Karl Polanyi's Texts: Difference between revisions

From Karl Polanyi
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| [[Kétségeim (4)]]
| [[My Doubts (4)|My Doubts]]
| hu
| 01/18, 10
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| [[Radikális polgári politika]]
| [[Radical Bourgeois Politics]]
| [[Radical Bourgeois Politics]]
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| [[A strohmann]]
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| [[A Straw Man]]
| [[A Straw Man]]

Latest revision as of 21:52, 29 August 2020

Karl Polanyi's individual texts

Rapid access: 1910, 1911, 1913, 1918, 1919 | 1920, 1922, 1923, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929 | 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939 | 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1947, 1949 | 1950, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 | 1960, 1962, 1964

Date[1] Name English Name Lge KPA Nature Pub. Lges[2]
1907.01.xx a A Történelmi materializmus Drámája The Drama of Historical Materialism hu 01/01[3] Publ. Article
1909.02.xx a A tudomány mödszere The Scientific Method hu 01/02 Publ. Review
1909 b Kultura – ákultura Culture - Pseudo-culture hu 01/03 Publ. Article X
1910.01-02.xx[4] c Nézeteink válsága The Crisis of our Ideologies hu 01/06 Publ. Article X
1910 b Bevezetés - Mach Ernő, Az érzékletek elemzése Preface to Ernst Mach’s The Analysis of Sensations hu 01/04 Publ. Article X
1910 c Az orthodoxia fontosságáról The Importance of the Orthodoxy hu 01/05 Publ. Review
1911.03.xx a Mi nem küzdünk a vallás ellen We do not Fight Religion hu 01/07 Publ. Article
1911.08.xx b A szabadoktatásért Free Education hu 01/08 Publ. Article
1911.05.xx c Hit és hiszékenység Credo and Credulity hu 01/10 Publ. Article X
1911.06.xx d A destruktiv irányról On the destructive Turn hu 01/11 Publ. Article X
1912.02.xx a A Magyar irodalom válsága The Crisis of Hungarian Literature hu 01/09 Publ. Article
1913 a Az egyház a természeti The Church is natural hu 01/18, 1-3 Publ. Article
1913.01.xx b Az ó-testamentomi The Old Testament hu 01/18, 4 Publ. Article
1913.03.xx c Az egyházi uradalmak Religious Traditions hu 01/18, 5 Publ. Article
1913.04.xx d Beszéd a meggyözödésröl Speech on the Meaning of Conviction hu 01/12 Publ. Article X
1913.05.xx e Tanulság A Lesson learned[5] hu 01/13 Publ. Article X
1913.07.xx f Az esküdtszéki reform Reform of Jury hu 01/14 Publ. Article
1913.07.xx g Történelemtanitás a láthatáron History at the Horizon hu 01/16 Publ. Article
1913.07.xx h Az angol példa The English Example hu 01/15 Publ. Article
1913.08.xx i Kétségeim (1) My Doubts hu 01/18, 7 Publ. Article
1913.08.xx j A Regnum Marianum cserkészei Regnum Marianum Scouts? hu 01/17 Publ. Article
1913.09.xx k Kétségeim (2) My Doubts hu 01/18, 8 Publ. Article
1913.10.xx l Kétségeim (3) My Doubts hu 01/18, 9 Publ. Article
1913.11.xx m Radikális polgári politika Radical Bourgeois Politics hu 01/20 Publ. Article X
1913.12.xx n A strohmann A Straw Man hu 01/19 Publ. Article
1914.01.xx a Review of Az egyelvű világszemlélet by Samu Fényes Review of Az egyelvű világszemlélet by Samu Fényes hu 01/22 Publ. Review
1914.03.xx b A magyar hegemonia és a nemzetiségek The Hungarian Hegemony and the Nationalities hu 01/24 Publ. Article X
1914.05.xx c Polgári radikálisok, szocialisták és törtenelmi ellenzé Bourgeois Radical, Socialists and the established Opposition hu 01/23 Publ. Article X
1918.06.xx a A mai nemzedék hitvatása The Calling of our Generation hu 01/26+01/42 Publ. Article X
1918.08.xx b A világbéke Dummer August-jai The Clowns of World Peace hu 01/27 Publ. Article X
1918.10.xx c Pártjaink és a béke Our Parties and the Peace hu 01/45 Publ. Article
1918.11.xx d Radikális párt és Polgári párt Radical Party and bourgeois Party hu 01/48 Publ. Article X
1918.12.01 e A Radikalizmus Programmja és Célja The Programme and Goals of Radicalism hu 01/25 Published Speech X
1918.12.xx f A szocializmus próbája The Test of Socialism hu 01/47 Publ. Article X
1919.01.02 a Katasztrófa - politika Catastrophe - Politic hu Publ. Article
1919 b Szózat a Galilei Kör ifjúgához Oration to the Youth of the Galilei Circle hu 01/31 Publ. Article X
1919.01.xx c Fizikai és szellemi munka Manual and intellectual Labour hu 01/30 Publ. Article X
1919.02.xx d Internacionálé International hu 01/46 Publ. Article
1919.02.xx e A tudomány autonomiája és az egyetem autonomiája The Autonomy of Science and the Autonomy of the University hu 01/43 Publ. Article
1919.03.01 f Jog és erőszak Law and Violence hu 01/44 Publ. Article X
1919.03.01 g Polgárháború Civil War hu 01/29 Publ. Article X
1919.03.01 h Kézirásos töredék svövege Draft Article in Hungarian hu 01/28 Draft Article
1919.10.12 i Weltanschauungskrise. Zur „Maschinerie der Gemeinsamkeit“ von Prof. Foerster de Publ. Article
1919.10.12 j Marxismus und Geistige Arbeit Marxism and Intellectual Labour de 03/08 Publ. Article
1919-1922 k Fragments of Draft Manuscripts in German (1919-1922) de 01/53, 02/01, 02/02,
02/03, 02/04, 02/05,
02/06, 02/07, 02/08,
Draft - -
1920s a Korai kereszténység és a kommunizmus Rerefémpéj és Kommüni / Ó Rerefémpej és Kommunizurplus Early Christianity and Communism hu 04/09, 12 and s. Draft
1920s b Über das Wesen der Ost-Europäischen Wirtschaftskrise On the Essence of West-European Economic Crisis de 03/06 Draft
1921[6] a Hivö és hitetlen politika Believing and Unbelieving Politics hu 01/40 Publ. Article X
1921.08.12 b Az új orosz politika esélyei The Possibilities of Russia’s new Politics hu 01/50, 5 + 01/52, 14 Publ. Article X
1921.09.18 c Forradalom és ideológia. Jegyzetek Szabó Ervin hátrahagyott müvéhez Revolution and Ideology: notes on Ervin Szabó’s posthumous Work hu 01/50, 12+01/52 Publ. Article
1921-1923 d Egy év közgazdasága valutákban Economy of One Year in Currencies hu 01/52, 2 Publ. Article
1921-1923 e A Ghandi-rejtély The Ghandi Mystery hu 01/52, 15 Publ. Article
1921-1923 f Börtönök ma és régen Prisoners today and long ago hu 01/52, 16 Publ. Article
1921-1923 g Hugo Stinnes hadjárata Hugo Stinnes' Campaign hu 01/52, 17 Publ. Article
