Abraham Rotstein, Weekend Notes

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Part Date KPA
I February 25, 1956 45/02
II May 5, 1956 45/03
III July 14, 1956 45/04
IV August 25/26, 1956 45/05
IX April 6, 1957 45/06
XI May 25, 1957 45/07
XII June 25, 1957 45/08
XIII July 20, 1957 45/09
XIV August 24, 1957 45/10
XV September 14, 1957 45/11
XVII October 12, 1957 45/12
XVIII November 2, 1957 45/13
XIX December 21, 1957 45/14
XX February 15, 1958 45/16
XXI March 29, 1958 45/17
XXII April 27 - May 4, 1958 45/18
XXIII June 30 - August 10, 1958 45/19
XXIV August 23, 1958 45/20



  • The Background of The Great Transformation
  • Russia
  • The Current Crisis
  • The Reality of Society
  • The U.S.A.
  • The Market and a Theory of Nationalism
  • Discussion oy My Letter of Dec. 17/55
  • Remarks
    • "Trade and Markets" Book
    • Sievers
    • New Book
    • Sundry


  • Parsons
  • The Reality of Society (2)
  • Politics and the Current Crisis
  • The Institutionalists
  • Background of the Great Transformation (2)
  • The Exchange Triad and the Gold Standard
  • The U.S.A. (2)
  • The 1958 Book
  • The Ford Project
  • Remarks
    • The Trade Cycle
    • World Religion
    • Meaning of "material"
    • Questions
    • Sundry


  • Religion and Revelation
  • The Rousseau Problem
  • Klages and History
  • Beyond the Great Transformation
  • Industrialism
  • Modern Politics
  • Background of Polanyi's Work
  • The Russians and Chinese
  • Art
  • Psychology
  • Remarks
    • Canada
    • Hesiod
    • Greece
    • The Quiet American
    • Nuclear Discoveries
    • Personal


  • G[eorge] B[ernard] Shaw
  • The Great Transformation and America
  • Technology and Utopia
  • The 1957 Book and Beyond
  • Rationality
  • The Revelations
  • Freedom
  • Archaeology
  • Christianity and the Social Revolution
  • Modern Politics
  • Marx
  • World Trade
  • Joan Robinson - The Accumulation of Capital
  • Anthropology Fieldbook
  • The Mind
  • Art
  • Remarks
    • Borkenau
    • C.S. Louis
    • Gardening






  • The Great Transformation and America (2)
  • Freedom and Technology
  • Human Society
  • The Mind
  • Money
  • "Trade and Market" (2)
  • The Great Transformation
  • Notes
    • Interdisciplinary Project
    • Pearl Harbour
    • Suez
    • Dubarle
    • Homans
    • Jews and Christianity



  • "Freedom and Technology" - General Comments
  • Robert Owen
  • The Reality of Society
  • The Interdependence of Technology, Fear & Power
  • The New Sociology
  • Comments on my Preface
  • The Economy and 'the Social Question'
  • The Great Transformation (2)
  • Freud
  • Notes
    • The Chinese riots on Formosa
    • The Early Marx [II]
    • Modern Politics
    • "The Great Transformation and America" (3)
    • Miscellaneous


  • "Freedom and Technology" - General Comments (2)
  • Introduction to "Freedom and Technology"
  • Robert Owen (2)
  • Institutional Analysis
  • The Economizing Processus
  • Book on Money
  • K.P. on Writing
  • The Canadian Elections
  • Greece, Rome and the Economy
  • Jewish Survival
  • Notes
    • Marx (2)
    • Edmund Wilson
    • Sartre
    • Shaw (2)
    • Dery
    • Montague Norman
    • The Poor Law
    • Christianity and the Social Revolution (2)
    • The Great Transformation (3)
    • Trade and Market in the Early Empires (3)
    • China
    • France


