From Ilona Duczyńska to Felix Schafer (11 August 1974)

From Karl Polanyi
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[96] Geliebte Freunde, Wawi und Adele!

I am so … […]

Now, einige praktische Hinweise. Du hast natürliche recht, die "Notes on sources" zu übersetzen, … […]

Then I came up with some things that are more in keeping with your own writing. Don't forget: without Hegel - no Marx; and Karl Polanyi is definitely based on Aristotle.

Then: I feel a little creepy at such a thorough treatment of Popper and, if I remember correctly, Zeisel. Well, Popper was a dear young friend in Vorgartenstrasse, back then when he (together with me) took the elementary school teacher's exam, and afterwards, when he worked in a working-class district in a crèche, I think for hard-to-raise canes. He enrolled at the university after the elementary school teacher's examination and then, already after his doctorate as an elementary school teacher, he worked for difficult to educate canes. He just was the salt of the Earth. Karl considered his scientific work, which was born in Vienna and then matured in New Zealand, to be an ingenious work.

Later, in England, we were also personally friends, but mentally estranged. Karli Popper became the prophet of liberalism. Of course you felt very well that Karl had no passion for "piecemeal engineering". But his rejection was of [97] a completely different order. He had nothing to do with the "Open Society" at all. And least of all, any "recognition" that Sir Karl might have given him would have meant these are of course more or less subjective points of view, but for him they had a deep-seated ideological basis. As far as Zeisel is concerned, he never appeared to be mentally potent.

Ich habe deine Adresse dem Verleger … […] Herrn Adelbert Reif,
Paul List Verlag, Sonderlektorat
8 München 2

Am besten ist Du wartest bis Du von ihm … […]


Original Publication: Von Ilona Duczyńska zu Felix Schafer (11. August 1974)
KPA: 58/11, 96-97
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