1921-1923 h A megvetett és a megbecsült munka Despised and Honored Work hu 01/52, 20-21 Publ. Article
1921-1923 i Két kis hir Two Little Ones hu 01/52, 22 Publ. Article
1921 j Lehet-e Oroszországon segíteni? Is it possible to help Russia? hu Publ. Article
1922.04.16 a A szocialista Nagybritannia alkotmánya The constitution of the Socialist Great Britain hu 01/52, 48 Publ. Article X
1922.05.__ b Sozialistische Rechnungslegung Socialist Accounting de 02/13 Publ. Article X X
1922.06.11 c Az antropozófusok The Anthroposophists hu 01/52, 32 Publ. Article
1922.06.18 d A gildszocializmus The Guild Socialism hu 01/52, 52 Publ. Article X
1922.06.27 e A Tisza István Dummer Augusztjal A Tisza István Dummer Augusztjal hu 01/52, 5 Publ. Article
1922.07.xx f Der Geistgeschichtliche Hintergrund des Moskauer Prozesses The Intellectual-Historical Background of the Moscow Trials de 02/14 Publ. Article O[7] X
1922.07.02 g A szociálforradalmárok pörének történelmi háttere The historical Background of the social Revolutionaries hu 01/50-53 Publ. Article X X
1922.07.25 h H.G. Wells, a szocialista H.G. Wells, the Socialist hu 01/52, 47 Publ. Article X
1922.08.22 i Lehet-e Oroszországonsegiteni? Can Russia Help? hu 01/52, 30+39-41[8] Publ. Article
1922.09.17 j Karl Kautsky és a demokrácia Karl Kautsky and Democracy hu 01/52, 49 Publ. Article X
1922.09.20 k A bécsiek vándoroljanak ki Ausztráliába! The Viennese should emigrate to Australia! hu Publ. Article X
1922.09.23 l Titáni publicisztika Titanic Journalism hu 01/50, 15 Publ. Article X
1922.09.26 m A török renaissance The Turkish Renaissance hu 01/50, 18 Publ. Article
1922.09.29 n Az elnéptelenedő Franciaország és a gyarapodó Németország The Depopulation of France and Germany is growing hu 01/50, 19 Publ. Article
1922.10.10 o Új idöszámitás New Era hu 01/50, 20 Publ. Article X
1922.10.16 p A demokrácia feltámadása The Rebirth of Democracy hu 01/50, 17 Publ. Article X
1922.10.24 q Lloyd George Lloyd George hu 01/50, 21 Publ. Article
1922.11.02 r Szabadkereskedelmet! Free Trade! hu 01/50, 16 Publ. Article
1922.11.16 s Anglia választ The English Response hu 01/50, 25 Publ. Article
1922.11.16 t Anglia választásra készül England is Preparing for the Elections hu 01/51, 47 Publ. Article
1922.12.06 u A „Consul“ A ”Consul” hu 01/50, 32 Publ. Article X
1922.12.10 v Szabotálnak… Sabotage… hu 01/50, 31 Publ. Article
1922.12.15 w Polly bácsi… Uncle Polly… hu 01/50, 3+01/52, 1 Publ. Article X
1922.12.22 x Látni akarunk We Want to See hu 01/52, 28 Publ. Article
1922 y Ami Írországban lehetséges volt What was Possible in Ireland? hu 01/52, 25 Publ. Article
1922 z1 Kiket tart H.G. Wells a világtörténelem legnagyobb alakjainak? (A hét legnagyobb) Who does H.G. Wells the Greatest Figures in the World History? (The Week's Biggest) hu 01/52, 23-24 Publ. Article
1922 z2 H. G. Wells az eretnek fáraókról H. G. Wells from the Heretics of Pharaohs hu 01/52, 27 Publ. Article
1922 z3 A reparációs tárggalások magva The Reparation Negotiations is a Seed hu 01/52, 29 Publ. Article
1922 z4 Válságos napok Irországban Crashing Days in Ireland hu 01/52, 38 Publ. Article
1922 z5 Hága után After the Hague hu 01/52, 42 Publ. Article
1922 z6 Az angol választások English Elections hu 01/50, 22+01/51, 46 Publ. Article
1922 z7 Választások mindenfelé Elections Everywhere hu 01/50, 24 Publ. Article
1922 z8 A német szén Odysszeája German Carbon Odyssey hu 01/50, 26 Publ. Article
1922 z9 Kokszot szénért! Cock Carbon! hu 01/50, 28 Publ. Article
1922 z10 Az Uj Macchiavelli, Kipps és Tono-Bungay. H. G. Wells {Nirrun regings} (Unreadable title) The new Machiavelli, Kipps and Tono-Bungay hu 01/52, 50 Publ. Article
1923.01.18 a Marne-csata a Ruhr-mentén The Battle of Marne along the Ruhr hu 01/50, 13 Publ. Article
1923.03.29 b Gild és állam Guild and State hu 01/52, 51 Publ. Article X
1923.04.05 c Jézus feltámadása The Resurrection of Jesus hu 01/50, 1 Publ. Article X
1923.05.11 d Van-e elég kenyere Európanak? Does Europe have enough Bread? hu 01/51, 10 Publ. Article
1923.06.21 e A berlini fajvédők The Defenders of Race of Berlin hu 01/51, 11 Publ. Article X
1923.07.07 f A félelem ellen Against Fear hu 01/51, 25 Publ. Article X
1923.10.03 g Fehérek, feketék, barnák Whites, Blacks and Browns hu 01/52, 19 Publ. Article X
1923.10.16 h Háború és béke kérdése Genfben The Question of War and Peace in Geneva hu 01/51, 54 Publ. Article X
1923.10.21 i H.G. Wells, a civilizáció megmentéséről H.G. Wells on Salvaging Civilisation hu 01/51, 53 Publ. Article X
1923.11.30 j A német iparbárók kivándorlása: világtrösztök felé The Captains of German Industry: towards global Trusts hu 01/45, 51 Publ. Article
1923 k Zum Begriff Bedürfnisskalen On the concept of Scale of Needs de 03/05 Draft +
1923 l Egy könyvröl, amelyet ném olvastam One of the Books I did not Read hu 01/52, 43 Publ. Article
1923 m Az angol válsag The English Revolution hu 01/52, 44 Publ. Article
1923 n Miért Ingudazik u svajd frank? (Unreadable title) hu 01/52, 45 Publ. Article
1924.06.xx a Die funktionelle Theorie der Gesellschaft und das Problem der sozialistischen Rechnungslegung The Functional Theory of Society and the Problem of Socialist Accounting de 02/15 Publ. Article X X
1924.11.xx b England und die Wahlen England and the Elections de 03/13, 67-68 Publ. Article X
1925.01.__ a Neue Erwägungen zu unserer Theorie und Praxis New Reflections Concerning our Theory and Practice de 02/12 Publ. Article X X
1925.04.xx b Zur Krise der englischen Arbeiterbewegung On English Workers Movement's Crisis de 03/12-03/15 Publ. Article
1925.06.08 c Von der Parteienwahl zur reinen Vertreterwahl From choice between Parties to pure Representative Choice de 03/12, 22-24 Publ. Article
1925.07.xx d Die deutsche Antwort The German Response de Publ. Article
1925.08.xx e Der Bergauproblem in England The Problem Bergau in England de 03/13, 44-47 Publ. Article X
1925.09.12 f Die neue Internationale The new International de 03/13, 11-13 Publ. Article X
1925.10.xx g Der Friede von Locarno The Locarno Peace de 03/13, 42-43 Publ. Article X