  • Robert Owen (3)
  • "Freedom and Technology" - General Comments (3)
  • Comments on my "Introduction", Draft #1
  • The Great Transformation (4)
  • Interdisciplinary Project (2)
  • The Early Marx (2)
  • Sartre and Camus
  • Modern Politics
  • America
  • China
  • Notes
    • Russia
    • Canada
    • Adler
    • Tawney
    • Melvin J. Lasky
    • "La Tyrannie"
    • K.P. Personal


  • Comments on "Robert Owen, Draft #1
  • Frobel
  • "Freedom and Technology" - General Comments (4)
  • Interdisciplinary Project (3)
  • Notes :
    • Sartre and Camus (2)
    • "Psychology and Ideology"
    • Personal


  • Comments on "Robert Owen, Draft #2
  • "Freedom and Technology" - General Comments (5)
  • Trade and Market in the Early Empires (2)
  • The Market
  • Interdisciplinary Project (4)
  • Sartre and Camus (3)
  • Paul Schweitzer
  • Notes
    • The New Philosophy
    • K.P. Personal
    • Socialism
    • Religion and Capitalism
    • Economic Motives
    • Russia
    • Iron Curtain Literature
    • The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism
    • "Psychology and Ideology" (2)
    • American Influence in Britain
    • "The Nation"



  • Robert Owen (4)
  • The Early Marx (3)
  • Freedom and Technology (2)
  • Rousseau Paradox
  • Shaw (3)
  • Camus
  • Interdisciplinary Project (5)
  • Notes
  • Money
  • Sumner
  • America
  • The Great Transformation (5)
  • Canada
  • Canadian Poets


  • The Early Marx (4)
  • Comments on my "Notes on Marx" (Nov. 1, 1957)
  • Mannheim
  • Notes
    • "The Organization Man"
    • Interdisciplinary Project (6)


  • Freedom and Technology (3)
  • Marx (3)
  • Hegel
  • Rousseau (2)
  • Robert Owen (5)
  • Business and Economics
  • Comments on my "Freedom's Quandary, Draft #1
  • Notes
    • Paul Medow
    • Politics
    • America
    • Sputnik
    • Pearson
    • Kierkegaard
    • Psychology and Ideology
    • The Great Transformation (6)
    • Money
    • Greece
    • Interdisciplinary Project (7)
    • Otto Bauer
    • K.P. Personal


  • Comments on my "Not by Organization Alone" Draft #2
  • Paul Medow and the Esat
  • Comments on K.P.'s "A Note" on "Rousseau's
  • Comments of my letter of Jan. 31, 1958
  • "Freedom and Technology" (4)
  • Comments of Adam's Review of Trade and Market
  • Notes
    • Arendt
    • Adler and Keslo Book
  • Appendix
    • 1984 - A discussion
    • Excerpt from "Fighting Words", C.B.C. - TV. February 16, 1958


  • The New West
  • "Freedom and Technology" (5)
  • Comments on "Not by Organization Alone, Draft #3
  • Robert Owen (6)
  • Marx (4)
  • Shaw (4)
  • Jaspers
  • Trade and Market (4)
  • Comments on my letter of the morality of Everyday Life
  • Notes
    • Interdisciplinary Project (8)
    • The Economy
    • Tribalism
    • Aristotle
    • Nietzsche
    • The Great Transformation (7)
    • Commentary Article


  • Shaw (5)
  • Paul Medow (2)
  • Freedom and Technology (6)
  • Marx (5)
  • Robert Owen (7)
  • Interdisciplinary Project (9)
  • Metaphysics of Everyday Life
  • Comments on my "Not by Organization Alone", Draft #4
  • Notes
    • "The Capitalist Manifesto" (2)
    • Absolutes
    • Adam Smith


  • The New West (2)
  • Freedom and Technology (7)
  • Shaw (6)
  • Paul Medow (3)
  • Interdisciplinary Project (10)
  • Notes
    • Fromm
    • Ancient History
    • Politics
    • The Capitalistic Manifesto (3)
    • Comments on Schweitzer's Review of Trade and Market
    • Personal


