To Ilona (17 September 1947)

From Karl Polanyi
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[210] My only darling - life is returning into the shaken frame and the clear sunlight is forming out over our world, yours and mine.

I have gained complete clarity about the economy of my forces. I must at all cost avoid splitting my energies; for that would {micrease} the strain tenfold, and I would be {bonnerd} to fail.

In the {praureworth} of the {than} I'll decide on Part I according to whether the highest loyal authorities at Columbia {arbrise} {mi} [211] that there is a case or ___. The crucial point is the text validity and import of the Anglo-america gentlemen agreements on British ___ - volunteers of there is a case a, determined lake it ___ on the highest level over here, through Columbia, and await the outcome. No unnecessary merely “gestural” steps will be taken in the meantime by me, for __less a case can be put, such gestures - friendly __lewentons of high personnages without a substantial case to plead are futile.

We are of course still collecting the material, {28} stron{ging} the case. I {capet} to hear within a week where we stand.

[212] The crucial difficulty is our omission to have the re-entry permit prolonged (ver 2/2 years) (approx. from August 1944 to some time, in Spring, 1947). You might read up the text of the 1924 law at the American Library, look up “Re-entry permit” in the index and go through the paragraphs dealing with prolongation of that permit. This you should do, if possible, anyway. It will give you a different impression of the legal side of the matter (and we cannot afford taking matters lightly how).

Should I have to drop and I in absence of a 'case', Part II remains. I am exploring it and advise you not to trust rumour and hearsay, but to read up, if possible, Canadians [213] immigration laws + regulations, including {citijendgo}) yourself. Margaret Wrong's brother who is she wanted me to offer to meet, in Canadian Ambassade __ in Washington. I might see him, if there is any point in doing so. Ofenne, there is also G. Gibson, secretary to {Maleenzie} King. On all these matters I would take Bob's advice who is may confident especially in regard to general treatment of the situation. He knows exactly what {ow} true positions are, and that you are a free-lance socialist as independent as anybody can be. Hank has just returned from Toronto. I'm afraid, he found himself very much indeed of my advice for which he was grateful. It is important that your affairs are kept strictly on our joint {lnie} with no however will meant help from outside.

[214] I am


[216] 'questioning' is the only basis on which they can use their freedom, is their own interest. Your description of the proceedings left both interpretations wide open since you were given ample warming of the import of the questions. How far back they would reach in the second half may have been simply made defendent on the first. This aimed certainly not have been clear to you quite apartly from effects of the concussion somewhat narrowing the field of the misagrisation. These thoughts were partly put into my head by experts over here. In order to gain time, I had to know where I stand, and at least to try to find out, if possible. Actually, there [217] may be not a shred of truth in all this, but how could I know? [E]specially as your full report had not (and could not yet have) arrived? You {was} record (which is crucial), your actual conclusions which would bar you from any Communist party on almost every point of philosophy, your personal history over the last years which for purely political reasons interfered with your relations to {Karo}, decisively, since she never lost her clear consciousness of the fact that you were not a Communist for reasons which were rooted in your whole personality and historical record - all this made it imperative that a bona fide questioning should {elicit} clear considered and decisive answers.

[218] The opposite is true, if the questioning was a farce. In that case it was not only a provocation, but an insult to your intelligence ans a {opralnitons} attack on your integrity. It was an insult, since it implied that you were not believed because you defewed not to be believed. In view of you - crucial - war record 1939 - june 1941 - this was also improper and a deliberate hurt. Short of being lawyer (or a Communist) you cruel not have acted in any other way than you did.

Yet everything might defend on what you would have to say in answer to a bona fide and will meant question, kept within the bounds of the discretions of {Coussear} or other authorities. In this [219] regard there are definite limitations to {niquisstiveness}. No casuistry is allowable, nor sophistry. How lass provocation, or a farce.

These things may be - very well may be - entich beside the point. But they could not be set aside without a consideration, before your on own account had arrived.

This is the four brother's state & condition. {wen} the one wheele which it takes to get an answer to a question now proves too long; Zwischenfragen are {innertable} …and you know best how great are the risks {micurred}!

How loving I think of Karo, of you may sweet daughter on whose warm heart all my hopes now rest. God bless you.


Letter Informations

Date: 17 September 1947
KPA: 59/08, 210-223