in the Early Empires Economies in History and Theory – Reviews
| Various Authors
| 1957-1965
| [[38/10|10]]
| Mailing list for announcement of Karl Polanyi’s Trade and Market in the Early Empires - Economies in History and Theory
| 1966
| [[38/11|11]]
| Publicity for American edition of ''The Great Transformation'' and ''Trade and Market in the Early Empires''
| 1957
| [[38/12|12]]
| Outline for a Revision of ''The Great Transformation'', Feb. 24, 1954
| 1954
| [[38/13|13]]
| Publisher's agreement and contract
| 1957-1963
| [[38/14|14]]
| "The Hungarian Populists"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1961
| [[38/15|15]]
| The Plough and the Pen – Review, June 20, 1963
| 1963
| [[38/16|16]]
| Notices for book reviews
| Karl Polanyi
| 1962-1963
| [[38/17|17]]
| Hungarian Writers’ Association Abroad Rules
| 1957
| [[38/18|18]]
| Correspondence Publishers' Announcements
| 1960-1962
| [[38/19|19]]
| Karl Polanyi Royalty Statements
| 1944-1977
|rowspan="8" id="39"|39
| [[39/01|01]]
| Greece – Part II
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[39/02|02]]
| Greece – “Redistribution and Reciprocity in Homeric Greece” – Chapter I, p. 4-28
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[39/03|03]]
| Greece – “The Hesiodic Age - Tribal Decay” – Chapter II
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[39/04|04]]
| Greece – “The Solonic Crisis and the City Economy” – Chapter III
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[39/05|05]]
| Greece – “The Solonic Crisis” – Chapter III
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[39/06|06]]
| Greece – “Tyrannis and Democracy” – Chapter IV
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[39/07|07]]
| Greece – “Tyranny or Tyrannies” – Chapter IV
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[39/08|08]]
| Greece – “Peisistratus - The Tyrannis Episode” - Chapter IV
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
|rowspan="4" id="40"|40
| [[40/01|01]]
| Peisistratus The Tyrannis Episode
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[40/02|02]]
| Greece – “The Economy of the Classical Polis” - Chapter V
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[40/03|03]]
| Greece – “Polis and Agora” - Chapter V
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[40/04|04]]
| Greece – “Polis and Agora” - Chapter V, 1954.Draft Manuscript (Greece) – “Polis and Agora” - Chapter V
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
|rowspan="9" id="41"|41
| [[41/01|01]]
| Draft Manuscript (Greece) – “Local Markets and Overseas Trade” - Chapter VI
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[41/02|02]]
| Greece – “Securing Grain Imports” - Chapter VII
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[41/03|03]]
| Greece – “The Growth of Market Trade” - Chapter VIII
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[41/04|04]]
| Greece – “Coins, Banking and other Devices” - Chapter IX
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[41/05|05]]
| Greece – “Archaic Greece”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1954
| [[41/06|06]]
| Greece – “Aspects of Livelihood in Greece, Israel and Dahomey” - Part III
| Karl Polanyi
| 1954
| [[41/07|07]]
| "[[The Role of Strain in Institutional Change]]" and "[[Psychology and Ideology in Institutional Change: Actual and Postulated Motives]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| 1963
| [[41/08|08]]
| “[[Functions of Money in the Western Slave Trade]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Article
| 1963
| [[41/09|09]]
| "Sortings and ‘Ounce Trade’ in the West African Slave Trade"
| Karl Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1964
|rowspan="17" id="42"|42
| [[42/01|01]]
| “Economy and Society in the Negro Kingdom of Dahomey”
| Karl Polanyi
| Fragments of draft manuscript and notes
| 1960-1963
| [[42/02|02]]
| “Dahomey”
| Karl Polanyi
| Notes
| 1961
| [[42/03|03]]
| “Economy and Society in Historic Dahomey”
| Bibliography
| 1958•1964
| [[42/04|04]]
| Introduction to the Hungarian edition of Dahomey and the Slave Trade. An Analysis of an Archaic Economy
| Bognar
| 1966+?