  • Comments on my "Robert Owen", Draft #5
  • The New West (3)
  • Shaw (7)
  • Freedom and Technology (8)
  • University of Chicago Paper
  • My Thesis
  • Politics
  • Economic Motives
  • Notes
    • Reciprocity
    • Rousseau
    • George Woodard
    • Fighting Words


Content by Alphabetic Order

Authors & their Books

  • Adler, Max: XIII; Adler and Keslo Book, The Capitalist Manifesto: XX, (2) XXII, (3) XXIII
  • Arendt, Hannah: XX
  • Aristotle: XXI
  • Bauer, Otto: XIX
  • Borkenau: IV
  • Camus, Albert: XVII; Sartre, Jean-Paul and Camus, Albert: XIII
  • Dery: XII
  • Dubarle: IX
  • Freud, Sigmund: X
  • Frobel: XIV
  • Fromm, Erich: XXIII
  • Hegel, G.W.H.: XIX
  • Hesiod: III
  • Homans: IX
  • Jaspers, Karl: XXI
  • Kierkegaard, Soren: XIX
  • Klages and History: III
  • Melvin J. Lasky: XIII
  • Louis, C.S.: IV
  • Mannheim, Karl: XVIII
  • Marx, Karl: IV, (2) XII, (3) XIX, (4) XXI, (5) XXII; The Early Marx: X, (2) XIII, (3) XVII, (4) XVIII; Comments on my "Notes on Marx" (Nov. 1, 1957): XVIII
  • Medow, Paul: XIX, (2) XXII, (3) XXIII; Medow, Paul and the East XX
  • Norman, Montague: XII
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich: XXI
  • Orwell, George - 1984 - A discussion: XX
  • Owen, Robert: X, (2) XII, (3) XIII, (4) XVII, (5) XIX, (6) XXI, (7) XXII; comments on "Robert Owen", Drafts: #1 XIV, #2 XV, #5 XXIV
  • Parsons: II
  • Pearson: XIX
  • Robinson, Joan - The Accumulation of Capital: IV
  • Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: XXIV, (2) XIX; The Rousseau Problem: III; Rousseau Paradox: XVII; Comments on K.P.'s "A Note" on "Rousseau's: XX
  • Sartre, Jean-Paul: XII; ---- and Albert Camus: XIII, (2) XIV, (3) XV
  • Schweitzer, Paul: XV
  • Shaw, George Bernard: IV, (2) XII, (3) XVII, (4) XXI, (5) XXII, (6) XXIII, (7) XXIV
  • Smith, Adam: XXII
  • Tawney: XIII
  • Wilson, Edmund: XII
  • Woodard, George: XXIV

Polanyi's Works & Interpretations

  • Background of Polanyi's Work: III
  • Christianity and the Social Revolution: IV, (2) XII
  • The Great Transformation: IX, (2) XI, (3) XII, (4) XIII, (5) XVII, (6) XIX, (7) XXI; The Background of The Great Transformation: I, (2) II; Beyond The Great Transformation: III; The Great Transformation and America IV, (2) IX, (3) XI
  • The 1957 Book and Beyond: IV
  • The Ford Project: II
  • "Trade and Market": I, (2) IX, (3) XII, (4) XXI
  • Interdisciplinary Project: IX, (2) XIII, (3) XIV, (4) XV, (5) XVII, (6) XVIII, (7) XIX, (8) XXI, (9) XXII, (10) XXIII
  • New Book: I
  • The 1958 Book: II
  • Freedom and Technology: IX, (2) XVII, (3) XIX, (4) XX, (5) XXI, (6) XXII, (7) XXIII, (8) XXIV; ---- - General Comments XI, (2) XII, (3) XIII, (4) XIV, (5) XV; Introduction to ---- XII
  • The New West: XXI, (2) XXIII, (3) XXIV

