
From Karl Polanyi
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Title Notes - "Western Socialism: A Tract on Values and Power", n. d.
Author Polanyi, Karl
Description File contains several hand-written and annotated typed drafts on western socialism by Karl Polanyi. Also included are notes on F. Borkenau and E. Carr, among others. The notes are in English and German.
URI http://hdl.handle.net/10694/685
Archive Date 2010-09-02


Text in English to type

[2] He consorted with harlots and sinners. He did not consort with the reptiles of his day. He smote them with the sword of His wroth.

Matth. 23. 13.

The Uncertain West: A tract on values and power


[10] Mannheim: Ideologie und Utopie[1]

[14] Evolution is repudiated

G's Creed. Critical catalogue

[16] Thinks danger from atom-bomb exaggerated. …Thinks it possible, and even probable, that there will never be another 'great' war. The more pressing danger is… that the typical values of Western civilization may so nearly vanish …as no longer to contribute to what Mr. Ch. called 'the forward march' of mankind.

Respect for personality utter and without reservation only shown by Christ.

[17] Christ consorted with harlots and sinners neither in condescension, nor without recognition of their sins: he thought of them quite naturally. …as fellow human beings and therefore to him as a man essentially and beyond their sins his equals.

Why respect personality?

Western rel. thought it is demanded by 3 interrel. relig. doctrines. 1. God created all men in is image. 2. God is the Father of all men. 3. All men are therefore brothers.

In the injunction to love our enemies respect for personality finds its ultimate expression. Love your enemies that you may be children of your father which is in heaven: for he maketh the sun rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and unjust.[2]

F. Borkenau: The Communist International


p. 172-4 : "The real…

E. H. Carr: The Soviet Impact on the Western World


I. Political impact

E. H. Carr: Karl Marx


[39] (Gt. transformat.) S. 213, 214.

Bild der individuellen und sozialen Anarchie... S. 215

Lösung der Spannung zwischen Natur und Zivilisation…
der natürliche Raum auf den sich "errschaft und Gesalt des Arbeite s beziehr, besitzt planetarische Dimension.

Can peaceful Civilizations be virile?

[39] In should like to discuss with you today one of the most delicate and yet most important of subjects, that of War.

I will try to do so…

Editor's Notes

  1. 1929.
  2. French translation: « Pourquoi respecter la personnalité ? La rel[igion] occidentale est liée [“demanded”] à trois doctrines rel[igieuses] entrelacées. 1. Dieu créa les Hommes à son image. 2. Dieu est le Père de tous les Hommes. 3. Donc, tous les Hommes sont frères. Dans l’injonction d’aimer nos ennemis le respect pour la personnalité trouve sa meilleure [“ultimate”] expression. Aime tes ennemis qui sont peut-être les enfants de ton père qui est aux Cieux : puisqu’il a fait que le soleil se lève sur le bon comme sur le méchant, et il a envoyé la pluie sur le juste comme sur l’injuste. »
  3. 1938.
  4. 1946.
  5. 1934.