| [[42/05|05]]
| Correction to the Hungarian edition of Dahomey and the Slave Trade. An Analysis of an Archaic Economy
| Ilona Duczynska
| 1971
| [[42/06|06]]
|  ''Dahomey and the Slave Trade. An Analysis of an Archaic Economy'' – Review articles
| Karl Polanyi (in collaboration with Abe Rotstein)
| 1966?
| [[42/07|07]]
| List of people to whom complimentary copies of the Dahomey és a Rabszolgakereskedelem szétküldési listája were sent
| 1966+?
| [[42/08|08]]
| "[[Hamlet]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| 1968
| [[42/09|09]]
| “[[Carl Menger Two Meanings of 'Economy]]'"
| Karl Polanyi
| Article
| 1971
| [[42/10|10]]
| "[[Kereskedelmi kapuk a korai társadalmakban]]”, ''Valósáq'', vol. 15, no. 10
| Karl Polanyi
| Article
| 1972
| [[42/11|11]]
| “[[Traders and Trade]]”
| Karl Polanyi
| Article
| 1975
| [[42/12|12]]
| "[[A nossa obsoleta mentalidade mercantil]]", ''Revista Trimestral de Historias & Ideas'', no. 1
| Karl Polanyi
| Article
| 1978
| [[42/13|13]]
| “[[The Good Life in an Industrial Society]]"
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft
| 1950s
| [[42/14|14]]
| "[[Market Elements and Economic Planning in Antiquity]]" – Yale – Notes
| Lecture
| 1947•1957
| [[42/15|15]]
| "[[Local Food Markets and Market Trade in the Old World]]"
| Draft
| 1947•1957
| [[42/16|16]]
| Operationnal civilizations
| Karl Polanyi
| 1947•1957
| [[42/17|17]]
| Plans for work in Russia
| Karl Polanyi
| 1935+
|rowspan="10" id="43"|43
| [[43/01|01]]
| ''Co-existence'': Publication plans, tentative list of subjects, description and scope of the projected quarterly journal Co-existence, fund-raising efforts, and editorial board suggestions
| 1961-1964
| [[43/02|02]]
| Outlines and tables of contents for the journal ''Co-existence'', nos. 1-3
| 1964
| [[43/03|03]]
| ''Co-existence'' Lists of proposed contributors
| 1963-1964
| [[43/04|04]]
| ''Co-existence'' - Announcements and advertisements for journal ''Co-existence''
| 1963-1964
| [[43/05|05]]
| ''Co-existence'' - Rules and by-laws, take-over of ''Co-existence''
| 1965-1966
| [[43/06|06]]
| ''Co-existence'' Invoices
| 1963-1965
| [[43/07|07]]
| ''Co-existence'' Mailing lists
| 1964-1965
| [[43/08|08]]
| Co-existence Background material
| 1962-1964
| [[43/09|09]]
| ''Co-existence'' Page proofs – No. 1
| 1964
| [[43/10|10]]
| ''Co-existence'' Draft articles – No. 1
| 1964
|rowspan="6" id="44"|44
| [[44/01|01]]
| ''Co-existence'' Draft articles – No. 2
| Draft Articles
| 1965?
| [[44/02|02]]
| ''Co-existence'' Draft articles – No. 2
| Draft Articles
| 1964
| [[44/03|03]]
| File contains two sets of annotated galley proofs, pp.1-90, pp. 1-87, for the 1st issue of the journal ''Co-existence'', consisting of of the following articles
| 1964-1966
| [[44/04|04]]
| ''Co-existence'' Draft articles - No. 3
| Draft Articles
| 1965
| [[44/05|05]]
| ''Co-existence'' Page proofs, No. 3, 1965
| 1965
| [[44/06|06]]
| ''Co-existence'' Page proofs, No. 3.