Interpretations: Sievers I, comments of Adam's Review of Trade and Market: XX, comments on Schweitzer's Review of Trade and Market: XXIII

Geopolitics & recent Events

  • America: XIII, (2) XVII, (3) XIX
  • American Influence in Britain: XV
  • Canada: III, (2) XIII, (3) XVII
  • The Canadian Elections: XII
  • China: [XII], (2) XIII
  • The Chinese riots on Formosa: X
  • The Current Crisis: I; Politics and the Current Crisis: II
  • France: XII
  • Pearl Harbour: IX
  • Russia: I, (2) XIII, (3) XV
  • The Russians and Chinese: III
  • Sputnik: XIX
  • Suez: IX
  • The U.S.A.: I, (2) II

Religion & Anthropology

  • Absolutes: XXII
  • Anthropology Fieldbook: IV
  • Religion and Capitalism: XV
  • Religion and Revelation: III
  • Jews and Christianity: IX
  • Jewish Survival: XII
  • The Revelations: IV
  • Tribalism: XXI
  • World Religion: II

Political Economy

  • Business and Economics: XIX
  • Economy: XXI; The Economy and 'the Social Question': X
  • Economic Motives: XV, (2) XXIV
  • Economizing Processus: XII
  • Exchange Triad and the Gold Standard: II
  • Human Society: IX
  • Industrialism: III
  • Institutionalists: II; Institutional Analysis: XII
  • Interdependence of Technology, Fear & Power: X
  • Market: XV
  • Market and a Theory of Nationalism: I
  • Modern Politics: III, (2) IV, (3) XI, (4) XIII
  • Money: IX, (2) XVII, (3) XIX; Book on Money: XII
  • New Sociology: X
  • Nuclear Discoveries: III
  • Politics: XIX, (2) XXIII, (3) XXIV
  • Reality of Society: I, (2) II, (3) XI
  • Reciprocity: XXIV
  • Socialism: XV
  • Technology and Utopia: IV
  • Trade Cycle: II
  • World Trade: IV

History & Archaeology

  • Ancient History: XXIII
  • Archaeology: IV
  • Greece: III, (2) XIX
  • Greece, Rome and the Economy: XII
  • Poor Law: XII
  • Quiet American: III
  • Sumner: XVII
  • The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism: XV


  • Mind: IV, (2) IX
  • Rationality: IV
  • Psychology: III
  • "Psychology and Ideology": XIV, (2) XV, (3) XIX


  • Canadian Poets: XVII
  • Iron Curtain Literature: XV

Philosophical Concepts

  • Art: III, (2) IV
  • Freedom: IV
  • Meaning of "material": II
  • The New Philosophy: XV

Polanyi & Rotstein Personal

  • K.P. on Writing
  • K.P. Personal: III, (2) XIII, (3) XIV, (4) XV, (5) XIX, (6) XXIII
  • Discussion of My Letter of Dec. 17/55: I
  • Comments on my "Introduction", Draft #1: XIII
  • Comments of my letter of Jan. 31, 1958: XX
  • My Thesis: XXIV
  • Comments on my Preface: X
  • Comments on my "Freedom's Quandary", Draft #1: XIX
  • Comments on my "Not by Organization Alone" Drafts: #2 XX, #3 XXI, #4 XXII
  • Comments on my letter of the morality of Everyday Life: XXI, (2) XXII


  • Sundry: [I], (2) [II]
  • Questions [II]
  • Gardening [IV]
  • Miscellaneous
  • "La Tyrannie" [XIII]
  • "The Nation" [XV]
  • "The Organization Man" [XVIII]
  • Excerpt from "Fighting Words", C.B.C. - TV. February 16, 1958: [XX], (2) [XXIV]
  • Commentary Article [XXI]
  • University of Chicago Paper [XXIV]

See also