1925 h A társadalomtudomány The Social Sciences hu 01/32 Draft
1925? d Das Übersichtsproblem The Problem of Overview de 03/01 Draft (+)
1926.02.13 a Die Wirkungen der englischen Kohlensubventionen The Effects of the British Coal Subsidies de 03/12, 19-21 Publ. Article
1926.03.xx b Der Rückfall The Relapse de 03/13, 3 Publ. Article X
1926.03•04.xx c Die Bericht der Kohlen-Kommission The Report of the Coal Commission de 03/13, 1-2 Publ. Article
1926.05.xx d Der englische Generalstreik The English General Strike de ? Publ. Article X
1926.05.xx e Probleme des englischen Generalstreiks Problems of the English general Strike de ? Publ. Article X
1926.12.18 f Ein Vorschlag zur Wahlreform A Proposal for the electoral Reform de 03/12, 88-91 Publ. Article X
1926 g Folyóiratok szemléje Periodical Observations hu 01/34 Publ. Article
1926? h Das Übersichtsproblem, ein Hauptproblem des Sozialismus The Problem of Overview, the main Problem of Socialism de 03/02 Draft +
1926 i Wer ist die Linke? Who are the Leftist? de 02/17 Draft (+)
1926 j Review of HERTZ Friedrich, Feindschaft zwischen Kultur und Zivilisation de 01/33 Publ. Article
1927.01.15 a Nochmals 'Ein Vorschlag zur Wahlreform' A Proposal for the electoral Reform, one more Time de 03/12, 85-87 Publ. Article
1927.02.12 b Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/13, 14-16 Publ. Article
1927 c Die neue Weltlage The new World Situation de 03/12, 82-84 Publ. Article X
1927 d (Auszug aus einem Referat) Zur Sozialisierungsfrage (Excerpt from a Paper) on the Question of Socialization de 03/07 Draft X
1927 e Ist Sozialismus eine Weltanschauung?[9] Is Socialism a Worldview? de 02/16+03/03 Draft X/(+)
1927 f A magyar demokrácia célkitüzéseiröl About the Goals of Hungarian Democracy hu 01/35 Draft
1927 g Pure Economic Theory en 02/22 Lecture +
1928.01.xx a Review of L'annuaire de la Société des Nations 1928 de 03/15, 7 Publ. Article
1928.02.xx b Liberale Wirtschaftsreformen in England Liberal Reforms in England de 03/12, 76-77 Publ. Article X
1928.02.25 c Liberale Sozialreformer in England Liberal Social Reforms in England de 03/12, 78-81 Publ. Article X
1928.03.xx d Italien und Europa Italy and Europe de 03/12, 74-75 Publ. Article X
1928.06.xx e Schmalenbach und Liberalismus Schmalenbach and Liberalism de 03/13, 54-55 Publ. Article X
1928.05•06.xx f Soziale Fragen der Rationalisierung The Social Question of Rationalisation de 03/12, 71-73 Publ. Article +
1928.09.xx g Kelloggpakt The Kellog Pact de 03/12, 69-70 Publ. Article X
1928 h Hans Mayer’s Lösung des Zurechnungsproblems
(w/ Felix Schafer)
Hans Mayer's Solution to the Problem of Computation de 02/10 Publ. Article +
1928.xx.xx i Munkanélküliség a szellemi pátyák köréhen Unemployment among Intellectual Patriarchs hu 01/36 Publ. Article
1928.xx.xx j Karl Kraus Karl Kraus hu 01/37 Publ. Article
1928.xx.xx k Az Új Középeurópa The new Central Europe hu 01/41 Publ. Article
1928.xx.xx l Review of JORDAN Károly, Matematikai Statisztika hu 01/38 Publ. Article
1928 k …das Wesen der Kaufkraftwirtschaftlichen Betrachtungsweise… …the Essence of Purchasing Power Point of View de 03/09 Draft +
1929.xx.xx a Review of Political Book of 1929 de 03/15, 1-2 Publ. Article
1929.xx.xx b Review of Georg Hahn, Die Konkurrenz de 03/15, 3 Publ. Article
1929.05.14 c Einsteins spezielle Relativitätstheorie Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity de 02/18 Publ. Article
1929.06.xx d A Galilei Kör mérlege The Galilei Circle: a balance sheet hu 01/39 Publ. Article X
1929.06.xx e Labours Sieg The Victory of Labour de 03/12, 53-54 Publ. Article X
1929.06.xx f Review of George Paish, World Economic Suicide de 03/15, 4 Publ. Article
1929.08.xx g Englisch-amerikanische Flottenparität Anglo-American fleet Parity de 03/12, 51-52 Publ. Article X
1929.09.xx h MacDonald in Washington MacDonald in Washington de 03/12, 47-50 Publ. Article X
1929.09.xx i Review of Völkerbunde und Press Review of Völkerbunde und Press de 03/15, 5-6 Publ. Article X
1930.01.xx a Pax anglo-americana Anglo-american Peace de 03/12, 43-46 Publ. Article X
1930.09.xx b Weltpolitische Unbehagen World Political Discomfort de 03/13, 56-57 Publ. Article X
1930 c Zur wirtschaftlichen Neuordnung Europas On the economic Reorganization of Europe de 03/12, 63-66 Publ. Article X
1931 d Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre Introduction to the Economy de 02/20 Lecture +
1931.03.xx a Bewegung in Europa Movement in Europe de 03/12, 60-62 Publ. Article X
1931.08.__ b Europe in Ferment en 02/19 Draft Conference X
1931.09.xx c Demokratie und Währung in England Democracy and Currency in England de 03/12, 56-59 Publ. Article X
1931.10.xx d Lavals sonderbare Reise Laval's strange Journey de 03/12, 32-34 Publ. Article X
1931.11.xx e MacDonald und die Wirtschaftspolitik MacDonald and the economic Policy de 03/12, 4-5 Publ. Article X
1931 f Neue Schutzzollwelle New protectionist Wave de 03/12, 1-3 Publ. Article X
1931.12.xx g England auf der Waage England on the Scales de 03/12, 6-9 Publ. Article X
1931.xx.xx h Austria and Free Trade en 18/01 Publ. Article X
1932.01.xx a Einer Reparationslösung entgegen Towards a Reparation Solution de 03/12, 35-38 Publ. Article X
1932.06.xx b Gleichberechtigung und Völkerbund Equality and the League of Nations de 03/13, 9-10 Publ. Article X
1932.07.xx c Kritik an Lausanne Criticism of Lausanne de 03/13, 6-8 Publ. Article X
1932.10.xx d Gleichberechtigung und die deutsche Linke Equality and the German Left de 03/13, 39-41 Publ. Article X
1932.12.xx e Die verschobene Weltwirtschaftskonferenz The postponed World Economic Conference de 03/13, 37-38 Publ. Article X
1932.12.xx f Wirtschaft und Demokratie Economy and Democracy de ? Publ. Article X X
1933.01.xx a Die geistigen Voraussetzungen des Faschismus The spiritual Prerequisites of Fascism de 03/12-03/15 Publ. Article X
1933.02.11 b Gegenrevolution Counter-Revolution de 03/13, 74-76 Publ. Article X X
1933.02.21 c Die Wirtschaft ist für den Faschismus The Economy is for Fascism de 02/21 Speech (+)
1933.02.xx d Zweiter Fünfjahresplan abgebremst Second five-year Plan braked de 03/13, 22-25 Publ. Article X