| 1965
|rowspan="20" id="45"|45
| [[45/01|01]]
| "The Social Philosophy of Karl Polanyi"
| Ilona Ducyńska and Kari Polanyi-Levitt
| Research Project
| 1968-1974
| [[45/02|02]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes I|Notes of Weekend I with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1956
| [[45/03|03]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes II|Notes of Weekend II with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1956
| [[45/04|04]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes III|Notes of Weekend III with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1956
| [[45/05|05]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes IV|Notes of Weekend IV with Karl Polanyi]] – August 25, 1956
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1956
| [[45/06|06]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes IX|Notes of Weekend IX with Karl Polanyi]] – April 6, 1957
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/07|07]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XI|Notes of Weekend XI with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/08|08]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XII|Notes of Weekend XII with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/09|09]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XIII|Notes of Weekend XIII with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/10|10]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XIV|Notes of Weekend XIV with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/11|11]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XV|Notes of Weekend XV with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/12|12]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XVII|Notes of Weekend XVII with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/13|13]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XVIII|Notes of Weekend XVIII with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/14|14]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XIX|Notes of Weekend XIX with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/15|15]]
| ’’[[Notes on Freedom and Technology]]”
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1957
| [[45/16|16]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XX|Notes of Weekend XX with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1958
| [[45/17|17]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XXI|Notes of Weekend XXI with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1958
| [[45/18|18]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XXII|Notes of Weekend XXII with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1958
| [[45/19|19]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XXIII|Notes of Weekend XXIII with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1958
| [[45/20|20]]
| [[Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes XXIV|Notes of Weekend XXIV with Karl Polanyi]]
| Abraham Rotstein
| 1958
|rowspan="32" id="46"|46
| [[46/01|01]]
| Outline of Selected writings by Karl Polanyi
| Ilona Duczynska
| 1970
| [[46/02|02]]
| “Zum Zerfall der K. P. U.”, ''Unser Weg'', March 1, 1922
| Ilona Duczyńska
| Article
| 1922
| [[46/03|03]]
| Study of Hungarian Land  <span style="color:red;">(MISSING)</span>
| Ilona Duczyńska
| Notes
| 1956
| [[46/04|04]]
| “Egy magyar világforradalmár”, ''Kritika'', 1968, pp. 20-2
| Ottó Major
| Article
| 1968
| [[46/05|05]]
| “Considerazioni sull’Ungheria 1956”
| Ilona Duczyńska
| Article
| 1956
| [[46/06|06]]
| Interview with Ilona Duczynska by Dr. Isabella Ackerl
| Ilona Duczyńska
| 1970s
| [[46/07|07]]
| “Theodor Körner und der 12. Februar”, 1972
| Ilona Duczyńska
| Article
| 1972
| [[46/08|08]]
| “1927 Választások és fegyverek”
| Ilona Duczyńska
| Article
| 1973
| [[46/09|09]]
| Interview with Ilona Duczynska (“Beszélgetés Duczynska Ilonával”)
| Ilona Duczyńska
| 1974
| [[46/10|10]]
| “Az emberélet sarkalatos élményei”, 1978
| Ilona Duczyńska
| Article
| 1978
| [[46/11|11]]
| “Akaratos emlékezés”, 1975, pp. 8-9
| Ilona Duczyńska
| Article
| 1975
| [[46/12|12]]
| Ilona Duczynska - Obituary
| Author unknown
| Obituary
| 1978
| [[46/13|13]]
| Notebook (late Hungary and early Vienna period)
| '''Karl''' Polanyi
| Notes on Readings
| 1910-1920
| [[46/14|14]]
| “Economics of Full Employment”, Feb. 13, 1943
| Michael Polanyi
| Published Article
| 1943
| [[46/15|15]]
| “Persons”, Chicago, Ill., 1945
| Michael Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1945
| [[46/16|16]]
| “Persons”, “The Stability of Beliefs” – ''The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science'', November 1952, pp. 217
| Michael Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1952
| [[46/17|17]]
| “Rules of Rightness” – Chicago, Ill., 1954
| Michael Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1954
| [[46/18|18]]
| “Knowing Life”– Chicago, Ill., 1954
| Michael Polanyi
| Lecture
| 1954
| [[46/19|19]]
| “Words, Conceptions and Science", ''The Twentieth Century'', September, 1955
| Michael Polanyi
| Article
| 1955
| [[46/20|20]]
| “The Magic of Marxism”
| Michael Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1956
