To Rosemary Arnold (23 June 1953)

From Karl Polanyi
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[87] Dear Rosemary,

Peter Crawford seems to be dedicated to the study of economic history on institutional lines. […]

[88] Thank you for letting me know about your personal concerns in regard to which your attitude sounds reasonable and judicious. You do not make mention in your letter of the Faculty of Political Science resolution of May 21st 1953 and so I enclose a copy. I know none of the Law School members who are ready to offer advice; Gellhorn's name has been mentioned, I think, with McIver's efforts. Should you, perhaps, later on decide to see MacIver, do let me know as soon as the date has been arranged, I am very much pleased with your carefully considered suggestion of dividing the port of trade Chapter into two parts: the Guinea coast and Whydah, while separating off equivalencies inso far as they involve operational devices. […]

Letter Informations

KPA: 49/01, 87-88