1933.xx.xx e Das Ausmaß der Wirtschaftskrise The Extent of the Economic Crisis de 03/13, 48-50 Publ. Article
1933.04.xx f Kann Amerika den Weltfrieden retten? Can America save World Peace? de 03/13, 33-36 Publ. Article X
1933.04.15 g Weltinflationismus World Inflationism de 03/13, 71-73 Publ. Article X
1933.05.xx h Von Lausanne bis Washington From Lausanne to Washington de 03/13, 58-60 Publ. Article X
1933.05.xx i Abrüstung und Revision Disarmament and Revision de 03/12-03/15 Publ. Article X
1933.06.xx j Viererpakt statt Abrüstung Four Pact Instead of Disarmament de 03/13, 29-32 Publ. Article X
1933.06.24 k Staatsgründung State Founding de 03/13, 65-66 Publ. Article X
1933.07.xx l Brain-Trust siegt Brain-Trust wins de 03/13, 26-28 Publ. Article X
1933.07.xx m Roosevelt zerschlägt die Konferenz Roosevelt smashes the Conference de 03/13, 20-21 Publ. Article X
1933.07.29 n Hitler und die Wirtschaft Hitler and the Economy de 03/13, 69-70 Publ. Article X X
1933.09.xx o Austria and Germany en 03/12-03/15 Publ. Article X
1933.10.xx p Der 14 Oktober The 14 October de 03/13, 17-19 Publ. Article X
1933.11.xx q Der Mechanismus der Weltwirtschaftskrise The Mechanism of the Global Economic Crisis de 03/12-03/15 Publ. Article X X
1933.11.xx r Ein Gefährlicher Aufbauplan A Dangerous Construction Plan de 03/13, 61-64 Publ. Article
1933.12.xx s Eine Welt im Wanken A World in Wavering de 03/13, 51-53 Publ. Article X
1933.xx.xx t Faschismus Fascism de 03/04 Draft
1933•1939 u Fascist Economics en 21/20 ?
1934.03.14 a What three-fold State? en 18/10 Publ. Article X
1934.03.xx b Agrarische Zwangswirtschaft in England Agrarian Compulsory Economy in England de 03/14, 32-34 Publ. Article
1934.03.xx c Wirtschaftsprogramm der Samuel-Liberalen Economic Program of the Samuel Liberals de ? Publ. Article X
1934.03.xx d Ende der Slums End of the Slums de ? Publ. Article X
1934.04.xx e England und die Abrüstung England and Disarmament de 03/14, 29-31 Publ. Article X
1934.04.xx f Englisches Stahlstatut English Steel Act de ? Publ. Article X
1934.04.xx g England für Budgetwahrheit England for Budget Truth de 03/14, 25-28 Publ. Article
1934 h Technologische Arbeitslosigkeit Technological Unemployment de ? Publ. Article X
1934.05.xx i Elliot oder Empire? Elliot or Empire? de ? Publ. Article X
1934.05.xx j Probleme der Demokratie in England Problems of Democracy in England de ? Publ. Article X
1934.05.xx k Lohntarif-Bill in Lancashire Wage Tariff Bill in Lancashire de ? Publ. Article X
1934.05.09 l Corporative Austria - A Functional Society? en 03/12-03/15 Publ. Article X X
1934.05.23 m Othmar Spann, the Philosopher of Fascism en 18/04 Publ. Article X X
1934.06.xx n Lancashire im Fegefeuer Lancashire in Purgatory de 03/12, 16-17 Publ. Article X
1934.06.xx o Lancashire als Menschheitsfrage / als Menschheitsproblem Lancashire as a Question of Humanity de 03/14, 21-24+18-20 Publ. Article X
1934.06.06 p Spann’s fascist Utopia en 18/05 Publ. Article X X
1934.06.20 q Fascism and Marxian Terminology en 18/06 Publ. Article X X
1934.06.27 r Marxism re-stated en 18/09 Publ. Article X
1934.08.01 s Rudolf Steiner’s Economy en 18/11 Publ. Article X
1934.08.xx t England überlegt England considers de ? Publ. Article X
1934.08.xx u Labour und die Eisenindustrie Labor and the Iron Industry de ? Publ. Article X
1934.09.xx v Gewerkschaftstagung in Weymouth Trade Union Conference in Weymouth de ? Publ. Article X
1934.09.xx w England bremst Russland ab England slows down Russia de ? Publ. Article X
1934.09.xx x Wo hält Sowjetrussland? Where does Soviet Russia hold? de 03/12, 12-15 Publ. Article X
1934.10.xx y Labour a Southport de ? Publ. Article X
1934.11.xx z Tory Planwirtschafter Tory Economic Plan de ? Publ. Article X
1934.11.xx z1 Die Liberalen für Empirehandel The Liberals for Empire Trade de ? Publ. Article X
1934 z2 Marxian Philosophy en 15/01 Lecture +
1934 z3 A Christian View of Marxism en 21/19, 6-10 Draft +
1934 z4 Marxism and Christianity en 21/19, 1 Draft
1934 z5 Preliminary Syllabus of a Course of Study in The Theory of Politics en 16/04 Draft
1934 z6 Central European Problems en 17/12 Lecture
1934 z7 Germany To-day en 17/13 Lecture
1934 z8 Austria - The Key to European Peace en 18/12 Lecture
1935.01.18 a Fascism: National Planning and International Anarchy en 12/02 Lecture
1935.01.18 b Germany - Is it Beyond Repair? en 12/02 Lecture
1935.01.18 c Italy - Was it Worthwhile? en 12/02 Lecture
1935.01.18 d Can Austria Remain Independent? en 12/02 Lecture
1935.01.18 e The Five Danubian States: Why Cannot They Cooperate? en 12/02 Lecture
1935.01.18 f The Powers: Both Help and Hindrance to a New European Order en 12/02 Lecture
1935.02.17 g Fascism and Christian Ideals en 12/03 Lecture
1935.02.18 h Deadlock en 12/03 Lecture
1935.02.22 i The Youth Movement in Europe en 12/03 Lecture
1935.03.31 j Fascism and Christian Ideals in Europe en 12/03 Lecture
1935.03.31 k The Life of the Young People in Europe en 12/03 Lecture
1935.xx.xx l Christianity and the Social Revolution (w/ LEWIS John et KITCHIN Donald K. (dir.)) en 13/05+13/07 Published Book X
1935.xx.xx m The Essence of Fascism en 13/06 Publ. Article X
1935.04.17 n The Social State and the Three-Fold Parliament en Publ. Article X
1935.06.xx o England in Europa England in Europe de 03/14, 16-17 Publ. Article X
1935.06.xx p Roosevelt im Verfassungskampf Roosevelt in the constitutional Struggle de 03/14, 13-15 Publ. Article X
1935.08.xx q Amerika im Schmelztiegel America in the Melting Pot de Publ. Article X
1935.08.xx r England, die Völkerbundmacht England, the League of Nations de Publ. Article X
1935.08.xx s Abessinischer Konflikt Abyssinian Conflict de 03/14, 4-6 Publ. Article X
1935.10.xx t Der Suez-Kanal The Suez Canal de 03/14, 123-126 Publ. Article X
1935.10.xx u England und der abessinische Krieg England and the Abyssinian War de 03/14, 121-122 Publ. Article X
1935 v London: Englands Wahlen London: England's Elections de 03/14, 119-120 Publ. Article
1935 w London: Markstein 1935 London: Markstein 1935 de 03/14, 116-118 Publ. Article X