| [[46/21|21]]
| “Problem Solving”
| Michael Polanyi
| Draft article
| 1955-1960
| [[46/22|22]]
| “Passion and Controversy in Science”
| Michael Polanyi
| Draft article
| 1955-1960
| [[46/23|23]]
| “History and Hope. An Analysis of Our Age”
| Michael Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1961
| [[46/24|24]]
| Michael Polanyi - Obituary
| Author unknown
| 1976
| [[46/25|25]]
| Guide to the Papers of Michael Polanyi <span style="color:red;">(MISSING)</span>
| John M. Cash
| 1977
| [[46/26|26]]
| “At the Wheel of the World The Life and Times of Michael Polanyi”
| William Taussig Scott
| Article
| 1998-1999
| [[46/27|27]]
| Review draft article of Dr. Göran Nyblén’s book ''The Problem of Sublimation''
| Felix Schafer
| 1950s
| [[46/28|28]]
| Draft – “Mens Creatrix”
| P. I. Painter
| Draft manuscript
| 1963
| [[46/29|29]]
| Draft manuscript Part. I – “The Autobiography of the Tortoise”
| P. I. Painter
| 1963
| [[46/30|30]]
| Part. II - “The Human Predicament To-Day”
| P. I. Painter
| Draft manuscript
| 1963
| [[46/31|31]]
| Part. III – “A”
| P. I. Painter
| Draft manuscript
| 1963
| [[46/32|32]]
| Part. IV – “The Creative Imagination. Poetry”
| P. I. Painter
| Draft manuscript
| 1963
|rowspan="15" id="47"|47
| [[47/01|01]]
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1924
| [[47/02|02]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| 1924
| [[47/03|03]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Duchy of Lancaster Office
| Karl Polanyi
| 1924
| [[47/04|04]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1927
| [[47/05|05]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| n. d.
| [[47/06|06]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1934
| [[47/07|07]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1935
| [[47/08|08]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1936-1938
| [[47/09|09]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1939
| [[47/10|10]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1940
| [[47/11|11]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1941
| [[47/12|12]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1942
| [[47/13|13]]
| <span style="color:red;">(MISSING)</span>
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1943
| [[47/14|14]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1944
| [[47/15|15]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1945
|rowspan="7" id="48"|48
| [[48/01|01]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1946
| [[48/02|02]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1947
| [[48/03|03]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1948
| [[48/04|04]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1949
| [[48/05|05]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1950
| [[48/06|06]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1951
| [[48/07|07]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1952
|rowspan="5" id="49"|49
| [[49/01|01]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1953
| [[49/02|02]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1954
| [[49/03|03]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1954
| [[49/04|04]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1955
| [[49/05|05]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1956
|rowspan="4" id="50"|50
| [[50/01|01]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1957
| [[50/02|02]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1958
| [[50/03|03]]
| Correspondence
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1958
| [[50/04|04]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1959
|rowspan="5" id="51"|51
| [[51/01|01]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1959
| [[51/02|02]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1960
| [[51/03|03]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1960
| [[51/04|04]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1960
| [[51/05|05]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1961
|rowspan="4" id="52"|52
| [[52/01|01]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1961
| [[52/02|02]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1961
| [[52/03|03]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1962
| [[52/04|04]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1962
|rowspan="4" id="53"|53
| [[53/01|01]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1963
| [[53/02|02]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1963
| [[53/03|03]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1964
| [[53/04|04]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt
| Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt
| Correspondence
| 1964
|rowspan="6" id="54"|54
| [[54/01|01]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt
| Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt
| Correspondence
| 1965
| [[54/02|02]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt
| Ilona Duczynska and Kari Levitt
| Correspondence
| 1966-1987
| [[54/03|03]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska
| Ilona Duczynska
| Correspondence
| 1970-1974
| [[54/04|04]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| n. d.
