Brie & Thomasberger (eds), Karl Polanyi's Vision of a Socialist Transformation

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BRIE Michael and THOMASBEGER Claus (eds), Karl Polanyi's Vision of a Socialist Transformation, Toronto, Black Rose Books.

Reference: Polanyi 2018.

Table of Contents

Name Article/Text Title P.
I. Looking Back-Looking Forward
Kari Polanyi-Levitt Freedom of Action and Freedom 18-50
II. Polanyi's critique in the age of neoliberalism
Claus Thomasberger Freedom, responsibility and the recognition of the reality of society 52-66
Nancy Fraser Why Two Karls are better than one: Integrating Polanyi and Marx in a critical theory of the current crisis 67-76
Ayşe Buğra Revisiting “Freedom in a complex society”. A view for the periphery 77-90
Margaret R. Somers Utopianism and the reality of society: decoding Polanyi's socialism, freedom, and the alchemy of misrecognition 91-109
Hüseyin Özel “Neoliberal violence” - an attempt to embed society into the market 110-124
III. The case for a socialist conception of freedom
Paula Valderrama Knowledge, freedom and democracy: Friedrich Hayek and Karl Polanyi on the market society and beyond 141-153
Michele Cangiani “Knowledge of society” as the basis of Karl Polanyi's demanding conception of freedom 168-184
Chikako Nakayama Polanyi's concept of peace in a complex society 185-199
IV. New ways of reframing socialism
Johanna Bockman Not the New Deal and the not the Welfare State: Karl Polanyi's vision of socialism 200-208
Pat Devine Planning fo freedom 209-220
Marguerite Mendell Commoning and the commons: alternatives to a market society 221-240
Michael Brie Karl Polanyi and the discussions of the renewed socialism 241-262

V. Essays by Karl Polanyi

Text Title Year P.
Ideologies in Crisis 1919 264-267
Science and Morality 1920-22 268-286
Being and Thinking 1920-22 287-292
The Science of the Future 1920-22 293-297
On Freedom 1927 298-319
Freedom in a Complex Society 1957 320-324