1935 x Reflections on a Visit to Southern College en 18/13 Lecture
1935-1936 y Klages en 21/32, 1-3 Lecture
1935-1936 z Compulsion and Defence en 21/32, 4-6 Lecture
1936.01.xx a Roosevelt im Kampf Roosevelt in the Fight de ? Publ. Article X
1936.02.xx b T.V.A. – Ein amerikanisches Wirtschaftsexperiment T.V.A. - An American Economic Experiment de 03/14, 82-115 Publ. Article X
1936.03.xx c Deutschland und Italien Germany and Italy de ? Publ. Article X
1936.03.17 d Social Values in the Post-war World en 21/03 Lecture
1936.04.xx e Edens Linie Eden Line de Publ. Article X
1936.05.xx f Englands außenpolitische Krise England's Foreign Policy Crisis de 03/14, 80-81 Publ. Article X
1936.05.xx g Englands Abwehr England's Defense de 03/14, 78-79 Publ. Article X
1936.06.xx h Russischer Verfassungswandel Russian Constitutional Change de Publ. Article X
1936.08.xx i Spanien und Frankreich Spain and France de Publ. Article X
1936.08.xx j Spanische Entscheidungen und die Weltpolitik Spanish Decisions and World Politics de Publ. Article X
1936.08.xx k The Nature of the Present World Crisis en 21/05, 1-4+17/07 Speech
1936.xx.xx l The Religious Nature of the Crisis en 21/05, 5-7 Speech?
1936.12.01 m Observations on Education for Politics in England and the United States en 18/14 Publ. Article
1936.12.15 n Roosevelts Stellung Roosevelt's Position de ? Publ. Article
1936 o Marx on Corporatism en 19/11 Draft X
1936(-1940) p Contemporary Problems and social and political Theory en 15/04 Lectures
1936 q The Problem of Central Europe en 16/08 Lectures
1936 r World Politics To-day en 17/14 Lectures
1936 s Europe's Peril - The Way Out en 17/15 Lecture
1936 t Is It Old England Still? An Outsider's View en 18/15 Lecture
1936 u On The Philosophy and Economics of Fascism en 21/04 Lecture
1936 v Xty and the Social Order en 21/02, 1-4 Lecture
1936 w The New Social Order from the Point of View of Christian Principles en 21/02, 5-7 Lecture
1937.02.xx a Arbeitsrecht in U.S.A. Employment Law in U.S.A. de Publ. Article X
1937.03.xx b Education for politics in England and the United States en 18/16 Publ. Article X
1937.xx.xx c The Educated Workman - What he is Contributing to Industry? en 18/19 Publ. Article
1937.04.xx d Amerikanisches Gewerkschaftsgesetz verfassungsmäßig American Trade Union Act Constitutionally de Publ. Article X
1937.05.xx e England und die Donau England and the Donau de 03/14, 76-77 Publ. Article X
1937.06.xx f Deutsch-englischer Zwischenfall German-English Incident de Publ. Article X
1937.07.xx g Mit englischen Augen gesehen Seen with English Eyes de 03/14, 74-75 Publ. Article X
1937.07.xx h Roosevelts strategischer Rückzug Roosevelt's strategic Retreat de ? Publ. Article X
1937.08.xx i Chamberlains Brief Chamberlain's Letter de ? Publ. Article X
1937.08.xx j Viererpakttendenzen Four Power Pact Trends de ? Publ. Article X
1937.08.xx k Gewerkschaften in den U.S.A. Trade Unions in the U.S.A. de ? Publ. Article X
1937.08.xx l London: Die Japanische Faust London: The Japanese Faust de 03/14, 72-73 Publ. Article
1937.08.xx m Chinesisch-japanischer Krieg Chinese-Japanese War de Publ. Article X
1937.08.31 n Community and society. The Christian criticism of our social order en 21/10 Draft X
1937.09.xx o Education for Citizenship - in England and the U.S.A. en 18/17 Draft
1937.09.xx p Englisch-japanischer Zwischenfall English-Japanese Incident de ? Publ. Article X
1937.12.04 q The Marxian Theory of Self-Estrangement en 20/11, 8-10 Publ. Article
1937.12.04 r Trotzky's Position en 20/11, 4-5 Publ. Article
1937 s Mittelmeer-Konferenz Mediterranean Conference de ? Publ. Article X
1937.10.09 t Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 62-63 Publ. Article
1937.10.16 u Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 61 Publ. Article
1937.10.23 v Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 59-60 Publ. Article
1937.10.30 w Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 58 Publ. Article
1937.11.06 x Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 56 Publ. Article
1937.11.20 y Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 54-55 Publ. Article
1937.12.04 z Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 52 Publ. Article
1937.12.11 z1 Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 52 Publ. Article
1937.12.25 z2 London: Englische Haltung London: English Attitude de 03/14, 70-71 Publ. Article
1937 z3 Conflicting philosophies in Europe en 16/10 Draft X
1937 z4 Christianity and economic life en 19/22, 1-16 Draft X (X)
1937 z5 Bemerkungen (Christianity and Economic Life) [!!!: Maybe not Karl Polanyi] Remarks de 19/22, 17-27 Draft +
1937 z6 Europe to-day en 18/21 Draft X
1937 z7 Austria and the Problem of Central Europe en 16/08 Lectures
1937 z8 Great Britain's Foreign Policy To-day en 17/16 Lecture
1937 z9 What is Fascism? - Its Nature and History en 17/17 Lecture
1937 z10 Modern Governments - Progress or Regress? en 17/18 Lecture
1937 z11 The Spirit of Fascism en 21/06 Lecture
1937 z12 Church and State on the Continent en 21/09 Lecture
1937 z13 The Christian Approach to Social Reconstruction en 21/10 Lecture
1937 z14 The Economic Order en 21/12 Lecture
1937-1938 z15 Conflicting Philosophies in Modern Society (6 lectures) en 15/02 Lectures Notes
1937-1938 z16 English Economics, Social and Industrial History from the 16th Century en 16/11 Lectures
1937-1938 z17 Modern European History en 16/12-15 Lectures
1937-1938 z18 Education for Politics - Education for politics in England and the United States en 18/16 Lecture
1938.01.01 a Notes of a Week’s Study on The Early Writings of Karl Marx and Summary of Discussions on British Working Class Consciousness en 20/12 Publ. Pamphlet
1938.01.15 b Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 49-50 Publ. Article
1938.02.19 c Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 47 Publ. Article
1938.02.26 d Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 45-46 Publ. Article
1938.03.05 e Aus der Woche From the Week de 03/14, 44 Publ. Article
1938.12 f Ukrainian Problem (Christian Left Group ) en 20/18 Draft Article