| [[54/05|05]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| n. d.
| [[54/06|06]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1934-1946
|rowspan="8" id="55"|55
| [[55/01|01]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska - George Dalton
| Ilona Duczynska - George Dalton
| Correspondence
| 1971-1972
| [[55/02|02]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska – George Dalton
| Ilona Duczynska – George Dalton
| Correspondence
| 1964-1970
| [[55/03|03]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska – George Dalton
| Ilona Duczynska – George Dalton
| Correspondence
| 1971-1988
| [[55/04|04]]
| Correspondence Kari Levitt – George Dalton
| Kari Levitt – George Dalton
| Correspondence
| 1964-1989
| [[55/05|05]]
| Correspondence Felix Schafer – George Dalton
| Felix Schafer – George Dalton
| Correspondence
| 1972-1973
| [[55/06|06]]
| Correspondence Kari Polanyi Levitt – Louis Dumont
| Kari Polanyi Levitt – Louis Dumont
| Correspondence
| 1983-1984
| [[55/07|07]]
| Correspondence Kari Polanyi Levitt – Michael T. Ryan
| Kari Polanyi Levitt – Michael T. Ryan
| Correspondence
| 1979-1982
| [[55/08|08]]
| Correspondence Kari Polanyi Levitt – The Hungarian Museum of Labour Movement
| Kari Polanyi Levitt
| Correspondence
| 1982
|rowspan="13" id="56"|56
| [[56/01|01]]
| Correspondence Cecilia Wohl – Mihály Pollacsek
| Cecilia Wohl – Mihály Pollacsek
| Correspondence
| 1898
| [[56/02|02]]
| Correspondence Aline Klatschko – Ervin Szabó
| Aline Klatschko – Ervin Szabó
| Correspondence
| 1899-1901
| [[56/03|03]]
| Correspondence Samuel Klatschko – Ervin Szabó
| Samuel Klatschko – Ervin Szabó
| Correspondence
| 1899-1909
| [[56/04|04]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Ady Endrének
| Karl Polanyi - Ady Endrének
| Correspondence
| 1909
| [[56/05|05]]
| Correspondence Helene Békássy – Ilona Duczyńska
| Helene Békássy – Ilona Duczyńska
| Correspondence
| 1922
| [[56/06|06]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi – György Lukács
| Karl Polanyi – György Lukács
| Correspondence
| 1908-1970
| [[56/07|07]]
| Correspondence György Lukács – Leo Popper
| György Lukács – Leo Popper
| Correspondence
| 1907-1911
| [[56/08|08]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Laura Polanyi (“Mausi”)
| Karl Polanyi – Laura Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1913-1959
| [[56/09|09]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Toni Stolper
| Karl Polanyi - Toni Stolper
| Correspondence
| 1913-1959
| [[56/10|10]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1932
| [[56/11|11]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Joseph Needham
| Karl Polanyi - Joseph Needham
| Correspondence
| 1932-1935
| [[56/12|12]]
| Agrarian economy in Hungary in the 1930s
| Karl Polanyi
| Draft Manuscript
| 1934-1960
| [[56/13|13]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczyńska - Irene Grant
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczyńska - Irene Grant
| Correspondence
| 1929-1964
|rowspan="8" id="57"|57
| [[57/01|01]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Beatrice de Waard
| Karl Polanyi - Beatrice de Waard
| Correspondence
| 1948-1961
| [[57/02|02]]
| Correspondence Tommy (“Tomi”) Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Uncle Misi”)
| Tommy Polanyi - Michael Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1952-1963
| [[57/03|03]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”)
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Michael Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1943-1963
| [[57/04|04]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”)
| Ilona Duczynska - Michael Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1941-1970
| [[57/05|05]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”)
| Karl Polanyi - Michael Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1940-1954
| [[57/06|06]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”)
