Fascist Economics

From Karl Polanyi
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The Düsseldorf speech points out that Christian values must go because they would lead to Christian economics which are those of Socialism. Hitler make no secret of what Christian Economics consist in.

The difference between the Communist Manifesto and the Düsseldorf speech is that the C.M. denounces Capitalism, the present economic order, because it fails in the light of Christian ideals; the Düsseldorf speech denounces Christian ideals as incompatible with our present economic order.

Fascism not opposed to a measure of planning

of security of tenure the worker
even of some limitation of speculative incomes etc. --- but only

on condition that freedom and equality remain excluded as the normative principles in society.

Marx: “against crude Communism" which conceives of public property as of private property made universal as it were…”

For the Socialist the whole World History so called resolves itself into the procreation of man himself through human labour

The existence of the Ms Political Economy and Philosophy (1844) was revealed for the first time 1931 in „Rote Revue”. First published 1932 („Der historische Materialismus”. Landshut J.P. Mayer).

Capitalism regarded "as a self-estrangement of man".

Community of goods of consumption is called by Marx crude Communism. He says: "This Communism, being a negation of human personality, is but the consisted expression of private property; which is a such a negation".

Dieser Communismus - indemer die Persönlichkeit des Menschen überall negiert: - ist abernurder konsequente Ausdruck des Privateigentums, welches diese Negation ist." 293. Der allgemeine und als Macht sich konstituierende Neid ist nur die versteckte

Text Informations

KPA: 21/20 (1 typed p.)