Collective, What is the Christian Left?

From Karl Polanyi
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What is the purpose of Christianity?

Christianity is distinct from the Christian Churches

[3] The Anglican and Free Churches represent in the main, the extent to which Christianity was accepted by capitalist society. To-day when the capitalist system is beginning to break down - as seen by war and the threat of world-war, by the fact that although there is food in abundance it is failing to reach large numbers of men and women in sufficient quantity, and by many other symptoms - the Christian force is to be found largely outside the Christian Churches and is working through those who are bringing to birth Socialist civilisation.

The Christian Left movement recognises that the Churches with Christianity. It is not concerned to save the Churches. It believes that the present crisis in the world - war an economic unsettlement - is the result of the impact of Christianity on mankind. It holds that Christianity once again is compelling a transformation of society as a further stage of advance towards an international society, a universal community, the Kingdom of God. The waning influence of the Churches , as part of this unsettlement, is one aspect of this impact of Christianity.

What has religion to do with Socialism?

The immediate barrier which is preventing this universal commonwealth and which is [4] thus limiting human relationships, is the private ownership of the means of production, with its consequent division of society into owners and non-owners. Socialism is the movement which is seeking to remove this barrier by political action. The task of establishing production of wealth for use in place of production for private profit must be accomplished through the political machine. Christianity, as a religion, is concerned with all aspects of human life, spiritual, moral, social economic, political. The Socialist task in the political field is the task which Christianity has nw to undertake.

The Christian Left is a movement, therefore, which, because it proclaims the religious mission of the working class to achieve Socialism, pledges itself in action to identify itself with the political struggle of that class.

The question which heads this paragraph would never be asked, had not traditional Christian teaching sought to limit the idea of religion to one department of human life. It has pictured a spiritual world which is separate from the world in which we exist. The Christian Left rejects thus idea as un-Christian, and maintains that there is one world, that reality is a unity and is not divided into a material world and a world beyond the grave. There is one world, and here in this world - and now in history - must the Kingdom of God be established.

Does the Christian Left believe in God?

Some people will argue that Christianity so interpreted is not Christian at all, because it leaves out the definition all mention of God.

This objection is an example of the way in which our religious thinking has become confused. Traditional Christian teaching has produced a picture of God as someone who exists in a separate spiritual world and who must be looked for in a heaven beyond the clouds.

But Jesus insisted that we should find God only through Himself, as man. We must look for God in our own personal relationships, in our love of men and women, in our experience here and now. If we look for God elsewhere, He will be no more than an idea in our minds.

Unless we love our neighbour we do not love God.

Human beings and human relationship have something in common. They are particular manifestations of that which is universal. God is that universal reality - not merely that small part of reality of which we are ourselves aware. God is that universal personality of which all individual persons are manifestations.

Why should the Christian Left be a separate organisation?

The question is sometimes asked why the Christian Left itself with other [5] Christian Socialist organisations, and in what respects it considers is standpoint to be sufficiently distinctive to warrant a separate existence.

The general answer to this question is that it is probably desirable and inevitable that at this particular period there should be a number of different groups, […]

But the more direct answer to this question is that the Christian Left believes that its task involves a reinterpretation of Christianity which will form the basis of the Christianity of the Socialist age. The attempt to carry out this work is necessarily to challenge the interpretations of the existing Churches. The Christian Left, indeed, anticipates that as a new Christian movement emerges such a movement will find itself opposed by the Churches, as an influence tending towards their disruption.


Miss J. Jordan
172 Russell Court,
London, W.C.1

Text Informations

Christian Left Pamphlet No. 1, 1938
Src: British LIbrary