| Karl Polanyi - Michael Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1955-1959
| [[57/07|07]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”)
| Karl Polanyi - Michael Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1960-1963
| [[57/08|08]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi – Michael Polanyi (“Misi”)
| Karl Polanyi - Michael Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1943-1961
|rowspan="13" id="58"|58
| [[58/01|01]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Hans and Eva Zeisel
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Hans and Eva Zeisel
| Correspondence
| 1944-1964
| [[58/02|02]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska – Hans Zeisel
| Ilona Duczynska – Hans Zeisel
| Correspondence
| 1959-1969
| [[58/03|03]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Adolf Polanyi’s family
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Adolf Polanyi’s family
| Correspondence
| 1943-1966
| [[58/04|04]]
| Correspondence Ilona Duczynska - Zsófia Polanyi
| Ilona Duczynska - Zsófia Polanyi
| Correspondence
| 1964
| [[58/05|05]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Barbara and György Striker
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Barbara and György Striker
| Correspondence
| 1961-1966
| [[58/06|06]]
| Correspondence and personal documents
| Edith Lea Szécsi
| Correspondence
| 1922-1944
| [[58/07|07]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Marika Szésci
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Marika Szésci
| 1949-1977
| [[58/08|08]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Adele Schafer
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska - Adele Schafer
| Correspondence
| 1938-1939
| [[58/09|09]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi - Felix Schafer
| Karl Polanyi - Felix Schafer
| Correspondence
| 1957
| [[58/10|10]]
| Correspondence Adele and Felix Schafer - Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska -  Adele and Felix Schafer
| Correspondence
| 1946-1962
| [[58/11|11]]
| Correspondence Adele and Felix Schafer - Ilona Duczynska
| Adele and Felix Schafer - Ilona Duczynska
| Correspondence
| 1964-1978
| [[58/12|12]]
| Correspondence Felix and Adele Schafer - Kari Levitt
| Felix and Adele Schafer - Kari Levitt
| Correspondence
| 1974-1978
| [[58/13|13]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Hilde Neumann
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Hilde Neumann
| 1946-1968
|rowspan="9" id="59"|59
| [[59/01|01]]
| Correspondence Kari Levitt - Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska
| Kari Levitt - Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska
| Correspondence
| 1949-1964
| [[59/02|02]]
| Correspondence Kari Levitt - Karl Polanyi
| Karl Polanyi - Kari Levitt
| Correspondence
| 1941-1963
| [[59/03|03]]
| Correspondence Kari Levitt - Ilona Duczynska
| Kari Levitt - Ilona Duczynska
| Correspondence
| 1935-1978
| [[59/04|04]]
| Correspondence Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Joe Levitt
| Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska – Joe Levitt
| Correspondence
| 1947-1961
| [[59/05|05]]
| Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczynska
| Correspondence
| 1941-1962
| [[59/06|06]]
| <span style="color:red;">(MISSING)</span>
| [[59/07|07]]
| Hand-written and typed letters between Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska
| Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczynska
| Correspondence
| 1940-1942
| [[59/08|08]]
| Hand-written and typed letters between Karl Polanyi and Ilona Duczynska
| Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczynska
| Correspondence
| 1943-1947
| [[59/09|09]]
| Karl Polanyi – Ilona Duczynska
| Correspondence
| 1948-1950
== Editors Notes ==
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Latest revision as of 23:26, 19 September 2017