1938 g Critique of Pacifism en 20/13 Publ. pamphlet
1938 h War and Peace on the Danube en 17/19 Lectures
1938 i Versailles and After en 17/19 Lectures
1938 j Aims and Methods of the Third Reich en 17/19 Lectures
1938 k Xty and the Present System of Government en 21/13 Lecture
1938-1939 l Democracy and Culture in England, America and on the European Continent en 17/01 Lectures
1938-1939 m The Cultural Background of the British Working Class en 21/25 Lectures
1939.01.28 a Deutsches Leben und Schrifttum (5 lectures until February) German Life and Writing de 15/06 Lectures
1939.02.__ b Russia in the World en 20/14 Lecture Draft
1939.05.__ c The Cry of the Chartists 1839-1939 en 20/15 Publ. Pamphlet
1939.08.__ d Coercion and Defence en 20/16 Publ. Pamphlet
1939 e The Fascist Virus en 18/08 Draft X
1939 f Fascism and Socialism en 18/07 Draft +
1939 g How to Make use of the Social Sciences en 19/01 Draft Article X
1939 h European Civilization in Transition en 15/05 Lectures
1939-1940 i Society, Government and Economic Life under Fascism and Communism en 15/07 Lectures
1939-1940 j Italy’s Place in Europe en 15/07 Lectures
1939 k The spanish Civil War and its historical Background en 17/02+17/23 Lectures
1939 l Social and political Theory en 17/03 Lectures
1939 m British Characteristics en 17/20 Lecture
1939 n The Historical Background of the Eastern Situation en 17/21 Lecture
1939 o The U. S. S. R. in World Politics en 17/22 Lecture
1939 p Central Europe en 21/15 Lecture
1939 q Foreign Policy and Post-War Reconstruction en 08/10 Lecture
1939 r The International Situation en 21/16 Lecture
1939 s Moscow and the Vatican en 09/06 Lecture
1939 t The Planned International Organisation. The United Nations en 08/01 Lecture
1939 u Russia and the British Working Class en 08/02 Lecture
1939 v Recent Social Factors in Recent European History en 08/02 Lecture
1939 w Xty and Economic Life en 08/02, 9 Lecture
1939 x Christianity and the Modern Forms of State en 08/02 Lecture
1939 y Secular Civilization en 08/02 Lecture
1939 z Fascism, the Common Enemy en 08/02 Lecture
1939 z2 British War Aims and Central Europe en 08/04 Lecture
1939 z3 Conflicting Philosophies in Europe en 08/02 Lecture
1939 z4 What Kind of World Order are we Fighting for? en 08/10 Lecture
1939? z5 Balance of Power in Europe after the War en 08/10, 8-10 Lecture
1939? z6 Balance of Power outside Europe en 08/10, 11-13 Lecture
1939 z7 France To-day en 08/05 Lecture
1939 z8 The Locarno Powers London Talks en 08/05 Lecture
1939 z9 The Christian and the World Economic Crisis en 08/07 Lecture
1939 z10 Uj Külpolitikai ABC en 08/07 Lecture
1939 z11 The Rise and Decline of Market Economy en 08/07, 16-24 Draft Lecture
1939 z12 Politics and Psychology en 08/07, 25-29 Lecture
1939 z13 Munich and Moscow en 09/06 + 08/08 Lecture
1939 z14 Introductory Notes to Karl Marx's ‘Political Economy and Philosophy’ en 08/09 Lecture
1939 z15 National, Economic and Social Crisis in Our Time en 08/09 Lecture
1939 z16 European Minority Issues, Solved and Unsolved en 19/09 Lecture
1939 z17 Trade Unions in Central Europe - After the Catastrophe en 08/09 Lecture
1939 z18 The Balance Sheet of Treaty Revision en 19/14 Lecture
1939 z19 On the Brink of a New Era of Religious Wars en 08/09 Lecture
1939 z20 Post-war Balance of Power Outside Europe en Lecture
1939 z21 The Political Prerequisites of a Stable and Just World Order en 08/10 Lecture
1939 z22 History in Our Days en 08/11 Lecture
1939 z23 The Structure of Political Science en 19/21 Lecture
1939 z24 The Break-down of the International System en 08/11 Lecture
1939 z25 The Democratic Alternative: Is America an Exception? en 08/11 Lecture
1939 z26 Wealth en 21/18 Lecture
1940s a Shaw the poet en 19/12 Publ. Article
1940s b Democracy vs. Total crisis en 20/06 Draft
1940s c The Methodological Problems Connected with the Question of Capitalism in Antiquity en 37/02 Draft
1940s d Western Socialism: A Tract on Values and Power en 18/36 Draft
1940s e Can peaceful civilizations be virile en 18/37 Draft
1940s f The Roots of Pacifism en 18/38 Draft X
1940s g The Meaning of Peace en 18/39 Draft X
1940s h Britain’s Foreign Policy en 19/02 Draft
1940s i Britain and Poland en 19/09 Draft
1940s j European Minority Issues, Solved and Unsolved en 19/09 Draft
1940s k What Is the Real Character of the Economic Crisis? en 19/16 Draft
1940s l The Eclipse of Panic and the Outlook for Socialism en 19/17 Draft X
1940s m Individualism and Socialism en 19/19 Draft +
1940s n Politics, Psychology and Ethics en 19/20 Draft
1940o o Psychology and Ideology: actual and assumed motives en 19/20, 7-8 + 41/07, 23-36 Draft
1940p p Maturity and the Common Man en 19/20, 9-13 Draft
1940q q Rational and irrational factors in Politics en 19/20, 14-18 Draft +
1940r r The Structure of Political Science en 19/21 Draft
1940r r Ignoring the obvious en 19/23 Draft
1940s s England Torn between Europe and the Pacific en 19/25 Draft
1940s t Experiences in Vienna and America en 19/26 Draft X
1940s u A moszkvai konferencia után After the Moscow Conference hu 20/01 Draft
1940s v The Theory of Politics en 16/04 Lectures
1940s w America, 1943 en 16/05 Lectures
1940s x Impartiality en 17/06 Lectures
1940s y The new Nationalism in Europe en 17/25 Lecture
1940s z1 Capitalism in Transition en 17/26 Lecture
1940s z2 How can the German People be reintegrated into European Civilization? en 17/28 Lecture
1940s z3 The Nature of International Understanding en 17/29 Lecture X
1940s z4 Culture in a Democratic England of the Future en 17/30 Lecture X
1940s z5 Britain and Russia on the Danube en 17/31 Lecture
1940s z6 The Problem of the Mediterranean en 17/33 Lecture
1940s z7 Education and Social Reality. Austrian Experience en 18/18 Lecture
1940s z8 Education and Foreign Policy What Can Education Do to Improve the Foreign Policy of a Country en 18/19 Lecture
1940s z9 Nationalism and Internationalism en 18/35 Lecture
1940s z10 On political Theory - Notes en 18/40 Lecture X
1940s z11 Interventionism and the Alternative en 19/18 Draft
1940.08 a On Propaganda en 18/22 Lecture?
1941.04.23 a Can Hitlerism solve the World Problem? en 12/07, 1-5 Speech Notes
1941.08.04 b The Essence of Fascism (1941) en 12/07, 6-8 Speech Notes +
1941•1943 c Common Man's Masterplan en 20/04 Draft
1942.05.__ a The Law of Freedom by Gerrard Winstansley. 1652 en 20/17 Publ. pamphlet
1943.03.xx a Why make Russia run amok? en 18/23+18/29 Publ. Article X X
1943-1944 b Government and Industry en 15/08 Lectures
1943-1944 c International Question Marks en 16/07 Lectures
1944 a The Great Transformation (Origins of our Time) en (6 arch.) Book X X X
1944 b Towards a New October Revolution in Hungary en 18/26 Draft
1944 c Collective Security=Conditions of Peace en 15/09 Lectures
1944 d The Study of human Institutions (Economic and Social)" en 15/10 Lectures
1944-1945 e Politics, Economics and Society en 15/11 Lectures
1944-1945 f International Affairs en 15/12-13+16/01 Lectures
1944-1945 g The Danubian Countries en 17/04 Lectures
1944 h In the Hands of the Vanquished en 19/15 Draft
1945 a The Meaning of Parliamentary Democracy en 19/08 Draft X X
1945.01.xx b Universal Capitalism or Regional Planning? en 18/28 Publ. Article + X X
1945.07.21 c Yogi and Commissar en 18/27 Published Letter X
1945.09.21 d What Kind of Adult Education en 18/31 Published Letter X
1945.10.13. e Rise and Decline of the Profit Motive en 17/24 Conference +
1945? f Is Human Nature Unchangeable? en 21/17 Lecture or Conference +
1945-1946 g Europe today and tomorrow en 16/02 Lectures
1945 h The Role of Strain in Institutional Change en 41/07, 1-22 Draft
1945? i Outlines of Policy on Jewish Question Arising During the Emergency Period in Central and Middle Eastern Europe en 08/02, 8 Lecture
1946 a A Crossman ellenzék felvonulása The Emergence of Crossman Opposition hu 19/24 Draft X
1946.xx.xx b Count Michael Károlyi en 18/29 Publ. Article
1946.09.17 c Világkapitalizmus vagy regionális tervgazdaságok[10] Universal Capitalism or Regional Planning? hu 18/30 Publ. Article X
1946.11.xx d Adult Education and the Working Class Outlook en 18/32 Publ. Article
1946 e The changing Structure of Society en 16/03 Lecture
1946 f United Nations Organization en 17/32 Lecture
1946 g Western Socialism. A Tract on Values and Power en 18/36 Lecture
1947.01.__ a On belief on economic determinism en 35/08 Publ. Article X X
1947.01.__ b Whither Civilization? en 35/08 Publ. Article X X
1947.02.__ c Our obsolete Market Mentality en 35/06+42/12 Publ. Article X X
1947.xx.xx d Marxist economic thought en 35/07 Publ. Review X
1947 e General Economic History en 31/05 Lecture X
1947 f Memorandum on Industry en 19/03 Draft
1947 g Crisis of 1920’s en 19/13 ? (+)
1947 h Lesson of the Westminster Revolt en 18/34 Lecture
1947•1953 i The Tool Box of institutional Analysis en 31/01 Administrative texts
1947•1953 j Five Lectures on the Present Age of Transformation en 31/10 Lectures X
1949 a Economic History and the Problem of Freedom en 35/10 Draft X
1950s a Economics and Freedom to Shape Our Social Destiny en 37/04 Draft X
1950s b Plans for work in Russia en 42/17 Draft
1950 a The Contribution of Institutional Analysis to the Social Sciences en 31/18 Draft Article X
1950 b Primitive feudalism and the feudalism decay en Draft Article? X X
1950-1953[11] The Livelihood of Man en 36/01-2 Draft Book X
1951 a Meeting Your Junior Self en 36/03 Speech
1951 b Child Psychology en 36/03 Speech
1951 c Public Opinion and Statemanship en 36/04 Speech X
1951.07•08 d Consequence of the Industrial Revolution en 30/19, 2 Lecture
1952.07•08 a Karl Marx (1859) en 30/19, 3-4 Lecture
1953 a Jean-Jacques Rousseau, or Is a free Society possible? en 18/24 Speech X X
1953 b Die zwei Bedeutungen von ‘wirtschaftlich’ The two Meanings of 'Economic' (German Version, 1953) de 36/06 Draft Article
1953•1958 c Semantics of General Economic History en 31/16+31/17 Draft Book
1953•1958 d Equivalencies in the Early Empires and the Slow Development of Money Institutions en 31/12 Notes
1953 e Food Distribution and Equivalencies en 33/04 Draft Article
1954 Hamlet en (4 arch.) Publ. Article + (+)
1954 b Greece en 39/01=>41/06 Draft Book
1955 a Hittite Policies in Regard to Coastal Areas en 33/01, 180-216 Draft Article
1955-1956[12] b Dahomey and the Slave Trade en 42/01-04 Draft Book
1956 a Leplezett küluralom és szocialista közgazdaság Concealed Foreign Rule and Socialist Economics hu 36/11+37/21 Draft Article X
1956 b Notes on the Place Occupied by Economies in Societies en 33/03 Draft Article X
1957 a Trade and Market in the Early Empires. Economies in History and Theory (w/ ARENSBERG M. Conrad & PEARSON Harry, éds.) en 38/08-10 Book X X
1957 b Marketless Trading in Hammurabi’s Time [T&M II] en Publ. Article X
1957 c Aristotle Discovers the Economy [T&M V] en Publ. Article X
1957 d The Place of Economies in Societies [T&M XII] en Publ. Article X
1957 e The Economy as Instituted Process [T&M XIII] en Publ. Article X
1957 f The Semantics of Money-Uses en Publ. Article X
1957.04.24 g The Machine and the Discovery of the Society en Publ. Article X
1957.04.24 h Freedom in a complex society en 37/03 Draft X
1957 i Freedom and Technology en 36/09 Speech X
1957 j A Hungarian Lesson en 37/01 Draft +
1957.{08-12}.xx k Psychology and Ideology in Institutional Change - Actual and Postulated Motives en 41/07, 23-36 + 19/20, 7-8 Draft
1947 l Supplementary Statements en 31/15, 102-3 Administrative Text
1958[13] a Carl Menger’s two meanings of ‘economic’ en 42/09 Draft Article
1958 b For a New West en 37/12 Draft Article X
1958 c Egy ‘antimarxista’ naplójából From the Diary of an Antimarxist hu 37/10 Draft
1958 d Not by Organization Alone (with ROTSTEIN Abraham) en 37/07 Draft Book
1958 e A Galilei Kör ötven év távlatából The Galilei Circle fifty Years on hu 37/08 Draft
1959.01.15 a Gailbraith's Farewell to Poverty en 37/11, 1-6 Draft
1959.02.15 b Aristotle and Gailbraith on Affluence en 37/11, 7-33 Draft
1959.03.13 c Aristotle on an affluent society en 37/11, 34-43 Draft X
1959 d Ötven év Fifty Years hu 37/09 Draft
1959.08.13 e An Institutional Approach to Early Non-Market Economies en 37/15 Draft X
1959 f Research into the substantive economy en 37/13 Draft +
1959 g Early Economies en 37/15, 1-26 Draft
Late 1950s h New Frontiers in economic Thinking en 20/07 Draft X
1960s a The good Life in an industrial Society en 42/13 Draft
1960s b Market Elements and Economic Planning in Antiquity en 42/14 Draft X
1960s c Local Food Markets and Market Trade in the Old World en 42/15 Draft
1960 a On the Comparative Treatment of Economic Institutions in Antiquity with Illustrations from Athens, Mycenae, and Alakah en 37/07 Publ. Article X
1960 b Széljegyzetek a szocialista világfordulóhoz Announcements for the Socialist World Revolution hu 37/19 Draft
1960 c The Early Development of Trade, Money and Market Institutions en 37/16 Article
1960 d Statements on Political Philosophy en 37/18 Article
1960 e A Galilei Kör hagyatéka The Legacy of the Galilei Circle hu 37/20 Publ. Article
1961.05.xx a The Hungarian Populists en 38/14 Draft
1961.09.23 b Notes on the Draft Program of the CPSU en 38/01 Draft
1962.03.xx a R. F. G. Sweet Review article en 38/03 X
1962 b Il pensiero sovietica in transizione Soviet Though in Transition it 38/02 Publ. Article
1963.01-02.__ a Functions of Money in the Western Slave Trade en 41/08 Draft
1963.03.xx b Ports of Trade in Early Societies en 38/06+42/10 Draft X
1963.05.13 c Bücher, Karl (1847-1931) en 38/05 Publ. Article
1963 d Reflection on the article titled Text of Pope John’s Encyclical ‘Pacem in Terris’, Calling for a World Community en 38/07 Publ. Article
1963.10.09 e Gazdágszociológia az egyesült államokban Economic Sociology in USA hu 30/05 Speech
1963.12.xx f Hazánk Kötelessege Our Homeland's Duty hu 36/06 Publ. Article
1963.xx.xx g Hungarian lecture on Rostow Economic Sociology in USA hu[14] 30/05 Lecture
1964 a Sortings and ‘Ounce Trade’ in the West African Slave Trade en 41/09 Publ. Article

Untraceable texts

NB. Untraceable texts are not the lost texts, like „Weltanschauungskrise. Zur „Maschinerie der Gemeinsamkeit” von Prof. Foerster” [1919]

Name Years Quoted in Commentary
Gegen die wissenschaftliche Politik” / “Behemoth” / „Die Lehre vom Lebensweg" / Die Wissenschaft von der Zukunft / Wissenschaft und Sittlichkeit 1919-1922 (1920s) On all the Draft Manuscripts from the 1919-1922, see: Fragments of Draft Manuscripts in German (1919-1922)
? 1932 Schafer 1964: "He did actually write a paper. He gave me a copy, but said he was not yet ready to send it out. Another reason why he hesitated to submit the paper for publication may have been the hostile reception accorded his lecture to the Economic Association in December 1932.” (eng. tr. KPL, in 2000) New version of „Sozialistische Rechnungslegung“ (1922) + reflexion about Böhm-Bawerkean Tauschwirtschaft and von Wieserian Kaufkraftswirtschaft.

Collections of Polanyi's texts in German and English

Year Editor(s) Name Edition
1968 DALTON George Primitive Archaic and Modern Economies. Essays of Karl Polanyi USA, New York, Anchor Books, Doubleday & Company Inc., xxx p.
2002 CANGIANI Michele and THOMASBERGER Claus Chronik der groβen Transformation. Artikel und Aufsätze (1920-1945). Band 1: Wirtschaftliche Transformation, Gegenbewegungen und der Kampf um die Demokratie Marburg, Metropolis-Verlag, 2002
2003 CANGIANI Michele and THOMASBERGER Claus Chronik der groβen Transformation. Artikel und Aufsätze (1920-1945). Band 2: Die Internationale Politik zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen Marburg, Metropolis-Verlag, 2003
2005 CANGIANI Michele and THOMASBERGER Claus Chronik der groβen Transformation. Artikel und Aufsätze (1920-1947). Band 3: Menschliche Freiheit, politische Demokratie und die Auseinandersetzung zwischen Sozialismus und Faschismus Marburg, Metropolis-Verlag, 2005
2014 RESTA Giorgio and CATANZARITI Mariavittoria For a New West Polity Press, Kindle Edition, 5777 locations
2016 DALE Gareth Karl Polanyi: The Hungarian Writings Manchester University Press, 239 p.
2018 BRIE Michael and THOMASBEGER Claus Karl Polanyi's Vision of a Socialist Transformation Toronto, Black Rose Books, 324 p.
2018b CANGIANI Michele and THOMASBEGER Claus Karl Polanyi. Economy and Society Cambridge, Polity Press, 326 p.

See also


  1. Difference between xx and __: xx = to be found and __: don't apply
  2. X: Text published in the XXIth Century and easily available, new, in libraries; O: translation available in the archives; +: text entirely published in this Wiki; (+): text partially published in this Wiki
  3. Quoted with some errors, by Abraham Rotstein in KPA 45/05, 6.
  4. This article was published two times. First in 1909, in Huszadik Század [01/06, 6-8], and a second time in Szabadgondolat, 8.3, 1918 [01/06, 1-5].
  5. A Moral learned?
  6. Gareth Dale and Adam Fabry are followed here [Polanyi 2016, 99] and no the Archive on line that put this text in 1928
  7. Trad. K. Polanyi-Levitt, 02/14, 13-17
  8. Two times on the same archive.
  9. Über die Freiheit in POLANYI 2005
  10. Must be a Hungarian Translation of 1945b.
  11. Posthumous publication by George Dalton in 1977.
  12. Posthumous publication in 1966 by Abraham Rotstein.
  13. Posthumous publication by George Dalton in 1971.
  14. In the KPA: translated in English by Ilona Duczynska.